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Would ya?

Gary M

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again i would challenge you to make such a statement to a group of intelligent women. goodness gracious e.... :lol:


I have and would glady do it it again... Though, I might get called a male feminist! LoL


Does VS not objectify women? Read my link above and tell me what you think.




Are you !@#$ing kidding me??




Of all the threads too... A "would ya" thread... LoL

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be it a young 18 year old young lady, or a women having recently just given birth , often it about they finding self esteem within themselves to go forward not looking for approval of some weenie with a hard on.



So, is that where Victoria's Secret comes into the fold Mill? It gives women self-esteem and the weenie no hard on. You make a very good point with what you said. If Victoria's Secret factors into that equation, you gotta be kidding. You just deconstructed what you just said.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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So, is that where Victoria's Secret comes into the fold Mill? It gives women self-esteem and the weenie no hard on. You make a very good point with what you said. If Victoria's Secret factors into that equation, you gotta be kidding. You just deconstructed what you just sad.


oh stop it... who the hell knows why weenies get a hard on, an a intelligent women hardly gives a dam, but when they look in mirror they want to feel good about themselves. :lol: god grief in my area you would be sleeping in barn ....

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Just take the breast out and feed the little one out in the lobby of the mall. Most women have a blanket they put over the little one any way.


This -- Isn't that the point of the law some people are questioning in this case? There's no shortage of places to sit in a mall.


There was nothing wrong with her asking, but there was also nothing wrong with her being refused. Certainly it would have been a nice thing to do to let her use the dressing room, but saying no shouldn't trigger a federal case and the inevitable media-forced apology from an organization that did nothing wrong (do we call this "corporate shaming" yet?), all over some $10/hr clerk who chose her words poorly.


It's yet more obsession over the minutia of some random peoples' lives that passes for news/entertainment for a few days.

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This -- Isn't that the point of the law some people are questioning in this case? There's no shortage of places to sit in a mall.


There was nothing wrong with her asking, but there was also nothing wrong with her being refused. Certainly it would have been a nice thing to do to let her use the dressing room, but saying no shouldn't trigger a federal case and the inevitable media-forced apology from an organization that did nothing wrong (do we call this "corporate shaming" yet?), all over some $10/hr clerk who chose her words poorly.


It's yet more obsession over the minutia of some random peoples' lives that passes for news/entertainment for a few days.


And I'm willing to bet that had she asked she would have been granted permission. Like I said way back in the beginning of this and you also said there are plenty of places for her to sit and do it. And if I remember my days of shopping for my wife at VS there are plenty of places for her to sit in the store. They have to have someplace for us guys to rest while I wife picks out her lingerie.


You don't remember what 18 degrees feels like, a Woolrich sweater and a sleeping bag would do more of the trick than Victoria's Secret! This ain't Miami Beach.


Ummmm, I wasn't referring to the temperature outside.

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Because it's too hard to read articles now, people need their info in 140 characters or less.



Back to the original question, would ya, I recognized her face, she looks like one of my Facebook "friends" so if anyone wants to see what she'll look like in 20 years, PM me.


You have a picture of her from 20 years from now?!?


I see appropriate customer care for a business who specifically earn its living from Women. It common sense for a business to cater to their needs. Staff need be educated on serving customers , taking care to understand special needs, In my view businesses that do this best will be that much more successful . Malls and most restaurants that serve family needs, have changing centers in their washroom facilities, a place where a Mother could nurse her child is she cared to do so, for whatever reason, in my view respectful to its customer base and in a business public relations sense only intelligent. Victoria's Secret could easily turn around this negative publicity by in advertisement telling they a franchise willing to learn and improve to serve the customer better, it the only way to go in my view.


Actually, there was a local bruhaha over this type of thing last year. Whatever store it was suggested the woman use the changing center, and everybody went apeshit. .......................Do you go eat in the bathroom, etc!

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Ummmm, I wasn't referring to the temperature outside.


I knew what you were referring to. Doesn't matter what "the temperature" is, never needed an assist from Victoria's Secret. Hey, that is fine if you and whoever need that assist... Whatever gets you jump started. Not that there is anything wrong with... I hear Boomers like yourself need Viagra too. People like myself have enough "cold cranking amps" no matter what the temp is!


:-P :-P


Actually, there was a local bruhaha over this type of thing last year. Whatever store it was suggested the woman use the changing center, and everybody went apeshit. .......................Do you go eat in the bathroom, etc!


I also wonder if she picked VS on purpose over another store. What was she doing in there... Getting a "jump start" for her chef husband/significant other... I guess she needed help feeling good about herself.

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I knew what you were referring to. Doesn't matter what "the temperature" is, never needed an assist from Victoria's Secret. Hey, that is fine if you and whoever need that assist... Whatever gets you jump started. Not that there is anything wrong with... I hear Boomers like yourself need Viagra too. People like myself have enough "cold cranking amps" no matter what the temp is!



I really feel sorry for your wife.

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