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Oscar Thread

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Less than two hours away, how many of the nominees have you actually seen this year? Who's your winners?


My picks for the bigg(er) catagories:


Best Picture: 12 Years A Slave

Best Director: Cuaron, Gravity

Best Actor: Rust Cohle, Dallas Buyers Club

Best Actress: Blanchette. Blue Jasmine

Best Supporting Actor: Leto, DBC

Best Supporting Actress: Lupita Nyong'o, 12 Years

Best Adapted Screenplay: John Ridley, 12 Years A Slave (Winter for Wolf of Wallstreet is my darkhorse)

Best Original Screenplay: Spike Jonez, Her

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I only saw two of this year's Best Picture nominees, so I can not be fully objective.


I agree that we will have a split between Picture & Director. "12 Years A Slave" & Cuaron for "Gravity".


"Dallas Buyers Club" will get both Actor awards and I think Amy Adams will get Best Actress for "American Hustle".


I really hope that "Prisoners" wins Best Cinematography, but I just know they will give it to "Gravity". I can not believe that "Prisoners" only got 1 nomination.


I am still angry that "Pacific Rim" got shut out. No Visual Effects, Sound Editing or Sound Mixing? :angry:

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Only picture I've seen is Gravity. And if Cuaron deserves an Oscar for directing, Bullock probably deserves one equally as much for her acting - technically, her job was very tough, given how the film was shot, and each of them owes much to the other.

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I caught up today and only have captain Phillips yet to watch.

Nebraska, Philomena & 12 Years A Slave drained me emotionally. Matthew Mc & Christian Bale were awesome in their roles. Best thing about Gravity was a scantily clad Sandra Bullock. Her doesn't belong in any category... It was way too creepy for my tastes. All in all some killer movies and extraordinary performances(Dench, Dern, Forte, star of 12 years, Amy Adams, DiCaprio)...

I am not an Oscars watcher but this is a strong year for movies.

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Blanchett was awesome but Dench was incredible

Jared Leto...bravo

Nebraska should have beaten Gravity for cinematography

No complaint about supporting actress...you felt every bit of pain she felt.

Matthew McG...well deserved, toss up between he and Bale.

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In space no one can hear you scream, but apparently you can win an Oscar for best sound editing. This is probably the year that ticks me off permanently on the Oscars for stupidly falling in love with a single movie. Especially one so plotless as Gravity.


Gravity probably deserved one for best effects (and definitely one for cinematography, no mater what Pooj says). But best sound? :lol:

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Less than two hours away, how many of the nominees have you actually seen this year? Who's your winners?


My picks for the bigg(er) catagories:


Best Picture: 12 Years A Slave

Best Director: Cuaron, Gravity

Best Actor: Rust Cohle, Dallas Buyers Club

Best Actress: Blanchette. Blue Jasmine

Best Supporting Actor: Leto, DBC

Best Supporting Actress: Lupita Nyong'o, 12 Years

Best Adapted Screenplay: John Ridley, 12 Years A Slave (Winter for Wolf of Wallstreet is my darkhorse)

Best Original Screenplay: Spike Jonez, Her


Looks like someone won his office Oscar pool...well done!


Kate Hudson is schmokinnn ! Nice comeback.


+1 on that.....hard to pick someone who looked better than her tonight.

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Mcc deserves it....he's solid in serious roles. The goofy rom-coms are what they are.


If your not watching true detective w mcc and woody Harrelson he's killing it there also.


Haven't seen gravity or the wolf yet.....but Jeremy Renner is my guy now after American Hustle.

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He was excellent in that role, really, really good. Was he better in that role than Christian Bale in American Hustle? that's a really close call, both of them deserved it.


I haven't hardly seen any of these movies.


But the question I had-- did mcc really deserve that Oscar, or was it more due to Hollywood falling in love with aids cause?


Never viewed mcc as anything more than a romo actor. In fact, when he was thanking jennifer Gardner, I thought he would say, "Jennifer and I have done a lot of top notch work over the years, like ghosts of girlfriends past."

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Mcc deserves it....he's solid in serious roles. The goofy rom-coms are what they are.


If your not watching true detective w mcc and woody Harrelson he's killing it there also.


Haven't seen gravity or the wolf yet.....but Jeremy Renner is my guy now after American Hustle.


Another dramatic mcc movie where he nailed it: http://en.wikipedia....Mud_(2012_film)

Edited by Mr Info
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to your point about falling in love with the aids cause. I went into the movie knowing nothing about the movie, and even watching it it took a while to realize it was an 'aids crusade' movie. it was very well done. i highly recommend watching it if you haven't already.


I haven't hardly seen any of these movies.


But the question I had-- did mcc really deserve that Oscar, or was it more due to Hollywood falling in love with aids cause?


Never viewed mcc as anything more than a romo actor. In fact, when he was thanking jennifer Gardner, I thought he would say, "Jennifer and I have done a lot of top notch work over the years, like ghosts of girlfriends past."

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i get it..it's the same sentiment people were saying against the notoriety 12 years a slave got...1st african american director...it was also an incredible movie and worthy of the praise


Thanks. I haven't, but I will give it a shot.


I don't mean to sound insensitive, but AIDS movies are usually pretty emotionally draining. I need to really get in the right frame of mind to watch it, I am sure.

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Mcc deserves it....he's solid in serious roles. The goofy rom-coms are what they are.

Agreed. Get past the silly rom-coms and you will find that Matthew McConaughey can act.


He had a big year with both "Mud" & "Dallas Buyers Club" and his small role in "Wolf of Wall Street", now he's got that "True Detective" show which I've heard is very good.


He's also in Christopher Nolan's next film "Interstellar". McC is on fire right now.

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