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Dustin Keller & Jairus Byrd...


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I am assuming the Bill's think it's worthwhile to alienate one of the better young players we've had in recent history, in order to prevent other players from using the hard bargain tactics of Parker and other agents who tell their players to hold out.


So Byrd reports in week 10 and we start this process all over again next year. Somehow I think a better franchise would have dealt with this pre-emptively, Byrd exceeded his rookie contract by all expectations. IMO the bills were hoping to use the threat on the franchise tag in order get a discount on Byrd. It backfired, the Bills should have just signed him long term to a contract that is similar to the top 5 safeties in the league (Base + guarantees). i think its pretty reasonable to assume Byrd would of signed such a deal... Given that Byrd will only make 37% of his franchise tag salary if he reports week 10 and he faces the threat of the franchise tag next year etc.The Bills Should have PAID DA MAN

I don't agree with you. While I value his contribution to the team, he is not Troy Polamalu. And just because his agent may say he is doesn't mean he is. If he reports in week 10 we do not start this process all over again. No way. At least not being played out like this again whereby he gets tagged and we actually repeat this scenario. Trade his rights before tagging him if that's what it takes. This agent is what he is and I wouldn't look to deal with him again after yet another ordeal.

I will agree with you that Byrd outperformed his contract but that doesn't mean that he should become the highest paid player at his position or god help us the highest paid defensive player in the league. If the situation plays out as you describe and we cant trade him? I'm walking away and moving on.

Our time is coming and I'm not carrying any anchors along the way. Lead follow or get the hell out the way. We have a coaching staff and a lot of young players that seem to be ready to buy in. If he's not, buh bye. I'll live with the consequences. But in reality we're not anywhere near any of these thoughts yet. I expect him to report immediately after the fourth pre season game. :rolleyes: Go Bills!

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Beerme1 I don't mind the idea of trading him, it beats repeating the process all over again.


I guess my point (and I realize this is overly broad) but good organizations seems to find a way to re-sign a young player entering their prime. With regards to "Carrying an Anchor" I reckon since the bills are well below the cap so they could front load signing bonuses. Just the 49'ers did with Joe Staley,

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I so agree and have posted it before. Eugene Parker plays around with his clients money dangerously and so far has been lucky enough to avoid the consequences. But it is a matter of time. And if that catastrophe SHOULD happen to Byrd (god forbid) the team is going to take a hard look at the way Parker and Byrd conducted themselves this offseason, and offer a new contract (or not) accordingly.


Byrd should have taken his signing bonus as offered and signed long term.


Now his is a sitting duck to lose out on 20m USD$$.

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Not sure 2.25 is enough. Its gotta last him at least 50 years. And its 2.25 BEFORE tax.


He's gotta walk to be able to work.


Because by "retire" I assume you mean "fund his retirement nest-egg for 30 years from now, when he actually retires from working." And that's not counting buying a house for his mama, putting his kids through college, fending off his cousin who wants to open a pizza shop, his sister who "needs" her nails done every week and a touch-up for her weave every month, etc.

well, I hope he didn't blow his before the new CBA second round pick money. Not saying he isn't underpaid, but soilders with amputations dont get 2 mil, and have to find work.

He did graduate from Oregon.

Edited by JaxBills
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The second I saw a replay I knew that would be the bull **** excuse. But there is no reason in the world that defender couldn't have come in square with his head up and made a good hard tackle; he had plenty of time and space to do so. Instead he chose to attack a guys knees from the backside, in a preseason game no less.

I'm not big on rooting for injury but I hope that &*#@ gets both his knees shredded in practice tomorrow morning.


Totally agree...Thought the same thing what I saw the play...Seriously bush league... B-)


The Bills opening offer, his franchise tag amount, makes him the 4th highest paid safety in the league. So I'm not sure where your thinking lies in saying that the Bills would not agree to that. I think Parker wants nothing less than highest paid in order to stay in Buffalo.






That's exactly the impression I'm getting...It's top paid Safety, or maybe top 2, and nothing else... B-)

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I didn't catch who the POS was that made that gutless "tackle", but it was a chickenspit, scumbag play and I hope the karmic retribution he has coming is particularly gruesome and exceedingly painful.

During the draft process, the guys on Sirius NFL Radio mentioned that DJ Swearinger was a hard hitter and might have to change his game a little to avoid fines in the modern NFL. When he says he hit low to avoid fines, I believe him. Maybe a few Dustin Keller injuries later the NFL will allow higher tackles again and put the flags and fines away.
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It seems to be that Bills would have to relinquish something to get Byrd to report week 1 e.g,, sign him to a one year deal and pay him something higher than he would get with teh Franchise tag, or maybe agree to a deal that prohibits the use of the franchise tag next year. I highly doubt Byrd would just show up week 1 under the franchise tag terms. I think he at least holds out to the trade deadline....

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I didn't have a problem with the Swearinger hit. In a game as fast as football you can't expect a perform form tackle everytime. He didn't go high he did what most DB's do against TE's and bigger offensive players and hit low. Hits just like that one happen all the time it's just that Keller got injured. I didn't see any intent to injure it looked like just another football play between a safety and a tight end.


Byrd will be back and I doubt he's thinking about that happening to him.

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This board drives me crazy sometimes.


Here's the video:




IMO there's no question it was a dirty hit.


To think that Swearinger had no other options on the tackle is completely absurd. It was a shoulder launched just above the knee.


Whatever happened to coaches teaching players to aim for the waist?


Keller did not have a radical body lean which would have minimized the target area.


Swearinger launched into the one area where he could have caused serious injury.


Keller's head was too high and thus it wasn't even an option.


There was plenty of attack surface from shoulder to waist.

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This board drives me crazy sometimes.


Here's the video:




IMO there's no question it was a dirty hit.


To think that Swearinger had no other options on the tackle is completely absurd. It was a shoulder launched just above the knee.


Whatever happened to coaches teaching players to aim for the waist?


Keller did not have a radical body lean which would have minimized the target area.


Swearinger launched into the one area where he could have caused serious injury.


Keller's head was too high and thus it wasn't even an option.


There was plenty of attack surface from shoulder to waist.


I tend to fall that way with my assessment but have some hope that it being big guys at full speed and the ball being behind him that he wasn't for sure intending the result. Say if he was aiming thigh level just below the center of gravity but due to ball placement, unexpected motion/timing and maybe even poor aim ended up lower in the leg than aimed for. No idea if he has a reputation of cheap shots or reckless play.




Speaking of some dirty football - I'm surprised Antonio smith ripping off incognitos helmet and swinging it at him isn't getting more play here

Edited by NoSaint
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I tend to fall that way with my assessment but have some hope that it being big guys at full speed and the ball being behind him that he wasn't for sure intending the result. Say if he was aiming thigh level just below the center of gravity but due to ball placement, unexpected motion/timing and maybe even poor aim ended up lower in the leg than aimed for. No idea if he has a reputation of cheap shots or reckless play.




Speaking of some dirty football - I'm surprised Antonio smith ripping off incognitos helmet and swinging it at him isn't getting more play here

now thats kinda a clear cut abuse... isn't it? not sure
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A lot of players would say the same... It's quite the situation when coupled with the concussion suits.

That's James Harrison's position, too. For a lot of these guys, you take out the knees, you take away their livelihood right away. Hit 'em in the head, whatever, you can still play in 10 days, and deal with the hard stuff when you're 50. There's a sadly fatalist attitude there.

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Bills take wrong tack with Byrd: http://www.buffalone...h-byrd-20130821


Hmmm,... interesting article. Sully's clearly trolling this board. I'll take credit for handing him a topic, though I clearly got the premise wrong. I thought the injury would push Byrd to delay signing much longer. However, in retrospect, I think a player begins to damage his reputation when he disrupts the season and starts to miss actual games as well as game checks.


I hope Byrd has a big year and then rolls it into a big contract.... with the Bills!

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