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CNN Removes Reporter Diana Magnay From Israel-Gaza After 'Scum' Tweet


NEW YORK -- CNN has removed correspondent Diana Magnay from covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict after she tweeted that Israelis who were cheering the bombing of Gaza, and who had allegedly threatened her, were “scum.”


Magnay appeared on CNN Thursday from a hill overlooking the Israel-Gaza border. While she reported, Israelis could be heard near her cheering as missiles were fired at Gaza.

After the liveshot, Magnay tweeted: “Israelis on hill above Sderot cheer as bombs land on #gaza; threaten to ‘destroy our car if I say a word wrong’. Scum.” The tweet was quickly removed, but not before it had been retweeted more than 200 times.



No American would ever cheer like that.

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No American would ever cheer like that.


Want a good chuckle, check out harpers twitter account.


"My thoughts and prayers about the canadian who died yesterday in new york"


Response from 1000 nut jobs, "ya what about a prayer for the people in gaza? Resign now!!!"



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It makes no sense. Unless you understand, as a Washington Post editorial explained, that the whole point is to draw Israeli counterfire.

This produces dead Palestinians for international television. Which is why Hamas perversely urges its own people not to seek safety when Israel drops leaflets warning of an imminent attack.


To deliberately wage war so that your own people can be telegenically killed is indeed moral and tactical insanity. But it rests on a very rational premise: Given the Orwellian state of the world’s treatment of Israel (see: the U.N.’s grotesque Human Rights Council), fueled by a mix of classic anti-Semitism, near-total historical ignorance, and reflexive sympathy for the ostensible Third World underdog, these eruptions featuring Palestinian casualties ultimately undermine support for Israel’s legitimacy and right to self-defense.



.........and so it goes









Gaza war – Fighting Intensifies in Hamas city stronghold, casualties mount


Hamas forbids journalists from leaving, Palestinians claim massacre

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.........and so it goes









Gaza war – Fighting Intensifies in Hamas city stronghold, casualties mount


Hamas forbids journalists from leaving, Palestinians claim massacre


From your link:

20 Hamas rockets in UN school in Gaza. UN calls the authorities to pick them up. Which authorities? Hamas! You can't make this stuff up

— Amb. Ron Dermer (@AmbDermer) July 18, 2014

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What are US officials saying off-camera about Gaza invasion?


"John Kerry caught sarcastically mocking Israeli ground offensive in Gaza as a 'Helluva pinpoint operation'


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2699412/Secretary-State-John-Kerry-caught-camera-sarcastically-mocking-Israeli-militarys-ground-offensive-Gaza.html#ixzz384JEtAND

Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

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NYTimes: Rising Death Toll: More Than 500 Gazans and 27 Israelis



So now we have 25 Israeli soldiers killed, more than 2x as many as the last ground invasion. I know Israelis like running up the pali casualty count, but what the 25 dead Israeli soldiers? All of this could have been avoided if not for netanyahus politicizing of the west bank kidnapping event. What a shame 25 Israeli families will receive their sons home in boxes.

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NYTimes: Rising Death Toll: More Than 500 Gazans and 27 Israelis



So now we have 25 Israeli soldiers killed, more than 2x as many as the last ground invasion.


I know Israelis like running up the pali casualty count, ( Prejudice Alert )


but what the 25 dead Israeli soldiers? All of this could have been avoided if not for netanyahus politicizing of the west bank kidnapping event.


What a shame 25 Israeli families will receive their sons home in boxes. ( False sympathy, makes you look bad Joe)



And it goes without saying that your "reasoning" is false





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NYTimes: Rising Death Toll: More Than 500 Gazans and 27 Israelis



So now we have 25 Israeli soldiers killed, more than 2x as many as the last ground invasion. I know Israelis like running up the pali casualty count, but what the 25 dead Israeli soldiers? All of this could have been avoided if not for netanyahus politicizing of the west bank kidnapping event. What a shame 25 Israeli families will receive their sons home in boxes.


What a shame that Hamas feels the need to launch rockets. What a shame the Palestinian Arabs feel the need to kidnap and kill innocent people. Truly a shame that they, as a people ROUTINELY reject a two-state solution. Shame, indeed.

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Not as much as Hamas does. If it weren't for Palestinian deaths, Hamas wouldn't have a raison d'etre.


I guess even I learn something new every day. For instance I had no idea that Hamas was into such fancy desserts. But why do they need a high casualty count for that? I'm not following.

Edited by 4merper4mer
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I guess even I learn something new every day. For instance I had no idea that Hamas was into such fancy desserts. But why do they need a high casualty count for that? I'm not following.


You can't take a man's raisons if he's still alive. It just wouldn't be right.

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