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Snapshot Poll - State of the Race


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Very true.


Clinton: Mishandled classified material

Trump: Financial history of bankruptcies

Johnson: Admitted drug user

Stein: Communist


McMullen is the only who hasn't disqualified them self from holding a Security clearance (yet)

not sure on drugs. You can have used drugs and be in the FBI, Ss and CIA.
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CBS4 Investigation Finds People Voting Twice

October 25, 2016


When Scott Walker was up against recall a few years back... I took an absentee ballot from a towboat pilot... I mailed it for him. He didn't live in Wisconsin, his elderly father did. Now how the eff did he get Pops out of Cheeseland and on that boat?


The pilot actually joked that I was going to throw the ballot away, he told me he was voting for Walker.


You know what I did. I mailed at my post office on my way home from work! Who am I to judge. The affidavit was signed in his father's name (outside of envelope).


The game with absentee ballots have a always been played crooked (& well) by the Republicans.


Be careful Donald, what you wish for.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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USA TODAY COLUMN: What we’re not talking about in this election: Government Corruption, ObamaCare’s Implosion, The Ballooning National Debt.


And that’s because, as Jim Treacher notes,



“Modern journalism is all about deciding which facts the public shouldn’t know because they might reflect badly on Democrats.”



Edited by B-Man
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Huma Swore Under Oath She Gave Up 'All Devices'...



Once Again, the Left Risks Its Credibility for a Clinton

by David French


The Clinton campaign is on the attack — and so is virtually every lefty pundit, writer, and activist in America. Comey’s interfering in the election...... Comey is irresponsible. Comey is losing his mind........ Comey is partisan. Let’s be clear, they’re all saying this without any knowledge at all regarding the content of the emails in question.


To simply assume that they’re no big deal means assuming that a man with a reputation as a straight shooter, but who previously bent over backwards (including applying a made-up legal standard to the facts) to recommend against prosecuting Hillary Clinton, has now suddenly changed his nature and his priorities and is now bending over backwards to try to cripple her before an election — without any meaningful legal foundation.


While anything is possible, this scenario strikes me as most unlikely — and inconsistent with the man’s reputation and past practice. The more likely scenario is that the FBI uncovered emails that raised sufficient alarm to put Comey in a seemingly impossible position. Wait until after the election to disclose this additional investigatory work, and you risk being seen as deliberately withholding material information to assist Hillary Clinton — especially since the additional work was taking place before election day. Disclose, and he faces exactly the firestorm he faces today. At least disclosure reflects the reality as it exists today.


Once again, Clinton has sounded the bugle call, and the entire left intelligentsia is galloping to the Clintons’ rescue without knowing the facts. They did it in 1998 and realized — realized, months later — that they’d been had. They’re doing it again in 2016. But for most lefty pundits, being a Clinton apologist means never having to say you’re sorry. If the new investigation turns out to be serious, they’ll likely be just as shameless now as they were then.


But there’s a price, and that’s the price America pays now. Teach the world character doesn’t matter, and guess what — your politicians won’t care about character. Regardless of the facts, truth, or justice, only one thing matters now — winning.


Remind me again, Democrats, why are you sitting in moral judgment of the Trump GOP?

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner

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As usual IowaHawk nails it.



2375_84984116216_633511216_2728356_71328David Burge@iowahawkblog 2h2 hours ago

FBI finds 650k Hillary State Dept emails on PC of notorious dickpic pervert.

Headlines: "Comey Embroiled in Controversy"





2375_84984116216_633511216_2728356_71328David Burge@iowahawkblog 2h2 hours ago

.@ABC stop trying to make "Comey controversy" happen, it's not gonna happenpic.twitter.com/VAu7uEfAX4



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Trump is carrying a large amount of momentum into the final week, definitely wouldn't be surprised if he wins this. Hopefully he 'fixes' the country so that PPP can be a happier place at least haha

At the very least all hotels will be converted to trump hotels in his first 100 days.


Statues of trump all over the USA as well .

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