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What is better, no guns, or more guns?

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9 hours ago, Pabstblueribbon said:

I suppose this is where the road ends. When forced to reconcile the fact that your solutions are untenable given the constraints set forth on the state by the highest law of the land your only remaining recourse is to undo those constraints. 


Stripping away more liberty from the individual via expanding and packing the supreme court with like minded ideologues who just so happen to share your view on what is "ethical". It's a very shortsighted game you're advocating for, given how quickly the winds of politics change. 


I guess we'll see how it all plays out!


Take care

dude, what r your limits.   Limits are the crux.. realistically, you hope to take on the commander in chief and his legions?  cmon. not gonna win.  try the election booth instead.  you win, i lose...and vice versa.  but we'll  both still be living (somewhere).

4 hours ago, Pabstblueribbon said:


I get it now. Trump mocked the disabled, and you took that personally. Don't forget your helmet. 

Don't forget your dunce cap .



Edited by Joe Ferguson forever
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7 hours ago, Pabstblueribbon said:


"Roe is laughing". No, Roe is dead. Just like your disgusting ideology. The bodies of the victims have not yet cooled and you turkey vultures are already circling the carcass attempting to leverage the tragedy to foist your delusions of a grand utopia in which all we need are 


You're a joke and a disgrace to actual "liberals", who once championed themselves as

8 hours ago, Pabstblueribbon said:



3. As it pertains to the topic at hand, Your feigned concern over the rights of women is laughable as you advocate for stripping them of the best force multiplier they have when confronted with a larger, stronger attacker who would otherwise overpower them with ease. This is even more troubling if I reject your world of make believe where criminal rapists, muggers, and home invaders all willingly submit to your pie in the sky solution and turn in their guns. 




No one wants to unarm anyone. 


We need to set a line and severely reduce military grade gear people are holding.  Maybe I missed your point.   But more likely it was weak.




Edited by L Ron Burgundy
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1 hour ago, Tommy Callahan said:

It's cute when the anti second folks confirm their goal is the removal of your rights vs the "gun control" msm narrative 

When you start talking about not taking women’s rights we can start talking about not taking away your rights


until then, you can defend yourself with a Spork for all I care

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2 hours ago, John from Riverside said:

When you start talking about not taking women’s rights we can start talking about not taking away your rights


until then, you can defend yourself with a Spork for all I care

The gun is an excellent choice for women to make sure they are not victims. Why do you want to make them more at risk?  


I'm good though.  I have a cc permit in ny.  Not easy 



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3 hours ago, John from Riverside said:

When you start talking about not taking women’s rights we can start talking about not taking away your rights


until then, you can defend yourself with a Spork for all I care

when you talk about women’s rights aren’t half the baby’s girls? In general what about all the baby’s rights? Don’t they have any?

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On 10/29/2023 at 3:01 AM, Tommy Callahan said:

It's cute when the anti second folks confirm their goal is the removal of your rights vs the "gun control" msm narrative 

This always drives me up the ***** wall, it's so incomprehensibly stupid, that I have to believe at this point it is clear willful ignorance. Oh no they're talking about taking away our rights or doing something about our rights. I've got ***** news for you every ***** law takes away your rights this isn't some sudden surge of authoritarianism this how government and regulations work.


Guess what the law against murder takes away your right, that's right your right to just kill people has been taken away by the big bad government. Before you go and complain that this is a ridiculous and extreme example, that's ***** obvious but the point remains all the way from something as extreme as that to something as mondain as speeding or running a stop sign. That's right the Government has also taken away your right to drive through a stop sign or hell even roll through one, and you're going to sit here and tell me that the idea that they can regulate the purchase and ownership of weapons that kill people is ridiculous and wrong? People need to grow the ***** up they're acting like children.

On 10/29/2023 at 7:49 AM, Tommy Callahan said:

Every weekend in dem strongholds.  Surprised you mentioned. 




On 10/29/2023 at 9:02 AM, Tommy Callahan said:

Dem strongholds are war zones.  Terrorism on the news daily.  And you wanna not only ban guns.  But disarm?  





Yes and then when they trace back those weapons back to the states without any regulations and nobody is ***** surprised.

Edited by Warcodered
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10 hours ago, Tommy Callahan said:

Dem strongholds are war zones.  Terrorism on the news daily.  And you wanna not only ban guns.  But disarm?  






The other implication of your reasoning is that Governors and State Legislatures aren't responsible for crime in their states.  Which is fine, if it were true.

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