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Considering your troubles with the FBI, I don't blame you. But I would probably suggest using different terminology while you're under federal scrutiny.




Considering your troubles with the FBI, I don't blame you. But I would probably suggest using different terminology while you're under federal scrutiny.



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The SBD sank more Japanese ships than any other plane. I took a pic of one when I was 9 at the Smithsonian but its no long on display there.

I saw one at the Geneseo air show in the nineties and it was gigantic!


You know you have issues when you get involved in a hijack of your own thread. :D

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After some contemplation, I am sure that the Lancaster reference was to discuss everyone's favorite Amish dish.


Best Amish Food in Lancaster County!



I'm going with Bean Soup.............Mmmmmmmmmmmmm


I spent a summer in Lancaster, PA earning college money by working for a guy who owned a pig roast concession stand. Took it all over the NY and PA to summer fairs, roasting whole pigs and selling pork sandwiches at $8 a pop. The summer would end near my hometown for the German Alps Festival in Hunter, NY.


Did you know the Amish had a buggy specifically for courtin' women?


Those Amish were cool people when it came to getting the babes, but not as cool as the guys who did slap dancing in lederhosen.


Wait. What were we talking about?

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The SBD sank more Japanese ships than any other plane. I took a pic of one when I was 9 at the Smithsonian but its no long on display there.

I saw one at the Geneseo air show in the nineties and it was gigantic!


It was there last time I was there. I gave an impromptu lecture on it.

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In Hamilton , Ont they have a WW2 museum at Mt. Hope airport and they used to take the Lancaster up and they flew over from time to time. What stuck with me the most was the bass like noise that went right through you. I could only imagine what it was like when you had a few hundred of those things flying over dropping bombs. Had to out of this world fear.




Worse than that...imagine a few hundred flying over, with flak going off (and shrapnel raining down on your head - flak shells exploded, and the shrapnel had to go somewhere), And outside of searchlights and occasional flares (used by Bomber Command as sky markers), you can't see a damned thing. Just a cacophony of noise in the dark. Then the "cookies" start going off, and the incendiaries making a rattling noise as they hit the ground, or your roof...


Night bombing by Bomber Command was unbelievably horrific. There's recorded instances, after the Hamburg firestorm, of rescue workers having to shoot people who ran across streets to escape the flames and got stuck in the melted asphalt, and couldn't be saved. Nuking Hiroshima was more merciful.

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Worse than that...imagine a few hundred flying over, with flak going off (and shrapnel raining down on your head - flak shells exploded, and the shrapnel had to go somewhere), And outside of searchlights and occasional flares (used by Bomber Command as sky markers), you can't see a damned thing. Just a cacophony of noise in the dark. Then the "cookies" start going off, and the incendiaries making a rattling noise as they hit the ground, or your roof...


Night bombing by Bomber Command was unbelievably horrific. There's recorded instances, after the Hamburg firestorm, of rescue workers having to shoot people who ran across streets to escape the flames and got stuck in the melted asphalt, and couldn't be saved. Nuking Hiroshima was more merciful.

Whenever people bang the drums of war I wonder if they really know what they are asking for.

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Usually they are asking for a cakewalk


No, usually they are asking for an action movie, because they're expecting a cakewalk. Americans - thanks to the Air Force - think you can do surgery with high explosives. Americans think attacking with a heavy corps from Kuwait to Baghdad is no different from driving to the grocery story, and consider it a failure if you have to stop for gas. Americans think it's criminal negligence when, if you shoot tons of **** into the air, some of it doesn't go where you originally wanted (little known fact: in WWII, Allied commanders planned for 10% friendly fire casualties in any operation. In New Guinea, they planned for 30%.)


Another little known fact: imagine an island with a million people, defended with 100k soldiers, invaded it with 200k soldiers. Kill 250k of those people, then bury them in the mud for three months. Then destroy the sewer system, and have the surviving million defecate in the open for three months. That's the battle of Okinawa - a quarter-million bodies and three months' worth of a million people's **** rotting in the mud. You talk to any veteran of a major battle, and they'll tell you the worst memory of the battle wasn't combat or fear of death so much as it was the omnipresent smell of **** and the personal degradation of living in that absolute level of filth.


Americans (Westerners in general, at this point) think Saving Private Ryan was brutally realistic. It doesn't even start to approach realistic until you're up to your neck in a septic tank watching it on a loop for a week. People, in general, are thoroughly clueless.

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Well, anything happening is generally more fascinating than what you have to say.


You really suck at witty repartee. You suck at it so badly, it pains me to even acknowledge it as an attempt at witty repartee. Could you possibly be any worse at it?




It was merely curious until maintenance saw him and said "Oh no, not again." Then you couldn't tear people away.

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