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The Election Recount


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It appears that all the efforts that Clinton backers put into imploring electors to vote their conscience have worked. Hillary lost 4 electoral votes in Washintgon to Colin Powell and Faith Spotted Eagle.

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It appears that all the efforts that Clinton backers put into imploring electors to vote their conscience have worked. Hillary lost 4 electoral votes in Washintgon to Colin Powell and Faith Spotted Eagle.


So Senator Pocahontas didn't even win among the Native American candidates?

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The Associated Press did all it could to elect Hillary Clinton, but today it (almost) gave up the ghost.


The “news” service headlined: “Trump cruises to Electoral College victory despite protests.” “Despite protests”? What does that mean?


Are we supposed to take seriously the idea that a handful of slackers waving signs at state capitols around the country could somehow reverse Donald Trump’s victory?


Trump’s polarizing victory Nov. 8 and the fact Democrat Hillary Clinton had won the national popular vote had stirred an intense lobbying effort, but to no avail.


Why was Trump’s victory “polarizing”? Would it be any less polarizing if Hillary Clinton had won? No.

And can Democrats quit whining about the “national popular vote”? Democrats complaining that their defeat was unfair because Hillary got more votes is like a basketball team complaining that it was robbed because it got more rebounds than the other team, and still lost the game. Sorry, but that isn’t how the contest is scored. And you knew that going in.

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“Look, it’s not ALL bad news for you. You finished ahead of me.”



Look on the bright side, at least you got more Electoral Votes than James Blaine



The last former Secretary of State to be a major party nominee for President...1884


Edited by /dev/null
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The Associated Press did all it could to elect Hillary Clinton, but today it (almost) gave up the ghost.


The “news” service headlined: “Trump cruises to Electoral College victory despite protests.” “Despite protests”? What does that mean?


Are we supposed to take seriously the idea that a handful of slackers waving signs at state capitols around the country could somehow reverse Donald Trump’s victory?


Why was Trump’s victory “polarizing”? Would it be any less polarizing if Hillary Clinton had won? No.

And can Democrats quit whining about the “national popular vote”? Democrats complaining that their defeat was unfair because Hillary got more votes is like a basketball team complaining that it was robbed because it got more rebounds than the other team, and still lost the game. Sorry, but that isn’t how the contest is scored. And you knew that going in.



This is what makes the popular vote whining particularly galling. Not only are the rules of a Presidential election very clear, but the candidates base their entire campaign strategy on those rules. Or at least they should have. Maybe Hillary should have moved outside the NYC-Hollywood-SF fundraising bubble a little more often.

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So we’re not all socialists now? File this infamous early 2009 cover with the rest of the DNC-MSM’s proverbial fake news:


All the chatter and statistics and talk show “experts” proclaiming that America had forever swung Democratic? ALL LIES.

All the slanted polls, which were intended to convince everyone that Hillary was inevitable? ALL LIES.

The derision of Trump as a ludicrous fringe candidate and his supporters as wild-eyed extremists? ALL LIES.

And it’s not just that they were all lies — they were lies that had no effect.

Somehow, without anyone noticing, a majority of the American populace had evolved a new immunity to progressive disinformation.

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Maybe Hillary shouldn't have run a pay-to-play scheme for hundreds of millions of dollars out of the Office of Secretary of State. Or divulge classified info in over a hundred emails on a non-classified email system. Or dilvulge top secret info on tens of emails. I had read somewhere that her margin for winning the national popular vote was solely due to a +4 million margin over Trump in California. People outside of the left coast/right coast/Denver/Ithaca aren't complaining about the electoral college.

Edited by KevinRome
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Maybe Hillary shouldn't have run a pay-to-play scheme for hundreds of millions of dollars out of the Office of Secretary of State. Or divulge classified info in over a hundred emails on a non-classified email system. Or dilvulge top secret info on tens of emails. I had read somewhere that her margin for winning the national popular vote was solely due to a +4 million margin over Trump in California. People outside of the left coast/right coast/Denver/Ithaca aren't complaining about the electoral college.


As a friend of mine who is a retired career officer in the military said; 'If I had behaved like Bill Clinton, I would have been demoted, fired and possibly court martialed. If I behaved like Hillary Clinton I'd have been sentenced to life in prison.'


People acting like this vile woman was the worthy embodiment of some grand crusade should be punched in the face repeatedly. There hadn't been anyone more deserving of a crushing defeat since the 18-0 Pats*.

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This is what makes the popular vote whining particularly galling. Not only are the rules of a Presidential election very clear, but the candidates base their entire campaign strategy on those rules. Or at least they should have. Maybe Hillary should have moved outside the NYC-Hollywood-SF fundraising bubble a little more often.


Really? I think what's most galling is the cognitive dissonance of the "Small states shouldn't be disproportionately powerful; California should decide for everyone!" argument.

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Really? I think what's most galling is the cognitive dissonance of the "Small states shouldn't be disproportionately powerful; California should decide for everyone!" argument.


What I most like about that aspect is how they think the popular vote and electoral vote going in different directions is proof that the system is 'a vestige' as opposed to evidence that the system is doing exactly what it was designed to do (or prevent, depending on your perspective).


It's as though these people lived their entire lives thinking the EC was just a funny way of doing math.


As for us poor, poor Californians, I guess we'll just have to consider our disenfranchisement as another 'sunshine tax'.

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What I most like about that aspect is how they think the popular vote and electoral vote going in different directions is proof that the system is 'a vestige' as opposed to evidence that the system is doing exactly what it was designed to do (or prevent, depending on your perspective).


It's as though these people lived their entire lives thinking the EC was just a funny way of doing math.


As for us poor, poor Californians, I guess we'll just have to consider our disenfranchisement as another 'sunshine tax'.


"But it's not democratic!"


Yes...because you don't live in a !@#$ing democracy. Read your goddamn Thucydides if you want to know why, you dumbass leftists.

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