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All 32 NFL teams graded on their five-year potential


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Its a great time to be a Buffalo Bills fans. We now know that they will stay in Buffalo past 2020...yay! We have a new owner who doesn't need the team to make a profit to support him and all his hobbies, and will spend what it takes.


The best part about new ownership is he isn't a controlling freak who will be hands-on like other owners, and will let the football men make the football decisions.


That said, we all can finally expect accountability, and it shouldn't take ten years of bad drafting to realize there is a problem in the drafting process. If this coaching staff doesn't field a winner this year we can expect change, and hopefully to obtain an experienced offensive coordinator in the process. I'm so sick of noobs, like Turk Schonert, Alex Van Pelt, Hate Hackett, and the biggest dummy in Gailey as HC and running the entire offense.

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Manuel is definitely "exciting" when he continually throws to ball into the dirt, over receivers heads, or to the wrong side of a receiver who has to do contortions to catch it. And that doesn't even include all the times he misses open receivers. Yes, he does complete many passes as well. All of this is what makes a quarterback mediocre.

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I'm so use to the Bills getting ripped, that as I started reading and didn't see them in the D or even C section I was certain the article would end with a special F section just for the Bills.

this. But obviously, this writer must have no credibility because it doesn't fit the narrative.
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I'm so use to the Bills getting ripped, that as I started reading and didn't see them in the D or even C section I was certain the article would end with a special F section just for the Bills.

I backed up several times looking for the Bills. Then got pissed because they didn't even mention us! Good thing I continued reading the crap list.... finished it and was thinking, "wow, that's a great article!"


What is most interesting though is reading some of the responses here (and in the EJ is actually pretty good article) by people seemingly upset that their preconceived narratives aren't being reinforced by pundits.

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I really hate these types of articles (not quite as much as the ones that "grade" a draft the day after it happens, but close). ANYTHING can happen over the course of a year or two, much less five. I agree that there's a ton of young talent on our roster now but, as everyone knows, it all begins and ends with EJ. And all that aside, having Detroit on the list of "A" teams really undermines this guy's credibility. That team is going to get old and/or fleeced by free agency a lot faster than they are going to be a force in the postseason.

Edited by Bills Fan in MD
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I agree with this guy's rating. When the Bills roll over the Texans on Sunday and have a 3-1 record, the negative nancy's who came out of the woodwork this week, will put their tales between their legs and go back in hiding, silently bitter with the knowledge they weren't right about anything they've been so declarative about these past few days.


The rest of us will have fun. :)


Duly noted.

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true, but most posters here aren't trying to make a name for themselves as a writer.

I'm actually amazed at the grammatical and spelling errors in published work online, and even in print. Does no one bother to proofread anymore or use copy editors? I mean, on a board like this I am not careful about grammar and spelling because it is just for fun. If it is something I am doing for work and putting out there with my name attached you better believe I have reviewed it. Some of the stuff out there is honestly hard to read, it is written so poorly.
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