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Trump Alone at the Top

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Well if he is intentionally tanking the campaign the timing and path sure look impeccable.

Look at me. Look at me. Look at me.

Oh here you go Hilly just a distraught Cruz for you to topple in the general.

What a !@#$ing joke.

He's not tanking. He's Trump. A ridiculously flawed candidate whose base describes themselves as being just slightly more intelligent than racist skinheads.


As I've said repeatedly...he's been lifted as high as possible because of all the fun and money the media will make when he starts his fall.


Somebody tell the fat lady she's on in five.

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He's not tanking. He's Trump. A ridiculously flawed candidate whose base describes themselves as being just slightly more intelligent than racist skinheads.


As I've said repeatedly...he's been lifted as high as possible because of all the fun and money the media will make when he starts his fall.


Somebody tell the fat lady she's on in five.

I'm not convinced that he wanted to spend the next four years dealing with all this bull ****. He has propped himself up as the ringleader of the biggest circus known to man all the while Hillary whom he has supported in the past now has a clear path to the White House. It's just to much of a coincidence.


Are you convinced he actually wanted to win and deal with all that it brings?

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I'm not convinced that he wanted to spend the next four years dealing with all this bull ****. He has propped himself up as the ringleader of the biggest circus known to man all the while Hillary whom he has supported in the past now has a clear path to the White House. It's just to much of a coincidence.


Are you convinced he actually wanted to win and deal with all that it brings?


Whether he actively colluded with HRC I can't say, but I doubt it. I think the Clinton camp may have egged him on to run a bit behind closed doors but even that is a long shot. But I just don't think Trump really thought he ever had a chance of winning when he entered the race. Tom's pushed this theory before and it makes sense.


I think Trump is competitive as hell and smarter than his public persona; smart enough to know he doesn't really have a chance to win (at least in the beginning) but competitive enough to try anyway because he knew it would cost him nothing. The advertising for his brand the campaign would bring was worth tenfold the 30 or so million he put into his campaign (if you believe his numbers, which I don't). So he figured, why the hell not run -- never expecting to win. I'm not sure the Clintons would have needed to do much prodding at all, if any, to make Donald see this.


Then he got swept up in his own hype because he's also an egomaniac in the most literal sense. I think there was a point this primary season where he honestly believed he could win and probably wanted to. But now that he's approaching the point in the campaign where he has to put up more of his own money (a lot more), I think the smarter parts of Donald are trying to slam on the brakes if only for financial reasons. The smart part of the Donald's personality knows he's not going to beat Hillary, and also knows that he's gotten as much exposure as possible from the campaign to date and things will get uglier once the national campaigns start -- so why put hundreds of millions more into the show when it's already served its purpose.


...But maybe I'm giving him too much credit.

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Whether he actively colluded with HRC I can't say, but I doubt it. I think the Clinton camp may have egged him on to run a bit behind closed doors but even that is a long shot. But I just don't think Trump really thought he ever had a chance of winning when he entered the race. Tom's pushed this theory before and it makes sense.


I think Trump is competitive as hell and smarter than his public persona; smart enough to know he doesn't really have a chance to win (at least in the beginning) but competitive enough to try anyway because he knew it would cost him nothing. The advertising for his brand the campaign would bring was worth tenfold the 30 or so million he put into his campaign (if you believe his numbers, which I don't). So he figured, why the hell not run -- never expecting to win. I'm not sure the Clintons would have needed to do much prodding at all, if any, to make Donald see this.


Then he got swept up in his own hype because he's also an egomaniac in the most literal sense. I think there was a point this primary season where he honestly believed he could win and probably wanted to. But now that he's approaching the point in the campaign where he has to put up more of his own money (a lot more), I think the smarter parts of Donald are trying to slam on the brakes if only for financial reasons. The smart part of the Donald's personality knows he's not going to beat Hillary, and also knows that he's gotten as much exposure as possible from the campaign to date and things will get uglier once the national campaigns start -- so why put hundreds of millions more into the show when it's already served its purpose.


...But maybe I'm giving him too much credit.


I buy this completely. He's a show. Next time around Kim Khardashian will run. And I don't even know who that is!

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Whether he actively colluded with HRC I can't say, but I doubt it. I think the Clinton camp may have egged him on to run a bit behind closed doors but even that is a long shot. But I just don't think Trump really thought he ever had a chance of winning when he entered the race. Tom's pushed this theory before and it makes sense.


I think Trump is competitive as hell and smarter than his public persona; smart enough to know he doesn't really have a chance to win (at least in the beginning) but competitive enough to try anyway because he knew it would cost him nothing. The advertising for his brand the campaign would bring was worth tenfold the 30 or so million he put into his campaign (if you believe his numbers, which I don't). So he figured, why the hell not run -- never expecting to win. I'm not sure the Clintons would have needed to do much prodding at all, if any, to make Donald see this.


Then he got swept up in his own hype because he's also an egomaniac in the most literal sense. I think there was a point this primary season where he honestly believed he could win and probably wanted to. But now that he's approaching the point in the campaign where he has to put up more of his own money (a lot more), I think the smarter parts of Donald are trying to slam on the brakes if only for financial reasons. The smart part of the Donald's personality knows he's not going to beat Hillary, and also knows that he's gotten as much exposure as possible from the campaign to date and things will get uglier once the national campaigns start -- so why put hundreds of millions more into the show when it's already served its purpose.


...But maybe I'm giving him too much credit.

Part of me wouldn't be surprised to wake up tomorrow to find out that Trump has announced he has pulled off the best April fools joke in the history of the world and is dropping out of the race.

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These self-sabotage theories seem nuts to me. He's done / said outrageous things since June.


Yes, but there are more people realizing what a nutbag he is and fewer of you supporters who self describe as slightly smarter than racist skinheads.


Perhaps we're seeing the result of Trump's plan to surround himself with unsuccessful people so everyone will respect you. :lol:


Keep up the good work, you slightly-smarter-than-racist-skinheads! The world is your swastika!

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There is zero chance now that Trump will be the nominee. Zero. He will not get 1237 and he will not be chosen at the convention.


lol, even if he has only 1200 delegates, he can buy 37 with his hotels and golf courses.


He's the nominee, unless he falls FAR short of 1237.

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These self-sabotage theories seem nuts to me. He's done / said outrageous things since June.


That was my theory six months ago, but that assumed he'd be all done by now, not winning primaries. Agreed that is not going to happen at this stage.


The big problem is what he'll do if they take it away from him at the convention. This is not a guy who will quietly bow out. And even if he did, a nominee who got trounced in the primaries would have to pull off a miracle to win a general election. Even Hillary isn't distasteful enough to motivate enough people to vote for whoever the GOP would go with.


I don't see any way forward here. I guess we'll just have to root for a Hillary impeachment.

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lol, even if he has only 1200 delegates, he can buy 37 with his hotels and golf courses.


He's the nominee, unless he falls FAR short of 1237.

I don't see him getting the majority of remaining delegates and if that plays out he'll be well short of 1237 and the electorate will not have made a choice. Cruz will benefit from Trump's accumulation of negative comments and press as long as he takes the high road. Watch the polls over the next couple weeks. Trump's support will decline.

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Trump's support will decline.


It's already declining. His unfavorables in WI alone are over 70%. He could get nothing in WI, and that would be the beginning of the end. Now that Rubio is getting his name off the CA ballot, Trump could be sucking hind tit in no time.

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Eh. We will see. I never counted Wisconsin among Trump's wins. It's a very cucked state like neighbors Minnesota and Iowa.


If he loses Indiana and some states in the Northeast, then yeah, he's in trouble.

Here's the county map so far. Trump should be relatively weak in Wisconsin but should sweep Indiana and the remaining Northeast.

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By "cucked" he means: doesn't hate blacks and Jews enough.


In case anyone was wondering, "cucked" apparently stems from a term used to describe white men who have a sexual desire to watch their wives be !@#$ed by black men.


He is litterally stating that those who disagree with his politics enjoy being emasculated by black men.

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Eh. We will see. I never counted Wisconsin among Trump's wins. It's a very cucked state like neighbors Minnesota and Iowa.


If he loses Indiana and some states in the Northeast, then yeah, he's in trouble.

Here's the county map so far. Trump should be relatively weak in Wisconsin but should sweep Indiana and the remaining Northeast.


So it comes down to this: everyone who doesn't like Trump is cucked and everyone who does like Trump is slightly smarter than a racist skinhead?


Interesting way to group the world there, Ozy.

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Oh, my friend, there are so many tomes that have been written about this subject. If you have genuine interest and because you named yourself 'Observer' which suggests a scientific mind, then I will start you with this link: http://www.humanbiologicaldiversity.com/


If the reading is too dry, let me know.




Proximity + Diversity = Conflict. We see it play out over and over again in American and Europe.


If I could populate the Earth from scratch, I definitely would give each race their own nation-state, if not continent. Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, Europe for the Europeans, etc.


However, thru bad public policy, the races have created multicultural societies to a great extent. Particularly in America.


So the question is now: what do we do from here?


Many of my colleagues have very hardcore solutions. Me, I prefer to focus on humane solutions around birthrates or secession. I mean, many of my colleagues refer to me as an SJW, and they may be right.


In any case, I would want America to look something like this:



This is a similar breakup map to what that Russian professor claimed a few years back.


I do agree to a point that in order for a nation to be successful, it's citizens have to have a common culture, ideals, language and vision for what they want the country to be as well as sovereign borders. If you do not have those elements it will lead to conflict, tension, political gridlock and frusteration.


Right now in modern day America there are too many chefs in the kitchen all fighting over what meal should be prepared.


That was my theory six months ago, but that assumed he'd be all done by now, not winning primaries. Agreed that is not going to happen at this stage.


The big problem is what he'll do if they take it away from him at the convention. This is not a guy who will quietly bow out. And even if he did, a nominee who got trounced in the primaries would have to pull off a miracle to win a general election. Even Hillary isn't distasteful enough to motivate enough people to vote for whoever the GOP would go with.


I don't see any way forward here. I guess we'll just have to root for a Hillary impeachment.

This is entirely sadly believable.

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