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On 3/26/2020 at 3:24 PM, B-Man said:

They care about looking like they care about the environment. Plastic shopping bags? How gauche! Besides, they clash with the reusable coffee mug I got from an indigenous craftsman during an ecotourism trip to Guatemala!




There are Americans who do not live permanently in Canada and we are among them. Here for a yearlong teaching fellowship at McGill University’s Max Bell School of Public Policy, this was an opportunity of experiencing cultural immersion, teaching graduate students from all over the world, and experiencing how a multilingual, highly diverse population lives.

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Law dean denounces professor for quoting Supreme Court decision that includes n-word.


At Wake Forest University School of Law, professors are not allowed to quote court cases in their classroom without being reprimanded before the entire community.


In a March 24 email to students, faculty and staff that was forwarded to The College Fix, the dean reprimanded Michael Curtis, professor in constitutional and public law, for quoting a footnote in a court case that used the n-word.


Dean Jane Aiken detailed the incident and apologized to students who heard Curtis say the word or heard about it from others.


Curtis was teaching his Constitutional Law I class about Brandenburg v. Ohio. As he was reading a footnote that contained racist statements from the Ku Klux Klan, Curtis used “the most offensive word in the American language — the n-word,” Aiken told the community.



Disgraceful. How are Wake Forest law students going to function in the real world, if they’re encouraged to be traumatized by a footnote?


And some advice to deans: When you throw a faculty member under the bus over a temporary PR kerfuffle, it tends to come back to bite you in the ass. Even the people who cheer you on in the moment will remember that if push comes to shove, you can’t be counted on.

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“In just ten days, we discovered that neither the tampon issue, nor the participation of transsexuals in the Olympic Games, nor the climate emergency were real problems, nor emergencies, nor anything of the sort. They were just fictitious problems, the pastimes of a generation that hadn’t known tragedy.”

— Itxu Diaz, National Review. 




Via Ricochet, which has further thoughts worth reading:


“This crisis will be resolved by truckers running the long haul on deserted highways, doctors and nurse working double shifts in scavenged PPE, grocery store and gas station employees keeping services and food available, utility and telecom workers keeping a strained system functioning, grad students and other researchers poring over data and running countless tests in hopes of giving us an advantage, and ordinary people trying to follow often-contradictory guidance and do the right thing while facing a locked-down economy. At the top, we have leaders whose every move is scrutinized and fraught with potential peril – there might not be any good choices, just bad and not so bad. There is no room for our useless media and most of the commentariat. Activists can either pitch in or get lost. We no longer have time for indulging the delusion that they matter.”







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Edited by B-Man
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On 4/6/2020 at 10:21 AM, B-Man said:




 Two Fat Professors’ are afraid of COVID-19 causing ‘fatphobia.’



Like all the other political “phobias,” there’s no such thing as “fatphobia,”


it’s just a term made up by grifters and control freaks.





Well hold on just a second.  


A few years back, a friend of a friend of mine had an accident where he drove his car through the front of a liquor store.  He called me to help out, so I drove over to help him out.  He was a big cat (RIP), and I'm a horrible judge of that, but he was 450-500+, maybe 6'1.  He was actually waiting for gastric bypass but could never get low enough to have the surgery.  Anyway, his car was being towed, I told him I'd give him a ride home.  He had medical issues, of course, including the sheer effort it took to get his legs up into the vehicle I was driving at the time.  When we got to his house, he told me he needed help getting out.  I helped get his legs out of the vehicle, he sorta rocked to get moving forward and damn near tilted past the point of no return, as I was attempting to secure him from a fall like a doomed movie hero holding the door closed from a hoard of zombies on the other side.  Anyway, we stopped him before he fell, and the math suggested that had things gone sideways, I was about to be crushed in the aftermath.  


Fat phobia is for reelz...and all you lovable b*stards would have laughed because  nothing brings people together----libs, conservatives, bernie bros and klansman, like the unfortunate and most decidedly unhappy ending to some poor bastard crushed under a massive falling fat guy.  



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BULLIES: Radical trans rights activists threaten journalist for writing Animal Crossing article.

Erina Rose, a young gaming journalist at the Australian startup Sausage Roll, wrote on how the mega-hit Animal Crossing had been censored for the western market to cater to LGBT groups. Her piece, published March 24, outlined how the game had changed “gender” with “style” in the title screen to avoid upsetting social justice warriors who didn’t want to identify as either male or female in the game.


Rose used evidence from three international versions of the game, which demonstrated the only edition where “sex” is censored is in the English one.


In a screenshot from Rose’s article, she demonstrates that in the Japanese version, “boy” or “girl” is still an option to be selected. But in the English version of the same game, the gendered terms have been replaced with “style.”


She also claims a source who worked at Nintendo on the Animal Crossing development team admitted to her the game had been changed to not upset LGBT groups.


Following the publication of the article, Rose began receiving horrific threats and abuse to her Twitter account and email.




Luxury beliefs like this one — and the bullying attitudes they engender — need to be pushed out on an ice floe to enjoy the retirement they deserve.

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