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Did anyone catch last night's episode of fear factor?


Something is wrong when you can gte fined for saying sh-- on TV, but Fear Factor is allowed?


I know, I know, "turn the channel" - and I am just kidding, but did anyone see this last night? I really almost got sick watching it...


"Balut, a Philippine delicacy, is an egg containing a fully developed duck embryo - "the treat with feet" as Joe once called it. Luckily (?), Joe would blend it up, but that wouldn't do much to disguise the rancid smell. Plus, there was an added element to the stunt. Each player would be harnessed to a large bungee while drinking their big glass of blecch. Upon finishing their drink, they would each hit a button which would launch them backwards off the side of the roof over a hundred feet in the air. The couple with the fastest time would win $10,000.

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By the way, here is a PICTURE of what they ate...


WARNING, do not look if you have a weak stomach.


It's work safe, I guess, I mean, its just a food delicacy, but it's frigging SICK...





That did it, i'm hungry now, that looked like some good eatin'! :w00t:

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By the way, here is a PICTURE of what they ate...


WARNING, do not look if you have a weak stomach.


It's work safe, I guess, I mean, its just a food delicacy, but it's frigging SICK...






My wife is Filipno and always told me if anyone ever asks you if you want Bault...say NO!!!! :w00t::w00t:

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My wife is Filipno and always told me if anyone ever asks you if you want Bault...say NO!!!!  :w00t:  :w00t:



Ok, here is an article about it..


now remember, this "egg" they are talking about is actually a 90% developed chicken embryo. (meaning there will be some bones and beak and feet, etc)... just how they describe eating it is sick...


read at least the last paragraph..



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After over twenty years of a combination of military messes and living off the Korean/Japanese/Okinawan/Philipino economies, I'm pretty sure there is nothing humans consume on a regular basis that I can't eat. Once, anyway. Maybe I should be the dietician for the show.

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A buddy of mine who was in the marines said people would walk down the streets selling these at night.......


he also was able to "rent" a girl for a month for $50 who would cook, clean and take care of all your needs!!! I told him I would have gotten 2! :doh:

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A buddy of mine who was in the marines said people would walk down the streets selling these at night.......


he also was able to "rent" a girl for a month for $50 who would cook, clean and take care of all your needs!!!  I told him I would have gotten 2!  :doh:



$50 to love you loooooooooong time?



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I'm suing television manufacturers,



Best Buy

cable and satellite broadcast companies,


and anyone else who was involved with you retards being allowed to own a television. :doh:

My former employer that paid me to "work", but they are out of buisness now.


Does that help?

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Most of them chicks are smoking HOT!


When you see them sucking that milkshake down like that you know she's a keeper!





EXACTLY! I'm glad someone finally said it! I watched last night and while the duck thing made me sick every chick on their last night was fantastic!

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