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Biden's follies

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On 11/15/2022 at 7:50 AM, B-Man said:

But in a far more concerning moment, multiple news outlets are reporting that Biden unexpectedly bowed out of the G20 leaders’ dinner Monday night without explanation, calling an “early lid” – something his handlers are notorious for doing here in the U.S. in an effort to keep him from going off script and saying something they’ll have to clean up later.


Yeah, well at least he didn't pass out and have to be hauled out on a stretcher like President George HW Bush did.

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When gas prices were rapidly rising, everybody remembers the blame game that the Biden White House was playing. High gas prices were because of “Putin’s price hike” combined with the greed from Big Oil and their price gouging (oddly enough that greed didn’t seem to exist until Biden took office and brought his policies with him).


When gas prices were skyrocketing (they’re still incredibly high compared to previous years and administrations) the Dem and media mantra was “presidents don’t control the price of gas!”


However, whenever there’s a drop of a few cents suddenly the Biden White House rushes out to credit the president and his policies. The difference is that now the media’s apparently not fast enough to play along and clearly Biden’s chief of staff Ron Klain is a bit irritated:




Hey look !


Biden is "responsible" for gas prices again 



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Maya Angelou is credited with the following quote: “When people show you who they are, believe them.”

Those are wise words – and they hold true when it comes to elected leaders just as much as interpersonal relationships – maybe even more so.


Setting aside the fact that Joe Biden isn’t the most articulate or artful of speakers, we can hear his – and his administration’s — priorities loud and clear:


  • Climate change advocacy trumps energy independence.
  • Lax immigration policies trump a secure border.
  • Spending billions on green energy trumps tackling inflation.
  • Exiting a 20-year war on an arbitrary deadline trumps ensuring Americans and their allies are safely evacuated first.
  • Clamping down on (so-called) misinformation trumps championing free speech.
  • Codifying gay marriage and zero-restriction abortion at the federal level trumps religious freedom and protecting innocent life.
  • Visiting a chip manufacturer trumps visiting the border.
  • Securing the release of an America-loathing athlete trumps freeing a marine.

I must admit, I’m hard-pressed to come up with any action taken or pursued by this administration that shows me they care about this country and want it to remain a powerful force for good in the world. I’d like to believe they do…but that’s not who they’ve shown me they are.






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TWO BUTTIGIEGS IN ONE! Sec. Pete Buttigieg: We need to act to reverse the worst effects of climate change.



And this is how we’ll do it: Pete Buttigieg often flies on taxpayer-funded private jets, flight data show.


Biden Cabinet member has taken at least 18 flights on taxpayer-funded private jets, despite calls to curb carbon emissions.










I’ll believe global warming is a crisis, when the people who tell me it’s a crisis start to act like it’s a crisis themselves



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4 minutes ago, B-Man said:



TWO BUTTIGIEGS IN ONE! Sec. Pete Buttigieg: We need to act to reverse the worst effects of climate change.



And this is how we’ll do it: Pete Buttigieg often flies on taxpayer-funded private jets, flight data show.


Biden Cabinet member has taken at least 18 flights on taxpayer-funded private jets, despite calls to curb carbon emissions.










I’ll believe global warming is a crisis, when the people who tell me it’s a crisis start to act like it’s a crisis themselves




I saw this this morning and wondered how unusual is it for a Cabinet member to fly private or more to the point how often do they fly commercial?  

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Here’s President Biden basically saying the US is going to be an ATM for Africa



The United States has already given tens of billions of dollars to Ukraine in the form of cash, weapons and equipment, but fortunately President Biden realizes there are other problems that need to be addressed. No, not necessarily in the U.S.


On Wednesday Biden made it clear that the U.S. will also have an open checkbook to help solve Africa’s problems.



It’s fairly clear that Biden often has no idea what he’s saying other than angrily repeating whatever’s been written for him.






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9 minutes ago, B-Man said:




Here’s President Biden basically saying the US is going to be an ATM for Africa



The United States has already given tens of billions of dollars to Ukraine in the form of cash, weapons and equipment, but fortunately President Biden realizes there are other problems that need to be addressed. No, not necessarily in the U.S.


On Wednesday Biden made it clear that the U.S. will also have an open checkbook to help solve Africa’s problems.



It’s fairly clear that Biden often has no idea what he’s saying other than angrily repeating whatever’s been written for him.






And this will do what exactly for the American people?  When I invest my money I want to have some idea what my ROI is going to be. 😡

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Biden administration boating proposal would be 'greatest regulatory overreach' of its kind, critics warn


"This would be the greatest regulatory overreach in American maritime law" — that’s how Frank Hugelmeyer describes a proposal by the Biden administration to limit the speed of all motorboats over 35 feet from Florida to Massachusetts. "Not only are they creating a serious safety issue, they are creating a massive negative economic impact."








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3 minutes ago, B-Man said:


Biden administration boating proposal would be 'greatest regulatory overreach' of its kind, critics warn


"This would be the greatest regulatory overreach in American maritime law" — that’s how Frank Hugelmeyer describes a proposal by the Biden administration to limit the speed of all motorboats over 35 feet from Florida to Massachusetts. "Not only are they creating a serious safety issue, they are creating a massive negative economic impact."








Max 10 knots??  WTF?!?!


They care more about the big fish (mammals) [whatever] than they do about people. (see Dianne Feinstein and the Delta Smelt) 

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Did we just get scammed by a Nigerian Prince?  Can someone explain why when we have so many issues in this country are we sending $350m to Africa??




EDIT:  yeah I thought he said $350 BILLION. Here is the transcript from the WH.  This is ***** sad. 


Edited by Chef Jim
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