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Here's a Bills' mascot for ya

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The Bills should bring back the old "lumbering buffalo" guys from the 80's.

If you remember that far back, the 2 guys in the buffalo suit would walk around the perimeter of the field, then kneel down in the end-zone.

(they didn't drop road apples either!)

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why not have an actual Buffalo Bill look alike ride up and down the sidelines.. .. oops.. never mind, i think that may be non PC.. i think he "earned" his fame based on killing ..

the curse is revealed.



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Now, THAT would be epic! Put her an the sled and let the linemen push her around!

I think she'll only be pushed where she wants to get pushed. Unless, of course, Richie goes all Mongo!


Edited by Augie
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I think she'll only be pushed where she wants to get pushed. Unless, of course, Richie goes all Hondo!

Its Mongo. Get it right, or your next! Nice reference, though.


One of my FF team names was RICHIE'S BASEBALL BAT, BTW.


Okay, since you asked...My other teams: PERCY'S CHOKE HOLD and IK'S RIGHT HOOK.


Now ima th

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