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NFL.com Mock Matt Smith

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I'm okay with him at 9, he's growing on me as time goes by. If he runs a 4.65 or worse I could see moving back, but I think he will run a 4.5...what I like about him is his quickness and physical nature allows him move outside and force a CB or safety to cover him, or a mismatched linebacker. That alone helps the run game.


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Matt Smith has Ebron going to Bills at 9. I was going to start another post asking if 9 was too high for Ebron. I don't know anything about Matt Smith. I would love Ebron at 15 and an extra second round pick. I probably still lean OT at 9 but it sure would be nice to have a playmaker at TE.



I'm okay with him at 9, he's growing on me as time goes by. If he runs a 4.65 or worse I could see moving back, but I think he will run a 4.5...what I like about him is his quickness and physical nature allows him move outside and force a CB or safety to cover him, or a mismatched linebacker. That alone helps the run game.

I agree with all of the above. I would prefer they take the best available OT at 9, but would also be thrilled with Ebron. He is a difference-making position. I think it is too high for any WR and hope they hold off on that until later.

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So in this guys article he says after the Jags Pick: "They can get their guy next year in what should be a deeper crop of trigger men." Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Isn't this year supposed to be the "deep" crop of QBs year? Did Hundley staying really effect the QBs that much? It seems like "next year" QB drafts are always deeper than "this year." It just goes to show you that these dudes really don't know what they are talking about. They just spew the same B.S. out year after year and copy each others mocks. The only year I don't remember them saying this was regarding this years rookie class. The Luck draft always remained more highly regarded, and rightfully so.

Edited by Mark80
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So in this guys article he says after the Jags Pick: "They can get their guy next year in what should be a deeper crop of trigger men." Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Isn't this year supposed to be the "deep" crop of QBs year? Did Hundley staying really effect the QBs that much? It seems like "next year" QB drafts are always deeper than "this year." It just goes to show you that these dudes really don't know what they are talking about. They just spew the same B.S. out year after year and copy each others mocks. The only year I don't remember them saying this was regarding this years rookie class. The Luck draft always remained more highly regarded, and rightfully so.

Jags didn't draft a QB last year and are going to pass on one again this year? I would hope not. Maybe they decide not to take one with the 3rd pick... but they need to take one in at least the 1st 2 rounds.
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Ideally we would be best trading back and getting a TE. Bur if we go in confident with a plan that we know who and what we want to make round 2-4 worth it then... maybe we benefit going ahead with Ebron early. If we have a good idea that key ILB will be there in Rd 2 or a 2nd choice of RT/? Then rd3 aim for the other... maybe


I loved the 2013 draft because we went in with a plan ans even when we traded back and got Manuel early and ahead of projection we had a good idea where we could go with the other picks. I think this organization had a plan just as successful if Manuel would have been taken before us. I had figured it was Glennon with our 2nd #2 and we would have gone with TeO or some WR. So I am fine with a bit of a flyer on the first as long as we have a good plan.

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until this year I was a member of you don't take a right tackle at number 9 club . Here is why I changed. I flat out think the kid from Auburn is the type of Tackle the Marrone is looking for . Roadgrader first . Big Knock them back 5 yard guy. Second and a point rarely discussed, there was nobody on the roster last year to play left tackle if Glenn was injured . I know Thomas welch was on the roster but with a rookie qb and a journeyman left tackle Ej would have been killed. When you add Robinson you also add a player who can step in and play Left tackle. They might get Hairston back and that would give them an excellent 3 unit.

Final Point , this is a very strong and deep draft but the talent is fairly even. If you remove the qb's and clowny , perhaps Watkins , and they should all be gone , the rest of the pool is fairly even , strong but even. If Mike Evans goes through the the process and Whaley and company think he is a legit number 1 then I think he is your man, if not tacking Robinson or Matthews is probably the smart play.

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Who is the Playmaker you are Talking about ? By the Way the 49ers O line is has right tackle taken first have of Round one and It worked out well.

In my mind, it would be Eric Ebron. He is the type if TE that the league is going toward. And the reason I would be OK with a OT in the top 10 is because our QB is significantly better without pressure on him (like most QBs) and although he has mobility I would rather him not be running for his life and getting hurt. He is still very inexperienced so the better the OL is the better he can learn, progress and not get hurt. Regardless of who he is throwing to, if he is running for his life and the pocket is constantly breaking down it won't matter what WRs or TEs are put there.
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Taking any Tackle over a playmaker at 9 would be a typical Bills FO move. Inexcusable.


That's a patently false statement.


If anything, the FO of the last decade could be criticized for taking too many playmakers that high and not enough trench players.


I do agree, however, that the current league makeup shows quite clearly that high picks aren't required for the OL.

Edited by thebandit27
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I'm okay with Ebron at 9 --- or should say, I'm more okay with Ebron at 9 versus selecting WR at 9 --- Ebron is a can't miss prospect at TE while the WR's carry some risk -- in addition, WR is VERY deep this year -- Bills can find value at WR in 3rd or even 4th round ---- my preference is Mosley or Barr at 9 --- and like others -- would love to trade down a few spots and add a 2nd

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I'm not sure about Ebron at 9 guys. Is Ebron that much better than Amaro and/or ASJ? I dunno. I mean I like him, but I'm not sure I like him that much. In other words, I wouldn't be disappointed if we ended up with any of the top 3 TE's. We can technically trade down and still land 1 of the top 3 TE's.


Also, other than Vernon Davis, has a TE ever been drafted in the top 10? Maybe I'm having a brain fart, but I can't think of one off the top of my head.

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