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Steelers owner: Get ready for NFL games in Mexico,Germany...

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The NFL is excited about the prospect of bringing regular season games to more of our fans located around the globe.

I think the Rooneys should be excited about giving up their home games since they think this is such a great idea. What franchise, othern than Jax, is so bad that their fanbase would be pleased to lose a game? The Raiders have been terrible, but their fans would be irate. Tampa?

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NFL is so self-righteous and Americanly ignorant it's disturbing. The NFL in Germany, the UK, Brazil is a novelty to soccer. A team would never matter that much in the UK or Germany. Who among the Bills games would stop watching and spending on the Bills if they put a EPL team in Bflo? Not many. Plus, those heading to London in the fall who have never been there before will notice a glaring lack of people wearing any soccer jerseys, hats, shirt, etc. except at a game. The NFL is consumption based sport, concerned only with prying money from our collective wallet and maximization of profit at the detriment to the on-field product. The English have a different approach to sport than we do and they prefer class and tradition over constant rule changes. I also think the average Londoner probably would hate the 4 hour game. An EPL match is 2 hours. I love a team in the worst league in the world.

Germany? I thought they liked American football? NFLE was fairly successful there. They seem to get the game.

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The NFL makes the vast majority of its money hoping you stay home and watch the games on the networks that almost completely fund the league. The TV contracts are so insanely lucrative, the fans in the stand don't matter.


I would be surprised if 5% of all NFL fans attend even a single game per year, let alone "10-15% in 2025".


But even so, your claim that the NFL is pricing the fans out of the stands isn't true. The overall NFL attendance has not changed in the 7 seasons between 2008 and 2014. Despite most teams modest annual increase in prices, there was not a single blacked out game in the NFL last year. Simple supply and demand laws dictate that the market sets the price. When attendance falls, ticket prices will go down.



Fair enough, but keep in mind some of these sellouts are artificial sellouts meaning the team buys up the tickets or they sell the tickets at an fairly generous discount. Heck the Bills have done this in the past. Brandon has admitted as much. I know the NFL is a TV revenue generated league, but the league should be at least a bit concerned that the younger generation, the generation that is going to have to support the NFL when our generations time has run it's course, most of the fans will go their entire lifetime without being at a game live. I think that is a legit concern of the league.

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This league is an insatiable monster. Things like the Pro Bowl and NFL Draft can often pull better ratings than World Series games. The league has firmly woven its way into American pop culture and it isnt going anywhere for a long while. They have succeeded in making league events nearly year-round... yet the schedule is small enough where nearly every game is important. It is perfect for gambling, pools, fantasy football, etc and that has permeated through nearly everyone in our society. They have extremely intelligent people at the helm.




The main threat to the NFL is the long-term. Players are beginning to willingly walk away early. Parents will not let their children play football. The player pool will dry up, but to what degree? All the litigation, long term health effects, etc... Also, the landscape of NCAA football is undergoing some major transformations that will undoubtedly change the landscape a bit for the NFL. My guess is that the NFL will be a beast for at least 15-20 more years.

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Maybe each club has to identify a home-away-from-home.


Maybe we'd pick Toronto. And whenever we were scheduled to play a home game in another country (just one game per year), it'd be TO.


New England could choose London, England.


Dallas might choose Mexico City.


Seattle might choose Vancouver, Canada.


San Francisco might choose Hong Kong...


This would, logistically, be a tough sell but it could be fun to have 32 foreign cities with a home NFL team.

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Interesting that after years of fans and teams not caring, FIFA was brought down today by the American government.


Im sure someone could find a conspiracy theory somewhere in there regarding the NFL's upcoming expansion into places like London and Germany...

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Fair enough, but keep in mind some of these sellouts are artificial sellouts meaning the team buys up the tickets or they sell the tickets at an fairly generous discount. Heck the Bills have done this in the past. Brandon has admitted as much. I know the NFL is a TV revenue generated league, but the league should be at least a bit concerned that the younger generation, the generation that is going to have to support the NFL when our generations time has run it's course, most of the fans will go their entire lifetime without being at a game live. I think that is a legit concern of the league.


A few thousand tickets a week purchased by teams for sellouts is chicken feed---and it is only done so that the vast majority of fans can watch from home. Again, people don't ever have to set foot in an NFL stadium to be a valued fan (someone who watches on TV and buys merchandise). Kids love watching the NFL like everyone else--especially with fantasy leagues everywhere now.



This league is an insatiable monster. Things like the Pro Bowl and NFL Draft can often pull better ratings than World Series games. The league has firmly woven its way into American pop culture and it isnt going anywhere for a long while. They have succeeded in making league events nearly year-round... yet the schedule is small enough where nearly every game is important. It is perfect for gambling, pools, fantasy football, etc and that has permeated through nearly everyone in our society. They have extremely intelligent people at the helm.




The main threat to the NFL is the long-term. Players are beginning to willingly walk away early. Parents will not let their children play football. The player pool will dry up, but to what degree? All the litigation, long term health effects, etc... Also, the landscape of NCAA football is undergoing some major transformations that will undoubtedly change the landscape a bit for the NFL. My guess is that the NFL will be a beast for at least 15-20 more years.


The vast majority of kids parents who won't let them play aren't likely the kids who were destined for the NFL anyway. THere will never be a shortage of kids from the South and the Western states who will strive for top college programs and then the NFL. A couple of peripheral NFL players cashing out early means nothing. P Manning keep scoming back even though his neck may break with the next hit. He's not worried.

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