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Dr Oz taken to the woodshed


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We are a nation of dumb fcks. Shoulda bought stock in TMZ.

well, yes. but this dude has some smarts and valuable skills. he could live a very comfortable lifestyle doing what he was trained to do. but that apparently isn't enough. the sad thing is that he knows he's lying and doesn't appear to feel guilty about it. at least he's been called out on it. the guy's an embarrassment.
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well, yes. but this dude has some smarts and valuable skills. he could live a very comfortable lifestyle doing what he was trained to do. but that apparently isn't enough. the sad thing is that he knows he's lying and doesn't appear to feel guilty about it. at least he's been called out on it. the guy's an embarrassment.


Lololololololol. Every member of congress fits the description in your post above except some who have no valuable skills. The sad thing is that they know they're lying and don't appear to feel guilty about it. At least Dr. Oz is happy with stealing a few dollars and does not appear bent on controlling every aspect of other people's lives. The fact that these people get to "call other people out on it" is a disgrace.

Edited by 4merper4mer
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well, yes. but this dude has some smarts and valuable skills. he could live a very comfortable lifestyle doing what he was trained to do. but that apparently isn't enough. the sad thing is that he knows he's lying and doesn't appear to feel guilty about it. at least he's been called out on it. the guy's an embarrassment.


More than some smarts - he's a surgery professor at Columbia, and runs the cardiovascular unit at NY Presbyterian. Brilliant cardio surgeon, from all I've heard... but he's the poster boy for the principle that having specific expertise does not in any way grant any expertise in anything else.

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More than some smarts - he's a surgery professor at Columbia, and runs the cardiovascular unit at NY Presbyterian. Brilliant cardio surgeon, from all I've heard... but he's the poster boy for the principle that having specific expertise does not in any way grant any expertise in anything else.

it certainly appears that way. but he has a more than an adequate antagonist in eric topol, former chief of cardiology at cleveland clinc and now director of scripps.http://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/how-dr-oz-effect-has-hooked-american-consumers-n134801. good for topol in taking oz on directly. he has the gravitas to do it. oz? not so much now.
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it certainly appears that way. but he has a more than an adequate antagonist in eric topol, former chief of cardiology at cleveland clinc and now director of scripps.http://www.nbcnews.c...nsumers-n134801. good for topol in taking oz on directly. he has the gravitas to do it. oz? not so much now.


No, he doesn't. And that's no disrespect to Dr. Topol...but what gravitas he has is in a completely different field from what Dr. Oz works in. Namely: multimedia sales. All the scientific and medical pedigree in the world isn't going to overcome Oprah's endorsement of Dr. Oz.

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Just why exactly did Dr Sanjay Gupta turn down Obama's nomination to be the US Surgeon General?


Probably because he would have had to give up practicing medicine. This is a doctor who, while reporting for CNN as an embed in Iraq, stepped away from his reporting to assist with emergency surgery on a wounded Marine, probably saving his life. The man's always been a doctor first.


I disagree with him on quite a few subjects...but I have a hell of a lot of respect for him. The man's got integrity.

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