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What if American football used soccer-style rules?

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American's historically question authority. They have to see the clock to make sure things are on the square. In Ken Burns "Baseball" I think he pointed out there was a point prior to 1900 where a fan's "American duty" was to fight "tyranny." The umpire in the game bore the brunt during this period, heckling, etc.. It got so bad that death threats against the ump would happen and guns were brought to the games. And many think we live in screwy times now. Obviously, things changed pretty quickly.

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How did you like refereeing? I have attended many high school and college games (womens) and I have never seen a sport where the parents complain so much.


I know it's because pretty much every play looks like it can go either way, but holy crap they need to chill a little.


My soccer loving niece, who plays D3, coaches, etc. - the only thing she didn't like was reffing.


Ref'ing is fun and a way to give something back to the game. The hardest games are the youth games where the coaches and parents don't know the rules but thing that they do. Too lazy to look up "ask the ref" or study a rulebook. They also have the baseball little league mentality that diss'ing the official is the thing to do. A problem with soccer that doesn't affect baseball, American football and most other sports is that the action is continuous and tension builds during the game. People can go pretty crazy. "Soccer Moms" don't realize that soccer is a contact sport. Badmition is a non-contact sport. American football is a collusion sport (but while wearing 20 pounds of armor). It is sometimes scary to have to stand up to parents and coaches who are literally crazy for a period of time.


The part of soccer that people who refuse to consider or accept it is that the beauty of the game is the ball skills, the continuous flowing tactical action and the on-field strategic evolutions that happen during the game. Often while playing, the player can go into a sort of trance or zone, where you are watching yourself doing things that you could never do if you weren't in the flow of the game and half oxygen deprived. You are constantly absorbing information about your players and the opposition, where they are moving, how fast, what their body language says about their intensions and where the ball is. Sometimes you haven't seen the soccer ball for 10 seconds or so, but know exactly where it is, as if it was a 2 million degree glowing ball. Soccer fans who have played the game can watch a game and put themselves mentally onto the field and participate in this. That is why spectators at a game can get so excited and into the game. If your sports experience is limited to 4-5 second set plays and then 3 minutes of down time, you will not understand the vibe.

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If a soccer fan who was a casual football fan came in here picking apart football you guys would be up in arms but it's cool to bash a sport that you don't understand. I hope you all enjoy your every four year circle jerk.


No. The bashing goes on much more often than every four years.


You can expect one in the fall when John Adams starts his annual baseball bashing crusade.


Also, the next time this never to be actually seen ESPN Sports Poll is quoted on espnfc about how soccer is the most popular thing ever in the US. JA will start a thread and the bashing will commence, since it will be coupled with put downs of MLB, the NHL and the NBA.


But yeah - we're the ones that are being sensitive. Not the ones who are name calling, like you and your "ilk" as JA (Peace) would say. When you have no answers, call people names. That'll prove your point!

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No. The bashing goes on much more often than every four years.


You can expect one in the fall when John Adams starts his annual baseball bashing crusade.


Also, the next time this never to be actually seen ESPN Sports Poll is quoted on espnfc about how soccer is the most popular thing ever in the US. JA will start a thread and the bashing will commence, since it will be coupled with put downs of MLB, the NHL and the NBA.


But yeah - we're the ones that are being sensitive. Not the ones who are name calling, like you and your "ilk" as JA (Peace) would say. When you have no answers, call people names. That'll prove your point!


It's impossible to argue when the other side has no clue what they're talking about.

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It's impossible to argue when the other side has no clue what they're talking about.


Yeah, that seems to be the party line. But, nobody can refute the things I said in the other thread. Just call me names.


soccer's "OFFSIDES" rule in the NFL would be hilarious.




In a game full of stupid rules, offsides takes the cake. It just kills so much offense. Hockey's is so much better.

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But, hey you've got Sully on your side:




The most positive article he's written in years. Of course, it has nothing to do with the game. Just the singing of songs, wearing of bandanas, and other precious stuff that goes on in this bar. Can you imagine how much he'd rip Bills or Sabres fans for doing these things - what small timers they would be, etc.:


I like this article better:



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That's great, you realize none of the soccer fans here started this crap? It was caused by misinformed and moronic posters making idiotic statements. If you don't like soccer then don't talk about it! When people who don't watch or follow talk **** it's annoying. If some Euro talked about football this way you'd all have your panties in a bunch.

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That's great, you realize none of the soccer fans here started this crap? It was caused by misinformed and moronic posters making idiotic statements. If you don't like soccer then don't talk about it! When people who don't watch or follow talk **** it's annoying. If some Euro talked about football this way you'd all have your panties in a bunch.


No, I really wouldn't.


Haven't these threads been started so as not to be the turd in the punch bowl by saying this stuff on the World Cup thread? But, you really have your panties in a bunch anyway. And, anybody who isn't on your side is misinformed, moronic, and idiotic, as you say above...........Even though they can't refute things with anything but name calling.


You're talking about a circle jerk. I looked in there earlier and it's the same 5 or 6 guys trying to tell each other how smart they are about soccer. That's quite a circle jerk over there.

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No, I really wouldn't.


Haven't these threads been started so as not to be the turd in the punch bowl by saying this stuff on the World Cup thread? But, you really have your panties in a bunch anyway. And, anybody who isn't on your side is misinformed, moronic, and idiotic, as you say above...........Even though they can't refute things with anything but name calling.


You're talking about a circle jerk. I looked in there earlier and it's the same 5 or 6 guys trying to tell each other how smart they are about soccer. That's quite a circle jerk over there.


Well there is only a few soccer fans here so that explains the 5 or 6 of us talking about it. Go look at the three threads and read the dumbass comments from uniformed posters getting off on saying "hahaha soccer's stupid, football rules".

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Well there is only a few soccer fans here so that explains the 5 or 6 of us talking about it. Go look at the three threads and read the dumbass comments from uniformed posters getting off on saying "hahaha soccer's stupid, football rules".


The fact that there are only a few soccer fans here is not helping the argument that it is so popular. :)


I've been giving pretty informed posts using actual footage, data, etc. And, all I get is called a bunch of names............I haven't posted in the WC thread, as I said a while back that I wouldn't do that type of thing.


I've put down soccer, but that is the point of this and the other thread. But, I've attacked nobody personally. Strange that I'd be called the thin skinned one.

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You've got to be kidding me.


How can what I say get you mad to the point of getting banned?


The fact that there are only a few soccer fans here is not helping the argument that it is so popular. :)


I've been giving pretty informed posts using actual footage, data, etc. And, all I get is called a bunch of names............I haven't posted in the WC thread, as I said a while back that I wouldn't do that type of thing.


I've put down soccer, but that is the point of this and the other thread. But, I've attacked nobody personally. Strange that I'd be called the thin skinned one.


Yeah, I'd be outraged at this, too. :huh:

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I think you're a moron when it comes to this topic and that's the nicest word I can think of, if I keep going I will use harsher terms to describe your intelligence in regards to this topic so I'm stopping before it gets that far.


Yeah, I can't blame ya. I hate when people don't agree with my opinion, too..

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