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NFL Announces New Domestic Violence Policy

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well, hitting a woman is never ok --- but hitting a woman thats not your significant other might be ok (too theoretical here) as is discussing hitting that doesnt cause major injury. or hitting a boyfriend. those might be more ok.


I disagree. It takes little imagination to come up with a scenario where virtually everyone would agree it's okay to hit a woman.



Being in the NFL isn't a normal job.


I do think there should be more zero tolerance enforcement in the NFL; I don't believe that if one disagrees with that, that one supports the offense.


I understand it's not a normal job, and I'm okay with rules rationally related to the ways in which it is different. I just don't approve of those that are not.

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It is never ever ever okay to hit a woman. Ever. Under any circumstances.


Unless it's Ronda Rousey, Sarah Palin or Tomasina Brady.


So she's chasing your child with a knife. What do you do?


Edit: Just caught the joke. I only got to Rhona Rousey before I hit reply.

Edited by Rob's House
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I am probably a minority of one here. But we have multiple overlapping police juristiction, federal, state, county, local. I think they should handle the matter first and if a players employer (the team) just like your employer or my employer wants to "fire" the employee, then they should do that. I don't generally like the idea of every employer in American acting as an ad hoc police/judge/jury/executioner. I am not a big fan of pretending that the NFL needs to bring "justice" to a situation that has nothing to do with football. Fire the guy or move on and let the law take care of it. How many people posting on this board would get "suspended" from work for a DUI for example?

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I disagree. It takes little imagination to come up with a scenario where virtually everyone would agree it's okay to hit a woman.




i agree, and was giving dwight a hard time for his zero tolerance policy and latter waffling.



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i agree, and was giving dwight a hard time for his zero tolerance policy and latter waffling.

I wasn't referring to the NFL's policy either. Hitting a woman who is chasing your child with a knife doesn't, or shouldn't, fall under anyone's "domestic abuse" policy. It's not domestic abuse. It's protecting your child. It's like when someone breaks into your home, and you're allowed to shoot them. That is a totally different category than other gun issues.

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I agree you should never ever hit a woman. I have issues with minimum punishment most of the time. If things are black and white it makes sense, but that is not always the case.

It's not often we have a video as we do in the Ray Rice example. People make things up (on both sides) to get even. A fall or a push becomes a punch. I'm ok with guidelines for those cases where it's not cut and dry there should be some give, for the obvious over the top cases they should be able to make the punishment harsher. The Ray Rice example would be the latter.

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I wasn't referring to the NFL's policy either. Hitting a woman who is chasing your child with a knife doesn't, or shouldn't, fall under anyone's "domestic abuse" policy. It's not domestic abuse. It's protecting your child. It's like when someone breaks into your home, and you're allowed to shoot them. That is a totally different category than other gun issues.


to be fair, dwights policy wasnt domestic abuse either, it was "no violence against females ever - period" and was getting him a hard time

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to be fair, dwights policy wasnt domestic abuse either, it was "no violence against females ever - period" and was getting him a hard time

I don't want to speak for dwight, but 99% of the time when someone says it's never okay to hit a woman, they mean basically the same thing. The (usually) bigger, more powerful person shouldn't use physical force, especially a punch, when in a fight with your wife, or girlfriend, or female colleague, or girl in a bar. And it includes even if she hits you, and includes even if she is bigger than you. You just don't do it, there is no excuse for it, like there is no excuse for driving schitfaced drunk, or saying you have a bomb in an airport, or mouthing off to a cop who is arresting you. You just don't do it. Ever. They are not talking about not punching out a woman who puts a gun to your head or tries to stab your daughter. That's implicit.


Sure, there are crazies and outliers, but 99% of the time you should know what they mean by that.

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I don't want to speak for dwight, but 99% of the time when someone says it's never okay to hit a woman, they mean basically the same thing. The (usually) bigger, more powerful person shouldn't use physical force, especially a punch, when in a fight with your wife, or girlfriend, or female colleague, or girl in a bar. And it includes even if she hits you, and includes even if she is bigger than you. You just don't do it, there is no excuse for it, like there is no excuse for driving schitfaced drunk, or saying you have a bomb in an airport, or mouthing off to a cop who is arresting you. You just don't do it. Ever. They are not talking about not punching out a woman who puts a gun to your head or tries to stab your daughter. That's implicit.


Sure, there are crazies and outliers, but 99% of the time you should know what they mean by that.


i know, i know. hence i didnt get into the "gun to the head" situation myself. though with dwight it seems the bar or less severe fights do actually matter in his assessment.

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i know, i know. hence i didnt get into the "gun to the head" situation myself. though with dwight it seems the bar or less severe fights do actually matter in his assessment.

Shouldn't there be some consideration of the degree to which she had it coming or shouldn't have mouthed off like that? Traditionally, those have been important metrics in determining how justified domestic violence may be.

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Exactly. Gives the wrong impression of what is and what is not acceptable, no matter the circumstances, in our society. The NFL shouldn't want someone representing them that is capable of certain acts even just one time.

I disagree, quite strongly. This is an antiquated notion. We live in a world where men and women are equals. The penalty for striking a woman should be no different than the penalty for striking a man. If the striking was assault, treat both the same. If the striking was self-defense, treat both the same. Women are not helpless creatures that require extra protection. They are our equals, and should be treated as such.


Further, zero tolerance policies, which remove the ability of individual review are foolish.



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Shouldn't there be some consideration of the degree to which she had it coming or shouldn't have mouthed off like that? Traditionally, those have been important metrics in determining how justified domestic violence may be.


ideally, the offending player will have weighed that out when he handled the situation in the moment... but if he misjudged i could see an escalator. (for some of those reading, clearly not serious)

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So you're going to wait and see....so when that happens, you can kind of figure out which of the dudes is the "wife" in the pair--and then, like if that guy got hit, then you would have the other guy banned for life, right?


Cool, I see your thinking here...

nice "comprehension".. not what i mean in the least..two same sex partners and domestic violence was thrown out there as a deflection .. my point is that a man should never hit a woman.. period! people can throw out all the hypothetical scenerios they want .. doesnt dispute my believe about a man striking a woman..
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