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Horowitz's DOJ IG Report

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This belongs here - it got buried in the DOJ thread but sets the table nicely for what will be discussed in this thread:

7 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Grassley and Horowitz, a united front against corruption: 


Senator Grassley has a very important role to play in things to come, and has played a key role in the events that have brought us to this point today. While everyone is worked up to see the memo which might be breaking today, I felt it was important to step back and examine what Grassley has been doing - in conjunction with DOJ IG Horowitz - for two plus years to ready the battlefield and how that plays into everything we're seeing, and about to see unfold.


As chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Grassley has primary oversight over the FBI and DOJ - a job he was prevented from doing under the Obama administration due to the neutering of the IG's role (see earlier thread on Horowitz for reference).


Beginning in 2015, Grassley began a determined effort to investigate both the FBI and DOJ.


12/15/15: A floor statement on inspector general access has Grassley fired up - 


Oversight committees rely heavily upon IG's to gather information and conduct oversight. That's why IGs were created in the first place, in the wake of Watergate. If Grassley's oversight investigation was going to be successful, he needed a fully empowered IG, something Eric Holder and Obama had been preventing from day one of their administrations thanks to a unique interpretation of the IG law. 


1/27/16: Grassley also has oversight over FOIA, and begins his investigation by triggering the State Department IG: 


More: https://www.grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/files/judiciary/upload/2016-01-27 CEG to State IG (CREW FOIA).pdf


The State IG investigated the State Dept's FOIA non compliance in late 2015, releasing their report in January 2016, but it left Grassley wanting answers:





It's unclear whether or not Grassley suspects FBI/DOJ corruption at this point (though I'd wager he did). So far, he's just investigating the State Department circumvention of FOIA requests regarding HRC's servers, but note the information loop that is established here, it's a pattern that will repeat: 

IG Report ----> Grassley ----> More questions for the IG -----> new IG report/Response (repeat as needed).


4/4/16: "In 1978, following the lessons of the Watergate scandal Congress created the IGs... IGs need access to agency records that's why the law authorizes IGs to access ALL. I want to emphasis that word, ALL RECORDS."


4/21/16: "Let me tackle that... The FBI is investigating this matter as well as several other investigations, we keep hearing that the FBI's inquiry is just a 'security review'  and not a criminal inquiry so let me tackle that."


April 2016 is a key turning point.


Grassley is fighting on two fronts, trying to restore the powers of the IG and investigating State Dept FOIA violations. He already established State broke the law, now he wants to know what the FBI is going to do about it. This motivates Chuck in ways we are still seeing today... 


5/17/16: It really begins.


In a scathing letter, Grassley officially turns his sights on the Comey/Lynch DOJ/FBI. He points out the conflict of interest and the need for a special counsel (pg 7) 

 https://www.grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/files/judiciary/upload/2016-05-17 CEG to FBI (Clinton Investigation Special Counsel).pdf




5/26/16: Grassley rests his FOIA oversight case against State - a significant case which led directly to the corruption of the Lynch/Comey FBI/DOJ:



7/5/16: Immediately after Comey's remarks on HRC, Grassley issues this seething statement:




7/6/16: The next day, Grassley explodes on Comey.


He lays out his case against Comey and Lynch's handling of the HRC investigation. Comey is ultimately unable to respond to this letter: 


https://www.grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/files/judiciary/upload/2016-07-06 CEG to FBI (Clinton Investigation Transparency).pdf



This is a key element of Grassley's war against corruption - he leaves a paper trail of demand letters for information. When those demands are unmet, he turns to the IG. Problem is, in 2016, the IG is restrained from being able to fully do his job by Holder and Obama. Again, refer to the earlier Horowitz v Obama thread to see more details. This is why Grassley desperately needs to empower the IG and begins working on legislation to do just that - with Nunes in the House. 


8/15/16: Grassley wants to know why the FBI isn't actively investigating the Clinton Foundation and if the secret server turned up any criminal activity. Lynch runs out the clock on this memo, banking on a Clinton win in the fall:

https://www.grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/files/constituents/upload/2016-08-15 CEG to DOJ (Clinton Foundation).pdf


8/31/16: Comey runs out the clock as well by "bundling" non classified information with classified information to stall. Comey violated the law in doing so (EO 13526), and would do so again with the documents on the Iran deal in September: 

https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2016-08-31 CEG to FBI (Clinton Investigation Materials Improper Classification).pdf


9/13/16: "Unusual secrecy... the FBI improperly bundled these unclassified reports with a very small amount of classified information and told the Senate to treat it all as classified.": 


10/5/16: The Wilkenson Letters


Astonished Grassley/Nunes/Chaffetz/Goodlatte letter re: DOJ working with Mills and Samuelson to destroy laptops and severely limit the scope of the Clinton investigation: 

https://www.grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/files/judiciary/upload/2016-10-05 CEG et. al to DOJ - Wilkinson Immunity Letters.pdf



11/2/16: Grassley calls on Horowitz to investigate the FBI and DOJ for improperly handling the Clinton investigation (read all): 

https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2016-11-02 CEG to DOJ IG (Conflicts Review).pdf


12/10/16: Victory.

S.579/H.R.6450 Inspector General Empowerment Act passes the Senate. A major victory for Grassley who wrote the legislation-

https://www.grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/files/judiciary/upload/IG Access%2C 12-07-16%2C Johnson Substitute One-Pager.pdf



What we see above is how Grassley successfully waged a methodical campaign against corruption inside the DOJ/FBI. To do so, he wrote and powered through the legislation to empower Horowitz - a man who waged his own war against the Obama administration for several years himself.


Horowitz won his war THANKS to Grassley (and Nunes on the House side), he is linked to Grassley and united when it comes to oversight. These two are working together, have been for two+ years, and now we are about to see the fruit of their labor. 


When the memo gets released today (most likely), don't forget it's just the beginning, not the end. There is MUCH more to come thanks to Grassley and Horowitz. 


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1 hour ago, DC Tom said:

I don't understand any of this.


But at least I can explain turbulence.

At this point I have been through about 14 threads and a total of 200 or more pages and I have yet to see anything connecting this to UFOs.  Come on Greggy cut to the chase already.

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Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?


It is becoming clearer by the day, after over a year of investigations, that the Obama administration did indeed weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the IRS and the NSA.  Over those eight years, each of the above agencies was transformed into an arm of the Democratic Party tasked with crippling the opposition and abrogating the Constitution.  


Since all of the mainstream media already were arms of the DNC, it is well and truly a miracle that  Donald Trump prevailed throughout his campaign to win the election, as the entire DC bureaucracy and media were  aligned against him.  Most of them  still are.  


Those law enforcement institutions in which Americans have put their trust and faith for many decades have been thoroughly compromised by a group of bad actors at the top, self-appointed arbiters of electoral politics.   Besides sullying the reputations of their institutions, this "secret society" of persons who believe themselves to be above the law has lethally betrayed the rank and file employees of those agencies.  


The public has seen only a fraction of the material that, according to those who have seen it, proves higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI colluded to clear Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for her many crimes.   These operatives knew she had ignored all the rules regarding classified material by having her own private server.  They likely all knew the Clinton Foundation was nothing but a pay-to-play outfit to enrich the Clintons (only 6% of its funds went to charity).  And this bunch still thought she was qualified to be President,  this woman with a forty-year history of lying, cheating and scheming!  


Are there no essential values among these persons privileged to wield power over the rest of us?  In collusion with the Clinton campaign,  the DNC, the FBI and DOJ worked together to produce and then use fabricated opposition research to obtain FISA warrants to spy on possibly hundreds of people connected to the Trump family and campaign.  They did this to bring him down by any means necessary.  As many people have observed, this is the stuff of the former Soviet Union and third-world dictatorships.




What is so distressing is that no elected Democrat,  not one, has expressed shock or concern that these agencies have been so corrupted.  Given what we know so far, every member of Congress and every member of the press should  be equally horrified.  This level of criminality should offend everyone, every citizen and every elected official.  But to the left, it's just another dust-up created by those rascally Republicans.   Use our law enforcement agencies to destroy a campaign and/or to bring about the impeachment of a President?   "So what" seems to be the attitude on the left.  The Constitution be damned.  


Shouldn't the Democrats be as angry about this as Republicans?  Has their hatred for Trump so impaired their judgment that they have sacrificed their integrity,  their respect for ethics and the law?   How else to explain their full engagement in the cover-up, fueled by their wholesale denial of the facts? 


Once DOJ IG Michael Horowitz's report is released,  and if the FISA memo is made public, much more will be clear to everyone.  One has to wonder how the Democrats will recover their lost dignity.  Their many months-long defense of the indefensible will have done significant damage to their brand unless Democrat voters are as unscrupulous, as unconcerned about honor and ethics as their elected representatives have proven to be.


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This post also belongs here: 

On 12/17/2017 at 9:50 PM, Deranged Rhino said:

Why is everyone on the left suddenly so concerned about the IG report?


Perhaps it has something to do with the man running the investigation... 




Horowitz was nominated to fill the position in July of 2011 after Glenn Fine resigned, and officially confirmed in April of 2012.


By this point, the position of the IG had been neutered by then AG Holder's interpretation of section 6 of the Inspector General Act of 1978: 



Holder and his legal team interpreted this to mean the IG had to request information. This allowed Holder and other agencies to bog down requests with bureaucratic red tape and, in some cases, deny them outright.


What prompted this new interpretation in 2011? (F&F - this is where Horowitz first started getting stonewalled by Holder)


From the day he took the job, Horowitz was a lame duck. A neutered lame duck who was unable to do the job he swore an oath to perform due to this interpretation. So what did Horowitz do?


He went to war with the administration... 


In March of 2013, Horowitz's office prepared a report for congress titled: "Open and Unimplemented IG recommendations could save tax payers $67b".



This report draws attention to the stonewalling by pointing out the waste as Horowitz sought out allies in Congress.  


Then, in April of 2014 - after 2 hours of Eric Holder's testifying about the DOJ's budget, Horowitz gives his testimony (to a now empty room - everyone having cleared out after Holder left).


Notice this interesting exchange with Shelby - who at the time was in the minority and clearly working with Horowitz here to make the situation clear: 



This is a really eye opening exchange - that again, no one saw, or covered, because Horowitz was very much fighting an uphill battle as an outsider. Not because he was politically motivated to do so, but because his job required him to do so.


And yet, the ability to do that job properly was being purposefully hindered by Holder and his interpretation of the IG Act. 


In August of 2014 other IG's begin to come to Horowitz's side: 



Then in September of 2014, Horowitz is invited to testify about this problem to the House Oversight Committee. Here is his opening statement, listen closely: 



(Side note, but related: Think about how the wiretap issues relate DIRECTLY to the politico article today re Hezbollah and the DOJ https://www.politico.com/interactives/2017/obama-hezbollah-drug-trafficking-investigation/ )


This testimony lays out explicitly how this interpretation of the IG Act could potentially allow for massive corruption and cover up. 


Here's his full testimony to the House Oversight Committee entitled: "Obstructing Oversight: Concerns from the Inspector General". 



This led to Issa introducing a new act in the House:



In November of that year, 44 loses the Senate and the 114th Congress convenes. In February 2015, Grassley introduces a bill in the Senate, cementing Horowitz's alliance with Congress: 




In July of 2015, 44's administration makes one last attempt to block Horowitz. The DOJ Office of Legal Counsel issued a ruling against the IG:


(It's 68 pages of rambling legalese devoid of merit or logic.)


August 3rd, 2015 Horowitz responds, eviscerating 68 pages of nonsense with 2.5 pages of legal argument: 



December 2016 - after four years of fighting the administration, and after an unexpected Trump win, Horowitz gets his victory as the bill becomes law: 





Then, in January, armed with the full powers of his job for the first time in his tenure, Horowitz announces the start of his investigation: 



His investigation has had a wide berth and is now wrapping up - and if you've been following this thread you know we have already begun to see some of the fruits of its labor. 


So where does that leave us with Michael Horowitz as we await his report? 


Based on the panic we're seeing in DC about Mueller and Trump and the numerous deflections being deployed (cough - Tom Delonge - cough), I say there are a lot of people who are VERY nervous. 


Remember. "She was never supposed to lose". 



  Reveal hidden contents



Image result for hillary clinton we will all hang by nooses if he wins





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8 minutes ago, B-Man said:



Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?


It is becoming clearer by the day, after over a year of investigations, that the Obama administration did indeed weaponize the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the ATF, the IRS and the NSA.  Over those eight years, each of the above agencies was transformed into an arm of the Democratic Party tasked with crippling the opposition and abrogating the Constitution.  


Since all of the mainstream media already were arms of the DNC, it is well and truly a miracle that  Donald Trump prevailed throughout his campaign to win the election, as the entire DC bureaucracy and media were  aligned against him.  Most of them  still are.  


Those law enforcement institutions in which Americans have put their trust and faith for many decades have been thoroughly compromised by a group of bad actors at the top, self-appointed arbiters of electoral politics.   Besides sullying the reputations of their institutions, this "secret society" of persons who believe themselves to be above the law has lethally betrayed the rank and file employees of those agencies.  


The public has seen only a fraction of the material that, according to those who have seen it, proves higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI colluded to clear Hillary Clinton of any responsibility for her many crimes.   These operatives knew she had ignored all the rules regarding classified material by having her own private server.  They likely all knew the Clinton Foundation was nothing but a pay-to-play outfit to enrich the Clintons (only 6% of its funds went to charity).  And this bunch still thought she was qualified to be President,  this woman with a forty-year history of lying, cheating and scheming!  


Are there no essential values among these persons privileged to wield power over the rest of us?  In collusion with the Clinton campaign,  the DNC, the FBI and DOJ worked together to produce and then use fabricated opposition research to obtain FISA warrants to spy on possibly hundreds of people connected to the Trump family and campaign.  They did this to bring him down by any means necessary.  As many people have observed, this is the stuff of the former Soviet Union and third-world dictatorships.




What is so distressing is that no elected Democrat,  not one, has expressed shock or concern that these agencies have been so corrupted.  Given what we know so far, every member of Congress and every member of the press should  be equally horrified.  This level of criminality should offend everyone, every citizen and every elected official.  But to the left, it's just another dust-up created by those rascally Republicans.   Use our law enforcement agencies to destroy a campaign and/or to bring about the impeachment of a President?   "So what" seems to be the attitude on the left.  The Constitution be damned.  


Shouldn't the Democrats be as angry about this as Republicans?  Has their hatred for Trump so impaired their judgment that they have sacrificed their integrity,  their respect for ethics and the law?   How else to explain their full engagement in the cover-up, fueled by their wholesale denial of the facts? 


Once DOJ IG Michael Horowitz's report is released,  and if the FISA memo is made public, much more will be clear to everyone.  One has to wonder how the Democrats will recover their lost dignity.  Their many months-long defense of the indefensible will have done significant damage to their brand unless Democrat voters are as unscrupulous, as unconcerned about honor and ethics as their elected representatives have proven to be.



Well...yeah.  The Democrats are as unconcerned with that as the Republicans are with anything that comes out of the Trump investigations, for the same reason: it's all fake news to them.  Schiff just said as much on CNN.


This isn't any sort of search for the truth anymore.  It's more like a civil war.  

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7 hours ago, DC Tom said:


Well...yeah.  The Democrats are as unconcerned with that as the Republicans are with anything that comes out of the Trump investigations, for the same reason: it's all fake news to them.  Schiff just said as much on CNN.


This isn't any sort of search for the truth anymore.  It's more like a civil war.  

Unfortunately that’s true. Which is why they have to put several of these bad actors behind bars.  Otherwise it will boil down to endless finger pointing. 

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Conventional National Football League wisdom says that coaches don't bench starting quarterbacks who have guided their teams to 10 victories and brought them into the playoffs.

The Buffalo Bills' coach, Wade Phillips, didn't listen to conventional N.F.L. wisdom this week. He sent Doug Flutie to the bench for the season finale against the Colts last weekend in favor of Rob Johnson. And after Johnson completed 24 of 37 passes for 287 yards and 2 touchdowns in the Bills' 31-6 victory over Indianapolis, Phillips told Flutie he could keep his seat on the sideline. Johnson is going to be the Bills' playoff quarterback, a stunning decision and a risky move.



Leaks to DOJ confirm the ball was a forward lateral.  

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1 hour ago, Nanker said:

But, it was a "mutual decision". :lol:



It was. He agreed to the mutual decision to leave his employment at about the same time 5 armed FBI Police showed up at his office to escort him out.

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