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We Are A Center Left Country


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13 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

You guys are your lies. Where would the GOP be without a mountain of lies that they drill into your heads? 

Just look at that POS! 


Trump lies about his crowd sizes, never policy. 

On the campaign trail I’ve heard Biden say ‘we’re going to take away AR-15s’ and then deny a short time later. Liberals won’t state their policy and when they do they’ll change their policy based on the venue. Trump is steady Eddy on his policy. So get the hell outa here with that nonsense my friend. 

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4 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

SoTier the divide in this country is clear. We have one group of people who want their government to leave them alone so they can pursue life, liberty and happiness. And we have another group that isn’t happy and is willing to secede their liberty to that same government in hopes of ‘flattening the curve’. The one thing that just about everyone secretly agrees on is that our representatives are no longer fighting FOR the people. Their fighting WITH each other. That’s pretty much it in a nutshell. 


Believe what you want.  



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2 minutes ago, Wacka said:

Pretty easy for Biden to get an accurate crowd count. Just needs two hands and maybe feet.

Ya, not like the Cult leader who can hold super spreader events and getting hundreds to breath all over themselves 

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1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

Rubber glue



You may not know this but do the world a favor and don't try to glue your rubbers back together. We have the gene pool to consider. 

33 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

Ya, not like the Cult leader who can hold super spreader events and getting hundreds to breath all over themselves 

What, you're afraid of people giving themselves the virus?

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4 hours ago, Tiberius said:

Nope, just out vote them on an even playing field. Why do you hate fairness? Oh ya, because you can't win if its fair. 🤣


Says the guy who supported the coup attempt by the left. 

2 hours ago, Tiberius said:

Ya, not like the Cult leader who can hold super spreader events and getting hundreds to breath all over themselves 

Is that what they're calling the riots and looting now? Super spreaders?

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