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Trump (the "Art of the Deal" guy) & Kim Jong Un cancel denuclearization talks early

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11 minutes ago, GG said:


What a completely ridiculous op-ed - Yeah, prostitution always existed, will continue to exist, but because it works so well in the black market there's no reason to look for a good way to legalize it.  

He clearly doesn't like the idea for moral reasons, but I thought it was a decent article because he raised questions about legal hurdles that I would have never had considered.

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3 minutes ago, LBSeeBallLBGetBall said:

He clearly doesn't like the idea for moral reasons, but I thought it was a decent article because he raised questions about legal hurdles that I would have never had considered.


On those points he's correct.  But that doesn't mean the industry shouldn't be legalized.  Keeping it in the shadows is far far worse.

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49 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:


I wish my father-in-law would be as convinced as you.


All of my in-laws are hardcore Republicans/Trump fans.  My father-in-law (step-father-in-law really, but wife is closest to him) was uber convinced Obama wouldn't win a 2nd term; so convinced he bet me a bottle of Johnny Blue.


That bottle is still sitting on my mantle at home.


I've been trying to get him to make the same bet about Trump winning a 2nd term, though I'd want a good bottle of single-malt this time rather than Johnny blue.

Bet him the Johnny Blue and you can just give him the one you won from him back.

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59 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:


I wish my father-in-law would be as convinced as you.


All of my in-laws are hardcore Republicans/Trump fans.  My father-in-law (step-father-in-law really, but wife is closest to him) was uber convinced Obama wouldn't win a 2nd term; so convinced he bet me a bottle of Johnny Blue.


That bottle is still sitting on my mantle at home.


I've been trying to get him to make the same bet about Trump winning a 2nd term, though I'd want a good bottle of single-malt this time rather than Johnny blue.


There is a lot working in Trump's favor for reelection. Primarily the fact he's an incumbent and Americans love voting for those. But another big reason is the field against him. No one has a chance that's declared so far. Beto doesn't (when he declares today or tomorrow). Biden is seen as a savior but he's got as many, if not more, skeletons in his closet than Clinton did. Trump will flay him over and over - and the progressive left will eat their hats before they support another old white man for POTUS. 


That leaves out the biggest cards Trump has yet to play - which includes a declassification of the FISA abuse and prosecutions that will come from that moment, which will see a lot of big names on the left (AND right) wearing bracelets rather than making stump speeches for their candidate. 


It's a long way out from 2020 still, but baring someone unexpected getting into the mix for the DNC, they don't have much of a chance. You just won't hear that in the media or from Hollywood because they're controlled assets.

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47 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

Bet him the Johnny Blue and you can just give him the one you won from him back.


Oh that bottle on my mantle is empty.


You think I didn't drink it?


What am I, nuts?

36 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


There is a lot working in Trump's favor for reelection. Primarily the fact he's an incumbent and Americans love voting for those. But another big reason is the field against him. No one has a chance that's declared so far. Beto doesn't (when he declares today or tomorrow). Biden is seen as a savior but he's got as many, if not more, skeletons in his closet than Clinton did. Trump will flay him over and over - and the progressive left will eat their hats before they support another old white man for POTUS. 


That leaves out the biggest cards Trump has yet to play - which includes a declassification of the FISA abuse and prosecutions that will come from that moment, which will see a lot of big names on the left (AND right) wearing bracelets rather than making stump speeches for their candidate. 


It's a long way out from 2020 still, but baring someone unexpected getting into the mix for the DNC, they don't have much of a chance. You just won't hear that in the media or from Hollywood because they're controlled assets.




I pretty strongly disagree.


This is also why I stay out of PPP.  Pretty staunchly right of middle over here.


We're more than a year and a half away from the election and you're saying no one who's declared so far has a chance of beating Trump...


Yeah, if we lived close and were friends, I'd probably bet you a bottle of scotch, that I would savor immensely.

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5 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:



I pretty strongly disagree.


This is also why I stay out of PPP.  Pretty staunchly right of middle over here.


We're more than a year and a half away from the election and you're saying no one who's declared so far has a chance of beating Trump...


Yeah, if we lived close and were friends, I'd probably bet you a bottle of scotch, that I would savor immensely.


Who in the declared field has a chance against him in your mind? 

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Just now, 3rdnlng said:

Stare at empty bottles often?


Only the $200 empty bottle that I won in a bet.


And I don't stare... it just hovers over me, reminding me of my victory.

1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Who in the declared field has a chance against him in your mind? 


Almost doesn't matter.


I think the same thing that got Trump into office largely ("he's not Hillary!") is what's going to get him out ("he's/she's not Trump!").

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2 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:

Almost doesn't matter.


I think the same thing that got Trump into office largely ("he's not Hillary!") is what's going to get him out ("he's/she's not Trump!").


It does though. This isn't 2016. Trump's base is solid and bigger than any of the other's running against him. Plus, unlike whoever is running on the left, Trump doesn't have to fight an internal party war just to get the nomination. The left is split between centrists and progressives. The progressives (the minority) have the loudest voices and control the media/Hollywood messaging. Meaning the centrists are going to have to go way left to compete. 


That won't go over well in the general as they try to claw back to the middle while Trump bashes them with their own words and actions over and over again. 


There's not a single declared candidate so far that has the ability to stand toe to toe with the Troller in Chief. 


(for clarity, I'm not a Trump voter)

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33 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:


Oh that bottle on my mantle is empty.


You think I didn't drink it?


What am I, nuts?




I pretty strongly disagree.


This is also why I stay out of PPP.  Pretty staunchly right of middle over here.


We're more than a year and a half away from the election and you're saying no one who's declared so far has a chance of beating Trump...


Yeah, if we lived close and were friends, I'd probably bet you a bottle of scotch, that I would savor immensely.

You're afraid of having your beliefs challenged?

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33 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


It does though. This isn't 2016. Trump's base is solid and bigger than any of the other's running against him. Plus, unlike whoever is running on the left, Trump doesn't have to fight an internal party war just to get the nomination. The left is split between centrists and progressives. The progressives (the minority) have the loudest voices and control the media/Hollywood messaging. Meaning the centrists are going to have to go way left to compete. 


That won't go over well in the general as they try to claw back to the middle while Trump bashes them with their own words and actions over and over again. 


There's not a single declared candidate so far that has the ability to stand toe to toe with the Troller in Chief. 


(for clarity, I'm not a Trump voter)




The other major factor to consider is how large the group of individuals who will vote for President Trump 2020, who didn’t/refused to in the last election, has grown.


Self professed, you don’t spend much time in PPP.  


I think you would be absolutely astounded by the percentage of this sub-forum, which you probably believe to be “right-leaning” but is actually far more libertarian/classically liberal, were very vocally anti-Tump in 2016.


These are people, like myself, who feared the President would act as the Democrat he had been in public life for the last 40 years.  We thought he’d destroy American conservatism forever.  We were wrong, and have been extremely pleased, in many cases, with President Trump’s leadership.


I can’t speak for others here, but I’ll be enthusiastically casting my ballot for the President in 2020; and I think they will too.  


I feel this is representitive of a huge cross-section of American voters.  

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38 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


It does though. This isn't 2016. Trump's base is solid and bigger than any of the other's running against him. Plus, unlike whoever is running on the left, Trump doesn't have to fight an internal party war just to get the nomination. The left is split between centrists and progressives. The progressives (the minority) have the loudest voices and control the media/Hollywood messaging. Meaning the centrists are going to have to go way left to compete. 


That won't go over well in the general as they try to claw back to the middle while Trump bashes them with their own words and actions over and over again. 


There's not a single declared candidate so far that has the ability to stand toe to toe with the Troller in Chief. 


(for clarity, I'm not a Trump voter)


Again, I disagree, and I think you're looking at this the wrong way.


We have a year and a half for the Democratic candidates to sort themselves out in the same way the Republican candidates sorted themselves out in that field.


Remember how loaded that field was and how incredibly contentious it was?  Remember all those "never trumpers" and how quickly they reversed course when he became the candidate?


There's so much time for this all to sort itself out, and it will.  Trump won, in part, because of a massive miscalculation on Clinton's part to not campaign according to the Electoral college.  I don't think the next candidate makes the same mistake.


As far as candidates go, I would say a Biden/Beto ticket probably has the strongest chance to win, followed by Harris and then the field.


I can name candidates I favor over others.  The ideal Democratic candidate has already committed to not running for President.  But those candidates will all sort themselves out come election time.  No matter what the situation is right now, it's meaningless in relation to November of 2020, when the election actually happens.  In the meantime, while Trump's base is fiercely loyal, it's maybe 1/3rd of the country, while the rest of the country is moving more and more left.


I don't want the extreme left candidates like Warren or Bernie to be the Democratic candidate, personally, thought I'd vote for them over Trump in a heartbeat. 

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5 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:

As far as candidates go, I would say a Biden/Beto ticket probably has the strongest chance to win...


:beer: for the whole post - just highlighting this portion to make a joke/point: 


You think the progressive left - who controls the messaging (and fund raising now) for the DNC -  is really going to get excited about an old white man running with another white man (who culturally appropriated his nickname)?



Image result for ron burgundy i don't believe you gif

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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The extreme left of the party controls the agenda.


The Party platform of the Democratic Party is outlined in the Green New Deal, augmented by things like infanticide.


What percentage of the country do you think that appeals to?


Balance that against the power of incumbency, a unified conservative America that was fragmented heavily to years ago, a robust economy, and the #walkaway movement amongst former Democratic strongholds...


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35 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

You're afraid of having your beliefs challenged?


Not at all.


Many here seem to be, though.

23 minutes ago, /dev/null said:

Nobody brought you here against your will and you are free to leave whenever you want


Don't worry, I will when I want :thumbsup:

5 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


:beer: for the whole post - just highlighting this portion to make a joke/point: 


You think the progressive left - who controls the messaging (and fund raising now) for the DNC -  is really going to get excited about an old white man running with another white man (who culturally appropriated his nickname)?



Image result for ron burgundy i don't believe you gif


I actually think that's the ticket the DNC is kinda hoping for.


They can sell Biden as largely an extension of a former President who's still hugely popular and as a bridge to something more progressive in Beto.


Obama would have been the ideal candidate, but completely understandable why she refuses to run.

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10 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:


Not at all.


Many here seem to be, though.


Don't worry, I will when I want :thumbsup:


I actually think that's the ticket the DNC is kinda hoping for.


They can sell Biden as largely an extension of a former President who's still hugely popular and as a bridge to something more progressive in Beto.


Obama would have been the ideal candidate, but completely understandable why she refuses to run.

What experience does she have? Remember when she said that "this is the first time I'm proud of my country"? How about "all this for a ***** flag"? Besides, I don't think we're ready for a transgender president.

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28 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:

I don't want the extreme left candidates like Warren or Bernie to be the Democratic candidate, personally, thought I'd vote for them over Trump in a heartbeat. 


All of your candidates are extreme left candidates. Some are just more vocal.


When the debates start, the first question will be about socialism, and when you hear them all talking about how the problem with socialism is it just wasn't done right, that'll be the end of that.


And if that doesn't do it, the endless list of candidates who already signed on the AOC's campaign manager's Green Deal will certainly wipe them out.


Socialism, Open Borders, dead babies and Global Warming Cooling Climate Change are the Donner Party's priority right now. The problem is that is not the average American's priority. And even if you can convince Biden and his Rhetorical Flourish to run, sticking him with an Open Borders Hero like Robert Francis is a death call.



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