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The " TANK" that never happened...Until now.

KW95 - JA17

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Good evening Folks,


In the Offseason and Preseason, everyone knew we were not going to be competitive this year.  We were supposed to fight with the Jets for last place in the division after the week 1 confrontation. It was the second week that was going to dictate the season. The Bills lost Watkins, Darby, Gilmore, Graham, Woods, Goodwin, Kouandjo, etc... As a matter of fact most of the players on this team were gone because the new coach and GM wanted to build their own team and be successful in the next few years. They wanted to put their own identity on the team.


However something mysterious happened.  The Bills got to 5-2 and almost beat Carolina on the road and of course lost to the Bengals in a typical "trap" game.  The Bills also beat Denver early in the year and Oakland at home in a game that made us look like contenders.


 In all of this success, talks of losing Dareus and Glenn were growing and sure enough Dareus got traded for a 6th. These are all moves that I don't mind but the Bills record didn't combine with the activities of the new administration.  The Coach went on to brag about how players shared personal stories and how "next man up attitude" was able to take care of business.  Even KW had a very emotional post game speech that seemed to show how close the team was.


Well, here are the Bills at 5-4 and for me the obvious thing happened:  It was always meant to be a tank year but the administration got caught off guard with early success and didn't know how to handle it.  Taylor was never meant to be successful and next year the administration was supposed to be picking in the top 5 with a boatload of other draft picks.  


Think about it:  Tyrod was never a Beane/Mcdermott pick.  They inherited him, got rid of all the Stank from prior admin and were expecting a bad year.  Instead they got a great start and had to put a strong front saying they were thinking about winning now.  If that was the case, why trade Dareus ( a player I really don't care for ) for a 6th round draft pick.  That makes no sense.  


I conclude this thread by saying:  Sean Mcdermott is saying that Taylor is his starting QB.  Guess what, he won't say otherwise but doesn't believe it.   Its about the future and I believe he knows full well Tyrod is gone in 2018.


Sadly for us its been 17 years, but for him its been 9 games.  He is thinking about the future knowing full well that Taylor playing bad is good for his success.



Cheers to all








Edited by KW95
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17 minutes ago, quinnearlysghost88 said:

drink less. 

Great analysis! I now see your point of view

8 minutes ago, BobDVA said:


I concur.  I will forward this to Beane and he might make a move!

7 minutes ago, Happy Gilmore said:

There is no tank occurring.  Just a second poor showing.

To have a second showing means they actually had to show up.

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1 minute ago, Domdab99 said:

Hate to break it to you, but we can easily go 4-3 the last 7 games and still sneak into the playoffs. Of course, it'd be totally Billys to go 9-7 and NOT make the playoffs. 

Does McD have an opt out clause in his contract? LOL

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1 minute ago, Domdab99 said:

Hate to break it to you, but we can easily go 4-3 the last 7 games and still sneak into the playoffs. Of course, it'd be totally Billys to go 9-7 and NOT make the playoffs. 


The Pats should cakewalk to 2 wins on the Bills and there’s no way this bunch is going 4-1 the other games.

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4 minutes ago, Domdab99 said:

Hate to break it to you, but we can easily go 4-3 the last 7 games and still sneak into the playoffs. Of course, it'd be totally Billys to go 9-7 and NOT make the playoffs. 


"Easily go 4-3"





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Honestly, what concerns me the most about McD is how he brings his team back after a large defeat. I was very surprised today we got our asses handed to us after getting beat bad by the Jets the prior week.


I guess "I'm concerned" now

Edited by Real McCoy
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The problem with tanking: I think we've seen enough of this team's play to know that this is no playoff team. The schedule ahead is not our friend. Tanking now makes sense. The last two games have changed everything. But ... if the season ended right now, the Bills would have a wild card. That's how bad the AFC has been. So there will be no tanking until the playoffs are mathematically (not just the eye test) eliminated. And that will take a while. So plan on 7-9 or 8-8, and in a much worse position going into the 2018 draft.

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