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Negative Nancys should be suspended from TSW

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Oh we can take them just fine. But it works both ways. If you talk smack, don't be invisible when your words make you look foolish.

It's been nearly 20 years since you've been on the right side of it promo. Let's be real.


We handled business today. It's a win a decent team should have 4 out of 5 times. Hopefully it's the start of showing we are a good team but hardly a spot to be getting tooooo carried away. If Rex can keep them focused week in and week out, our roster is talented enough to be that 9 win kind of team - hopefully we all get to enjoy a playoff run

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Funny how you were mostly absent today. I saw you say a couple decent things about Tyrod and then disappear. Must have had a temper tantrum that the Bills were beating the team led by your beloved man crush Bill Belichick and your other two loves McDaniels and Patricia.


Guess what dude......Belichick sucked today and so did Josh McDaniels and so did Matt Patricia......eat some crow


Last Thursday, like the good natured fan you are, you were rubbing it into Bills fans how great the Patriot coaches were that they were beating Houston with a chump QB.


And you call yourself a Bills fan.....huh....I call Bullshitt.


But hey, thanks for disappearing and not pissing on this great Bills win today while it was actually happening. You can go back to cheering for the Patriots again next week when they play the Brownies.



FWIW......MAJBobby is a much more valuable contributor than you are.


And as a politically correct poster I resent your attempts to make Polish people look dumb with your phony handle.


Roger Goodell? Funny.


Jimmy Spags? Funny.


You.......not funny.

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