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We need to get Beerball a job and gug and jboyst


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My number one suggestion is change your name... Not looking good when you put down you name Beer Ball. I would also change your interest from downing a beerball to like - I like to sample craft beer.


Any other suggestions?


How about one lead for a job for the beer guzzler?



Come on people, we need to help keep him off the board.

Edited by mead107
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Odd jobs

At careerbuilder.com


10. Tampon tester

What they do: Check all sizes of tampons for absorbency and cord strength in accordance with Food and Drug Administration standards. Most testers check up to 125 pieces per day.


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These guys are hiring... Wanna be a tankerman, this company is based out of the port of NOLA:









Here are your living quarters for 2-3 weeks on, then 2-3 weeks off you go home:





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Food and bunk included. No commute... Send that check right home to the wife/significant other! ;-)




They have 36 positions (all levels) open throughout the eastern US.


Here is their fleet, from the website... Some jobs are @ Staten Island.





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How about human scarecrow ? Pay $10 - $15 dollars per hour.




Somebody's gotta do it: Porta-Potty Cleaners clean up what we leave behind.

©iStockPhoto/Rick Hinson

This job is a sort of combination of garbage collector and GI, and arguably more disgusting than both put together. Although most people in polite society methodically avoid situations where they need to use a portable toilet, modern outhouses can be lifesavers. As gross as they can be, they'd be worse without the folks who clean them for a living.

Using a tank and a vacuum wand, cleaners must suck up all the waste in a portable toilet. After picking up any stray toilet paper, they also wash down all surfaces that c­ould possibly be soiled, including the walls. This is when a high-pressure hose comes in handy [source: Douglas]. Usually, cleaning one portable toilet takes only a few minutes, and most workers clean from 10 to 60 of them a day [source: AOL]. But it's not always that easy: Portable toilets that tip over require more damage control.

Nevertheless, some cleaners grin and bear it -- and take home $50,000 a year [source: AOL]


Edited by mead107
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My number one suggestion is change your name... Not looking good when you put down you name Beer Ball. I would also change your interest from downing a beerball to like - I like to sample craft beer.


Any other suggestions?


How about one lead for a job for the beer guzzler?



Come on people, we need to help keep him off the board.

I think they would have no trouble with his name here. http://anchorage.craigslist.org/trd/4301393097.html
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Venting: So, they announce to us at 9:15am on a Tuesday we are closing shop. We are offered no incentive package to stay and are given 60 days WARN act = we don't get fired or quit and we get paid for full hours/salary during the 60 days. Then, get unemployment, obviously. Anyway, why the heck would any of those folks on our assembly line give a crap what they put in the box? We make hotel furniture and we agreed to take on a $50k order today. Based on our past - quality was deemed substandard, I can only cry for what is going to happen next. We have machines that barely run, completely out of many lines of inventory and they did not supply the floor with toiletries for a week. Luckily, I am in a little bit better place then the floor workers, but still it is a damn joke.


It is sure funny, though. Someone who obviously knows some people must have sent internal memo's to the local news outlets, because about an hour after the announcement vans were out front and newspapers were reporting it quoting an employee.


Story 1

Story 2


As a side note, it's really nice being involved in my local cattlements association, I really get to meet a lot of people, network and often times help local media find stories about ag events.

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