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Do YOU believe in "God?"

Do YOU believe in "God?"  

225 members have voted

  1. 1. Do YOU believe in "God?"

    • Yes, I do blieve in God/higher power
    • No, I do not believe in God/higher power
    • Really undecided

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If people want to comment (Non-believers) how have you coped/would you cope with the death of a loved one?



I'm dyslexic...I believe in dogs. :D


As for coping with the death of a loved one...death is a natural, inescapable process that catches up with us all. I deal with it by recognizing the inevitability of it, and making sure I end every day as complete with everyone important in my life that I possibly can. On that unavoidable day in the future - hopefully the far future - when my wife dies, I'll miss her greatly (presuming my own death hasn't preceded hers)...but I won't have left anything unsaid between us.

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If there was a God, Paris Hilton wouldn't be on TV.


If there was a God, there would be a statue of Scott Norwood on newly named Clutch Street in Tonawanda.


If there was a God, eating fatty meat at every meal would be a nutritional requirement.


If there was a God, "Vengeance Unlimited" would have never been cancelled.


If there was a God, football would be on all year long and baseball would last for three months.


If there was a God, Paul McGuire would be general manager of a hardware store somewhere near Chapel Hill, Terrell Owens would be grateful for what he has in life, and women would find farts amusing.





if there were no God...there would be no Natalia! :D

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I always say a prayer before I jump out of a plane.  :D



I was always puzzled by people that would jump out of a perfectly good airplane.



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"I believe in the the small of woman's back, the hanging curveball, high fiber, good scotch....I believe that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-induldgent, overrated crap. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening presents on Christmas morning instead of Christmas Eve. And I believe in long, slow, deep, wet kisses that last three days." :D




On the serious side....

I believe in God. I also believe that the Bible is the inspired infallible word of God.

I believe that Jesus was born of a virgin. I believe that Jesus is God manifest in the flesh. I believe that Jesus was crucified, died a physical death, was buried and rose from the dead after three days in the grave.

I believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross is the only thing that can save man from his sins. I believe in a literal heaven for those that believe and a literal hell for those that reject the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. :P

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I believe that God created us all different for a reason only known to him.


I believe he expects us to be loving, tolerant and mindful of all people and their differences.


I believe that God wants us to leave the responsibility of "judging" up to him, not to religious groups.


I believe in punctuation.


I believe the Bills will one day win a Super Bowl.

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I'm an agnostic who leans toward being a 'believer' (though I'm not too keen on the organized religion thing either). But I'm a firm believer that athiests are some of the stupidest people out there (damn there I go judging again). It takes much more "faith" to definitely believe there isn't a God, then it does to believe in one (or many). An athiest says you can't prove there is a God, but neither can they prove there isn't one.


As for "believing", there are certainly some interesting studies out there on the power of prayer and the better health of "religious" people...


Religious individuals are healthier study says

Posted: 11.16.2004

Tara Zechini

Religious people live longer and healthier lives than their non-religious counterparts, according to several studies released by Duke University Medical Center recently.


While the studies concentrated on older adults, researcher Harold G. Koenig, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and associate professor of medicine at Duke University, stated that the results pertain to college students as well.


"The findings apply to people who are under stress. Age doesn't matter as much as stress level does," Koenig said.


Koenig's research has found that religious people spend less time in the hospital, are healthier, recover faster and avoid depression or recover from it quickly.


"Depression is oftentimes evidence that the person is unable to cope with a life stress or loss. Religion helps people to make sense of traumatic events, death of a loved one or even a failure in school," Koenig said. "Religion gives them hopeÉthey can pray to God to give them strength to get through the situation."


Lisa Waller, a junior in biological sciences, believes that being a person of faith makes people more optimistic about life.


"When you're living for God, you're living life with purpose and you don't really worry about when you're going to die. You know it's going to be wonderful -- heaven is going to be great,"Waller said.


Research also shows that people of faith are less likely to use addictive substances.


Religious People are generally healthier, Duke says...

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I do not believe in organized religion. I see religion as one of humanities biggest obstacles.


IMO Evangelicans are evil, Christanity is violent, Muslims are unstable, Buddism makes the most sense to me, until they place woman under men, and Judaism is pretty much christanity without the Jesus.


All these different religions and different ways to approach belief tells me that all organized religion is too screwed up to follow. I avoid them.


I'm not sure if I am an atheist since I do not agree on there being a single or multiple deities to which I must shape my life to appease, however its hard to not contiplate (sp?) spirit and afterlife... especially when you are at low moments in your life.



It's gonna be hard to correct all of the misconceptions.


Evangelis are NOT evil, some are hypocrites and don't represent Christ well.

Christianity is NOT violent, the BASIS of Christianity is love your enemies and turn the other cheek.

Muslims ARE unstable, they don't believe thier God cares about them on a personal level. Judaism is more like Catholism... don't confuse ALL Christianity with Catholism.


Organized religion is a problem, but don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.


*There is ONE God (whether you accept it or not is fact).

*You can NOT shape your life to appease God, he must shape it for you.

*Heaven is real and for those who have accpeted Christ (another fact whether you believe it or not)

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Long story short I am agnostic. As far as how I deal with death if you have ever read Albert Camus his works have helped me deal with death. People die, you do not have to do any thing to deserve to die and knowing this does not make it any better. The idea that there is nothing after death probably bothers most people. The only way I get around this is by revolting and not letting it bother me. If you want some more insight like this I suggest you read The Outsider or The Stranger by Albert Camus or Caligulla by Albert Camus.

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See, here is where you have stumbled out of the blocks.  When embarking on a research project, the reviewer needs to go into it with an open mind, not with an already working theory.  You are setting out to prove your own "beliefs" or "theories."  How objective can this "research project" be? 


Think about this...


1)  Religious people believe that GOD is an all powerful creator.  Regardless of the religion, there is a pervasive belief that a "higher power" created life and guides it's development. 

2) Scientologist may not believe in a higher being, but there is a pervasive belief in evolutionary change.  Evolutionary change is defined as either developmental change in response to environment or simply a change in the state of energy or matter. 


Are they really so different?  One believes in a "higher power". heaven and a Holy Spirit.  The other believes that life does not end, but that energy simply changes form.  Could there be a soul, life force, energy source that simply leaves this form and moves on to another? 


Belief's vary as much as the opinions expressed on this board.  Wars are fought for those beliefs.... What if we are ALL right!


Wow, that's deep for so early in the morning...  :blink:




I agree with your statements, however, the study consists of take-home surveys, that the participants have zero idea of what the study is aiming to prove. All research starts out with a "theory" they are aiming to prove. Many end up being proven, as well as being disproven.

Also to clarify, I am a believer in the afterlife, however I do not associate with any organized religion myself. I belief all of the figureheads were probably great people, but no more special than their neighbors and friends. just my opinion...

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I'm an agnostic who leans toward being a 'believer' (though I'm not too keen on the organized religion thing either). But I'm a firm believer that athiests are some of the stupidest people out there (damn there I go judging again). It takes much more "faith" to definitely believe there isn't a God, then it does to believe in one (or many). An athiest says you can't prove there is a God, but neither can they prove there isn't one.


As for "believing", there are certainly some interesting studies out there on the power of prayer and the better health of "religious" people...

Religious People are generally healthier, Duke says...



Thanks for the link... All of my research so far, and reading other literature supports this idea as well.

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Evangelis are NOT evil, some are hypocrites and don't represent Christ well.


Ironically most Christions could not tell you what Jesus actually taught. They would probably cross the street if they saw Jesus walking toward them.



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I believe that God created us all different for a reason only known to him.


I believe he expects us to be loving, tolerant and mindful of all people and their differences.


I believe that God wants us to leave the responsibility of "judging" up to him, not to religious groups.


I believe in punctuation.


I believe the Bills will one day win a Super Bowl.


You are a faithful person. :blink:


The punctuation thing made me spit coffee! :(


I guess my religion is a combination of the Golden Rule and "Judge not..."; everything in between is too personal for words. If I need words, I really like Matthew 5:15, The Four Agreements, Kahlil Gibran, and the Three Laws of Robotics. :lol:

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