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Just some speculations, rumors and predictions.....

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The latest mock on the NFL draft site has us taking at #8 Tavon Austin, Wide Receiver, West Virginia.






All the needs on this team and they're going to go with a smurf WR???...Who did this Mock Draft? Rex Ryan? :thumbsup:


And don't get me wrong...Austin is a heck of a good player...No question about it...But if the Bills go with a 5-8-175 WR at #8? :o


Just...No thanks... B-)

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It is MADDENING that a team like San Fran - which boasts perhaps half of it's starters as pro-bowlers, or pro-bowl worthy - and N.E., and these teams that have had sustained success AND STILL are adding FA's and have plenty of draft picks! I mean, how can Buffalo have SO MANY holes, and yet have so "little" wiggle room with the cap, and only have 6 picks in the draft!!!


Of course, the answer lies mostly in two areas: good coaching, and good QB play. Good coaching gets the most out of talent - it knows what it needs, system-wise, fit-wise, and a well coached team makes these players play at a high level. Because they've done it, and can do it again, they have the flexibility (see NE) to trade players and get more picks, and keep the bigger money off the books.


The QB part is a no-brainer, and we all know where Buffalo has been in that department.


Now, here comes my annual optimism. I do believe Marrone and Pettine are going to be considered "good" coaches, and I think they'll implement and KEEP good systems, so that they'll be able to identify and get talent in the draft, even in later rounds, in the years to come. That's a plus. Secondly, although we've certainly lost young talent in the past and even recently, Nix has done a decent job of bringing in young talent - except at the QB and LB positions! I think we have good talent at CB - although a second, big, shut down corner would be great, I think between Brooks and McKelvin we can get by for another year. I also think Aaron Williams might be a terrific fit a safety - so our secondary might not be too bad.


Also, I like our O-line talent, although we'll need to add a few OG's.


All in all, between the draft and the UDFA's, we should be able to add enough young talent to go into next offseason missing only a few parts, and looking to be a real factor in 2014. I'm not giving up on the idea that we get a good QB in this draft, either, in which case we could see an Indianapolis like turn around this year! Ultimately, this year's success will hinge on what QB we end up with - and regardless of what everyone is saying about the lack of quality at the QB position in this draft, I believe it's a good year for Buffalo to be looking to draft a QB, and if we had more picks I'd like to get 2 this year.

well said, i agree


Here is hoping Marrone actually knows what he is doing at the NFL level.

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Honestly, if we didn't take a QB to the mid to later rounds and spent our early picks whether they be our normal picks or ones we stack up through trades on Offensive weapons and D starters i would be perfectly fine with that. No matter who our QB is next yr, we don't have many weapons for him at the moment. And leaning on the run is nice and all, but we need to have a way to make them stop stacking the box. And of course we can't have a D that is pitiful, so any help we can draft for that would be great.


Lot of changes are coming and we are probably going to be livid and divided on how we view the team after the draft. I can't wait, i'll get my popcorn and call TO.

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So you basically want the Bills to ignore the QB for yet another year. Brilliant. If Smith or Barkley are there @ 8 then you take either of them, no questions asked. If their not, take the BPA & then in the 2nd round you take the QB who is available that you are highest on. It is as simple as that.


One more thing, there will be no trade down as there are no teams that would be willing to trade up. Millner would be the only prospect he will be gone by pick #5, mark it down. I believe Mayock said this draft there is really no difference in picking from around the 6 spot to the 25 spot, the talent level is comparable as there is a lack of Blue Chip propspects this year. That is not saying you can not get a good player, just that this draft is not really high on blue chips. I too think Smith does not get by the Eagles, but I think Barkley has a chance to be there.

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I will be brief: Buddy WILL take a QB at #8. He cannot afford to play it cute and risk being stuck with his third or fourth choice at #41.


Why can't he afford it? He has already stated the reigns will be turned over to Whaley after the draft, so he is all but done anyhow....therefor he really doesn't have a horse in the race...So what, next year everyone says Nix reached, bad choice, blah blah blah, while he is on the lake fishing....

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Why can't he afford it? He has already stated the reigns will be turned over to Whaley after the draft, so he is all but done anyhow....therefor he really doesn't have a horse in the race...So what, next year everyone says Nix reached, bad choice, blah blah blah, while he is on the lake fishing....


Care to point out where he said this?

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If the bills were smart they would trade down. The Bills are not smart. They will pick Ryan Nassib at #8.

Every year there's always a contingent of posters who make this assertion, and, every year they never back it up with anything that even remotely resembles an argument.


Therefore, every year I correct them, and ask: with whom are we supposed to trade down, and for what?


You are implying that you are smarter than the Bills, so, let's hear it!


Btw, the tired, old, and now idiotic argument that "Bill Belechick trades down and look at what he"....has led to the Pats having the worst drafts in the league, consistently, over the last 8 years. Do the research before you say no: now many drafted player still on their team? Especially on defense? Dude, there are entire drat classes that didn't make it past 2 years.


The Bills may not be smart, but they are smarter, based on drafting for value, than Bill Belechik has been...by a lot.

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Why can't he afford it? He has already stated the reigns will be turned over to Whaley after the draft, so he is all but done anyhow....therefor he really doesn't have a horse in the race...So what, next year everyone says Nix reached, bad choice, blah blah blah, while he is on the lake fishing....


In the immortal words of Meatrosexual, "link or it didn't happen"

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Why can't he afford it? He has already stated the reigns will be turned over to Whaley after the draft, so he is all but done anyhow....therefor he really doesn't have a horse in the race...So what, next year everyone says Nix reached, bad choice, blah blah blah, while he is on the lake fishing....


That's never even come close to being stated...They can barely say Whaley will eventually take over...Like in the distant future...At least publicly they're not saying it...


As of now all we have is Brandon's words about Buddy being 100% in charge of the Football operation...And on the surface they have done absolutely nothing to refute those words... B-)

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The cool thing about being desperate for a QB at #8 is that everyone knows it. So, if any team behind the Bills falls in love with one of the QBs in this class, they just need to trade up in front of the Bills. And since the Bills know that, they can stock the war room with extra defibrillator paddles.

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I thought the OP was a well organized opinion, and thanks for posting it. I am of the same general opinion, meaning, a QB reach is not the most important thing in this years draft (I know I'm going to catch it for that one) We can grab a project later, and utilize TJ this year as a serviceable QB, and instead plan to add weapons. It really does depend greatly on how Hackett and Maroon plan to play offense. Do they run-first? If they plan this, then it makes sense to grab Warmack at 8. Do they plan to pass-first? Then a WR, Patterson makes sense at 8. In the second, and third rounds you continue to draft depending on your intended offensive style. Grab your QB in the 4th or 5th round. Adding weapons around TJ will make him better, and regardless of whether the Bill suck in 2013, we'll be less swiss cheese come 2014, and we'll have more options. Of course knowing, or I should say planning to get better as a team in 2013 for a run in 2014 means that guys like Fred Jackson, Brad Smith are expendable in 2013 as possible trade bate to add picks in either 2013, -or- 2014. I love Freddie and would hate to see him go, but from a plan standpoint, it makes a lot of sense. There are a ton of teams that would love to add someone as well rounded as Freddie to their 2013 roster, same goes for Brad Smith. Now this all assumes that the plan is to get stronger in the trenches this year, so that we can allow for options next year. It doesn't mean we'll suck necessarily. Who the hell knows how well TJ will play? But either way we do know that by adding quality players around him this year, the chances of sucking this year go down exponentially, and the chances of being better next year go up exponentially along with this strategy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

At the risk of hearing some more snide remarks I'm reviving this post because I see an awful lot of threads running off of it, especially the trade down with Tampa. There's a few other shots that I called that are noteworthy also.


Now, if my topic is too lengthy then do yourself and me a favor and don't read it. There is no need to bad mouth me for posting football material on a football forum.

Edited by Tipster19
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