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SI: How the Bills are beating the NFL's best QBs


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The All-22: How the Bills are beating the NFL's best quarterbacks





The All-22: How the Bills are beating the NFL's best quarterbacks





The All-22: How the Bills are beating the NFL's best quarterbacks





Good stuff. Thank you.

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Also they love to talk about the Nelson drop but forget to mention if Gilmore held on he would have scored on the interception. Or the other pick if it wasn't dropped. Should have had 4 picks on Rodgers on the day.


I also think AW would have been in position to make a tackle on that Nelson drop.



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Take notice on the play where Rambo cut in front of the receiver to intercept the ball...On that play, Rogers missed a wide open receiver at the top of the screen who looks like he would have scored 6. How come Rogers isn't being called out for throwing to the wrong guy? I guess elite quarterbacks make bad decisions too.



Edited by PolishDave
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I also think AW would have been in position to make a tackle on that Nelson drop.




Agreed. And, given the screen shot here, what's talked about as sure 94 yard td becomes a 40-50ish yard completion against a d playing very well for the other 59:50 of game time. A great play no doubt, but hardly a sure thing and hardly a nail in the coffin at that point.

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I think it was Kyle Williams this week who said they really don't adjust too much to their opponent, they just do what they do. I don't really believe that. I hope it's not true or else Belichik with 2 weeks to work on it will find a way to beat it.

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Because Rambo was reacting to Rodgers the entire play, if Rodgers looks at Nelson, then Rambo would have gone that way. Rodgers probably could have looked him off, but it's dangerous to do that for very long with a front four like the Bills.

Disagree... Look at the play a few more times. Rambo turns his shoulder away from the outside receiver and starts cheating towards the slot guy well before Rogers locked on him. When Rogers locked in on the slot receiver, then Rambo made a break on the ball.


If that was Orton in at QB on that play, some people would be using this as yet another excuse to call him the worst qb in the league. But because it is Rogers, they say the defender made a great play instead of blaming the QB for a bad decision.

Edited by PolishDave
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Take notice on the play where Rambo cut in front of the receiver to intercept the ball...On that play, Rogers missed a wide open receiver at the top of the screen who looks like he would have scored 6. How come Rogers isn't being called out for throwing to the wrong guy? I guess elite quarterbacks make bad decisions too.

He said in the post-game that the open guy was 3rd read and the guy he threw to was 2nd read and appeared to be open.

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Disagree... Look at the play a few more times. Rambo turns his shoulder away from the outside receiver and starts cheating towards the slot guy well before Rogers locked on him. When Rogers locked in on the slot receiver, then Rambo made a break on the ball.


If that was Orton in at QB on that play, some people would be using this as yet another excuse to call him the worst qb in the league. But because it is Rogers, they say the defender made a great play instead of blaming the QB for a bad decision.


Guess we'll agree to disagree, I see him sliding over when Rodgers comes out of the play action and ignores the right side of the field. Rambo's pre snap lines him up on the right side, which causes Rodgers to ignore that side, because he thinks he has an easy left side play, as the play starts Rambo slides towards center field to "reset", and as Rodgers looks to the left, Rambo makes a break.

Edited by Dorkington
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