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Trump Alone at the Top

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Who do you think is running Terry Pegula's day to day operations of his companies outside sabres/bills?


The analogy would be that both Pegulas are traveling all over the country every day on a fishing expedition, followed constantly by Brandon, Murray & Whaley. Don't tell me that you wouldn't think something was fishy. And here's Trump, with an apparently larger enterprise than Pegulas traversing the land with all of his top lieutenants.


Do you people ever stop to think this through, or are you prepared to go all gator on him?

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It's ok CEO's use snapchat to send directives to their employees. This is 2016!


Hey...the GoToMeeting phone app is the best! You don't even need to be at a computer. You can run your company from your bathroom!


I don't know why all the other CEOs don't run for president! It's so easy to do with all that free time!

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Hey...the GoToMeeting phone app is the best! You don't even need to be at a computer. You can run your company from your bathroom!


I don't know why all the other CEOs don't run for president! It's so easy to do with all that free time!


If you look at Trump at his most recent rally in Utah, he would most likely agree with this sarcasm. He is completely run down.

Edited by BuffaloBillsForever
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Trump's properties are hotels and golf courses who have people running them. His businesses don't require his day-to-day input. One would think that you guys think he plans menus and hole placement on the greens.


In other words, it's not as big or complex enterprise as he's making it out to be, right?

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In other words, it's not as big or complex enterprise as he's making it out to be, right?


No. It's called delegation and hiring people to run them. These would be people below the top of the corporate structure who have nothing to do with his campaign.

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In other words, it's not as big or complex enterprise as he's making it out to be, right?


Just look at how big the structure is for just one large scale hotel and it doesn't require one of Donald, Donald Jr., Evanka or Eric to be there 24/7. It's all delegated.




Each department at a large hotel or resort may normally consist of subordinate line-level managers and supervisors who handle day-to-day operations.

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You mean the people who create the jobs and grow the economy?


You sure you shouldn't be voting for Bernie?


I prefer the businesses that create jobs without lobbying. I'm surprised you would identify anti-crony capitalism with leftists. Both conservatives/libertarians AND leftists decry cronyism. It's just that the former are still pro-capitalism; they just don't want the gov't to pick winners and losers.

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In other words, it's not as big or complex enterprise as he's making it out to be, right?

That's nothing like what I stated. You're too smart to be playing the obtuse game. The official name of his company is The Trump Organization, LLC. He has a COO that has nothing to do with his campaign. Under his "tent" he has a bunch of properties and businesses all run by employees, partners, etc.



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J_Mq7AKo_bigger.jpeg The HillVerified account @thehill 18m18 minutes ago

WATCH LIVE: Protesters block traffic outside Trump rally in Arizona http://hill.cm/MBDvzjL



Bad headline: they spelled "First Amendment opponents" wrong.








Donald Trump’s Working-Class Appeal Is Starting To Freak Out Labor Unions.




Yep.......... Every Republican Presidential Candidate Is Hitler: The “Big Lie” has been around for over fifty years.




THE FERGUSON EFFECT CONTINUES TO FESTER: Jack Dunphy writes that Democrat Mayors de Blasio and Emanuel agree: Better for a city to endure higher crime than see a racially charged incident turned into a political liability.

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Seema Mehta @LATSeema 13m13 minutes ago

Trump supporters are now abandoning cars and walking three miles to rally. pic.twitter.com/Jb0UPKVm1R


Army veteran who has a cane because of nerve damage from when he was shot while serving, walking to Trump rally. pic.twitter.com/aRk2eJFCRj

10:55 AM - 19 Mar 2016 ·

If tables were turned, if Democrat candidates had violent protests by conservatives, leftist anchors wouldn't blame the candidates.

Again, protests are always fine. ....................................Getting in fights, blocking highways, shutting down events are not.


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Seema Mehta @LATSeema 13m13 minutes ago

Trump supporters are now abandoning cars and walking three miles to rally. pic.twitter.com/Jb0UPKVm1R


Army veteran who has a cane because of nerve damage from when he was shot while serving, walking to Trump rally. pic.twitter.com/aRk2eJFCRj

10:55 AM - 19 Mar 2016 ·

If tables were turned, if Democrat candidates had violent protests by conservatives, leftist anchors wouldn't blame the candidates.

Again, protests are always fine. ....................................Getting in fights, blocking highways, shutting down events are not.




An illegal protest and nothing happens to them yet the people that abandoned their cars carefully OFF THE ROAD to go to the Trump Rally are going to have their cars towed.

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Is there any way Trump is organizing the protests?


These idiots keep putting him in the news and it's rallying everyone to his side; from disenfranchised voters to American Idol couch potatoes, they all want to see the reality star become president for pure entertainment.


I have friends who haven't paid attention in decades (not even to Obama) talking about this stuff.

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What? Noooo. A man as honorable as Trump would never stoop to intentionally creating controversy to get press coverage. Never.




Why, to do that, he'd have to be in cahoots with the left to mobilize all these people, and a staunch conservative like Trump would NEVER do anything like that.


Why...he's just like Reagan. :lol:

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not that trump would be the first prez with a mental illness but I think he clearly meets criteria for this: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/stop-walking-eggshells/201510/does-donald-trump-have-narcissistic-personality-disorder

People are acting like hes somehow worse than alternstives. Talk about crazy, Cruz said he won't make an important decision as POTUS until checking with the Bible and the Constitution. If these documents are somehow so intertwined, why is the pope doesn't check with the US Constitution before making a decision? And looney bird rubio wanted to increase military spending by $1 Trillion even though we already spend more than the next 10 countries combined. Give me the guy who rightfully busts on the hacks at faux news, any day over those alternatives.
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