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14 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

Oh brother! Yes, high speed rail will solve it for sure. Let’s go with that! Somebody call Kamala and appoint her as the task force manager.

Maybe you’ll change your mind once you see how much tax you owe for driving that SUV around each year.

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13 minutes ago, Governor said:

Maybe you’ll change your mind once you see how much tax you owe for driving that SUV around each year.

I see. So you believe government should lower my government imposed car tax payment by forcing me to pay the government to ride on their government owned train?  Nice! Sure…great strategy. 

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36 minutes ago, Governor said:

Everyone laughs when I say this country needs high-speed rail but I truly believe it would repair the political division in this country. People would no longer be forced to live in cities.


John Edwards was right about there being “2 Americas” and it got a whole lot worse since then.

I’m actually against high speed rail now. I like the idea but it’s quickly becoming obsolete, IMO. Air ships and electric air taxis are going to be the future. I just started investing in a company called Joby that is going to build the air taxis 



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7 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

I’m actually against high speed rail now. I like the idea but it’s quickly becoming obsolete, IMO. Air ships and electric air taxis are going to be the future. I just started investing in a company called Joby that is going to build the air taxis 



OK ….ugh…let me call Kamala and tell her high speed rail is out! We’re shifting to air taxis. I’m sure she didn’t get that much done in the first few minutes I had her on the rail project. We’re still good! 


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15 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

I’m actually against high speed rail now. I like the idea but it’s quickly becoming obsolete, IMO. Air ships and electric air taxis are going to be the future. I just started investing in a company called Joby that is going to build the air taxis 



I’ve been seeing lots of similar companies popping up. The hover vehicles are still using pretty old tech. 


We definitely need a tech breakthrough but it could happen some day. 

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23 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

OK ….ugh…let me call Kamala and tell her high speed rail is out! We’re shifting to air taxis. I’m sure she didn’t get that much done in the first few minutes I had her on the rail project. We’re still good! 


My dad told me when I was young that I’d never see flying cars like the Jetsons in my lifetime. He’s still right about that. They can’t figure it out.

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2 minutes ago, Governor said:

My dad told me when I was young that I’d never see flying cars like the Jetsons in my lifetime. He’s still right about that. They can’t figure it out.

That’s hilarious…we all say the exact same thing! 👍 Wheres my darn flying car already! 

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Just now, SoCal Deek said:

That’s hilarious…we all say the exact same thing! 👍 Wheres my darn flying car already! 

They can’t figure out how to make them stop and go in reverse in a safe way to where they can be used by the masses.


We might not see it either. They’re still looking at it the wrong way.

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1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

Why would you associate diversity with crime? 

Because there are some people who feel that, in order to be sympathetic to other people’s diversity, they shouldn’t be held to the same standard of law and order...


But don’t get me wrong...there are many forms of diversity that are great...But “diversity” just for diversity sake can be quite detrimental in certain circumstances...

Edited by JaCrispy
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i love everything about this thread. its a perfect encapsulation of modern liberals and how they think.


first the celebration of diversity. this is because they look only at skin color. "whites" are a single entity. there is no diversity or difference between polish, italian, irish, ect ect. zero cultural or historical differences. hate to break it to you all but diversity exists outside of skin color. america has always been diverse 🤯


second we have this gem.

what does this mean? 


13 hours ago, Tiberius said:

Rural areas just tanking in population. Cities growing nicely 


is this some kind of victory? you realize most our food and energy come from rural areas. i know living in cubicles stacked on top of one another is a preferred way of life for some but we need rural america. 


here's a good visual representation of a urban liberal. casually getting all his needs met and having no clue,or care, of how it happens.


i like the halo around his head. to me that represents the virtue signal he loves to bask in all day. thats just my artistic interpretation 😉




Edited by Buffarukus
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1 hour ago, Governor said:

They can’t figure out how to make them stop and go in reverse in a safe way to where they can be used by the masses.


We might not see it either. They’re still looking at it the wrong way.

Ya see? There’s something you can put your creative talents to. Go for it. You’re obviously interested it. Follow your passion. 

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3 hours ago, JaCrispy said:

Because there are some people who feel that, in order to be sympathetic to other people’s diversity, they shouldn’t be held to the same standard of law and order...


But don’t get me wrong...there are many forms of diversity that are great...But “diversity” just for diversity sake can be quite detrimental in certain circumstances...

I was just pointing out it is happening. Like it always has been happening. Not sure what you mean that standards of law and order are different 

1 hour ago, Unforgiven said:


Tucker Carlson Insists There Are ‘Non-White People Cheering the Extinction of White People’

Oh, the guy who hangs out with right wing dictators? 

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5 hours ago, Artful Dodger said:


Much better ethnic restaurants.

Ok. There’s one.

But then again I’m American of Italian descent who specialized in French Bistro cuisine. 

8 hours ago, Chef Jim said:


Explain how diversity makes us stronger.  I'm not saying diversity is bad I just would love to hear how it makes us stronger.  

@Tiberius  Still waiting on my answer. 

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Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"



Emma Lazarus
November 2, 1883

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17 minutes ago, dickleyjones said:

i suppose that depends on how you feel about the science of genetics. 


as an example, the more genetic diversity, the less susceptible a population is to a disease killing everyone.

I believe greatly in the science of genetics. I was hoping to get Tib’s take on it. 

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