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Official 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' thread

Just Jack

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I'm glad too, I'm not a big Han fan.........was not phased when he was killed. Like to see Luke die as well ASAP. Can you tell I'm a dark side kind of guy, although, I think Ren/Ben will come back from it in the end.


When I finally got to see the movie I went with 19 other family members, it was our big Christmas movie blowout kind of thing. After the movie is over, we're all gathering in the lobby talking about the film as we wait for other people in our party to use the restroom etc. Of course my brother(s) and my mother are all talking about Han's final showdown LOUDLY as people were streaming into the next showing.


It wasn't quite the same as when Homer spoiled Episode V in the Simpsons, but it was amusingly close.

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There's too much back story of how Ben got to where he is now. It'll be fleshed out in some form. Maybe that winds up being in cartoon form again? I never bothered with any of those shows, but I suppose they could get someone else to voice the character. I have no idea if they did the same with the post-episode 3 cartoons.

Even if they flashback to to explain Ben->Ren, they've already explained away Ford's absence. Han & Leia was a rocky romance

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You dont tug on supermans cape, you dont spit into the wind, you dont pull the mask off the old lone Ranger, AND YOU DONT KILL HAN

I dont know what you guys keep going on about.

I clearly saw him retire to a tropical island on Kashyyk with a big pile of gold and 7 randy pirate maidens......

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When I saw The Hidden Fortress, I was absolutely stunned at how much Lucas stole. He even stole the scene where Han chases the squad of Stormtroopers down the corridor.


Don't get me wrong, Star Wars (the original, theatrical release) is still one of my favorite movies. But Lucas is a grade-A hack, and a ****-ass storyteller (as he proved by not understanding why Han shoots first.)


Yep. There's even a tall peasant/short peasant love/hate bromance comic relief duo.


Lucas is a total hack, but at least he stole from the best.


Btw, the scene in THF with an angry Toshiro Mifune, with his katana in hasso-gamae, chasing down some poor SOB on horseback at full gallop, is one of my all-time favorite moments in cinema.

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When I finally got to see the movie I went with 19 other family members, it was our big Christmas movie blowout kind of thing. After the movie is over, we're all gathering in the lobby talking about the film as we wait for other people in our party to use the restroom etc. Of course my brother(s) and my mother are all talking about Han's final showdown LOUDLY as people were streaming into the next showing.


It wasn't quite the same as when Homer spoiled Episode V in the Simpsons, but it was amusingly close.

I saw the spoiler on a facebook comment myself but I didn't know who did it before I recently watched the movie.......but I wouldn't be in a thread reading about everything if I wanted to be surprised. So it would make sense not to come talk about a movie unless you watched it right?

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The movie was definitely good, but had some really serious flaws. Finn's character goes from having PTSD to helping Poe escape in about 30 seconds. Poe even asks why Finn is helping him and Finn responds "because it's the right thing to do." It seems JJ Abrams had a hard time finding motivation for Finn's character so he came up with the hand-wavy line. Captain Phasma was completely pointless and could have had her part filled by random extras. Rey is inexplicably good at everything, she's a great pilot, can fix the Millennium Falcon better than Han Solo, and basically learns every force power instantly that took other characters years to use. Luke doesn't even use a mind trick until ROTJ but Rey uses one in the first movie, despite not having any training at all. . Also, all the character development she gets is that she was left as a child on Jakku.


I didn't even get to the part where the plot is simply a rehash of A New Hope. Most of the characters are a rehash as well. The General Hux guy? Grand Moff Tarkin from Episode 4. The fat bearded x-wing pilot? Porkins from the original. Another death star? They even made fun of this in the movie with the "it's another death star" line.


I'm guessing Episode VIII will take place on an ice world and end with Kylo Ren telling Rey that she is a Luke's daughter and they are family.


Still, I'm glad the movie is no Phantom Menace.

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The movie was definitely good, but had some really serious flaws. Finn's character goes from having PTSD to helping Poe escape in about 30 seconds. Poe even asks why Finn is helping him and Finn responds "because it's the right thing to do." It seems JJ Abrams had a hard time finding motivation for Finn's character so he came up with the hand-wavy line. Captain Phasma was completely pointless and could have had her part filled by random extras. Rey is inexplicably good at everything, she's a great pilot, can fix the Millennium Falcon better than Han Solo, and basically learns every force power instantly that took other characters years to use. Luke doesn't even use a mind trick until ROTJ but Rey uses one in the first movie, despite not having any training at all. . Also, all the character development she gets is that she was left as a child on Jakku.


I didn't even get to the part where the plot is simply a rehash of A New Hope. Most of the characters are a rehash as well. The General Hux guy? Grand Moff Tarkin from Episode 4. The fat bearded x-wing pilot? Porkins from the original. Another death star? They even made fun of this in the movie with the "it's another death star" line.


I'm guessing Episode VIII will take place on an ice world and end with Kylo Ren telling Rey that she is a Luke's daughter and they are family.


Still, I'm glad the movie is no Phantom Menace.

That line was a lie, and a joke in the movie. After he says that Poe says, "you needed a pilot" and Finn responds, "I needed a pilot". In other words, he didn't do it because it was the right thing to do, he just said that to sound good. He really just had no other way to get out.


Capt Phasma supposedly had more of a role to play later; same excuse for Rey's back story. This is was one of three (plus books, tv shows, etc...). They have a long way to go.

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