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Remembering board participants


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I've always enjoyed your birthday messages mead. Your attention to that each and everyday is really impressive. Thanks for all the years you've remembered mine and literally everyone else's.


He does it for everyone? My mom always told me I was special and I actually believed it. :cry:

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What's going on in dis here thread anyway?!?

The "thinking man's Beerball" oh that's a good one! I'm never going to let him live that one down!


I've been lurking for the past couple of years. Some personal issues took me away from the board. Cugalabanza, it's good to see you again albeit under a new moniker. Happy that you, The Dean, Beerbawl, Mead, Chef, Chandler, Jokeman and a lot of the old gang is still kicking around.


I look forward to giving Chef some much needed advice when it's time for his trip back home.


Thanks for the shout out.

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