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Another 'new' Jimi Hendrix tune....

The Poojer

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Jimi and eddie kramer? Just wondering if kramer had his hands on it

EK has had his hands on everything Hendrix. Both during and post death. Sometimes with disastrous results, especially right after his death, Eddie took artistic license to "finish" some tunes the way he thought Hendrix would have.

He along with Chas Chandlers estate (RIP) has possession of virtually all Hendrix unreleased material. All of which has traveled in musician/collectors circles for decades. His partnership with Jimi's half sister owner of the Hendrix estate allows him to release the "new" material. Better than nothing, at least it's cleaned up now.

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It's REALLY friggin' good. Best posthumous release they've done. I love the Band of Gypsys and this is like Christmas morning getting to hear some Buddy Miles & Jimi in-studio.


I love how dialled in Jimi is compared to the really loose live shows - which I also really enjoy.

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Everything Jimi recorded is very listenable. Back when Demonoid was up and running, I recall there was a 90GB Jimi Torrent. Man do I regret not doing so!


BTW- Hear My Train A Comin is kickass!

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what was in that 90GB torrent???


Everything Jimi recorded is very listenable. Back when Demonoid was up and running, I recall there was a 90GB Jimi Torrent. Man do I regret not doing so!


BTW- Hear My Train A Comin is kickass!

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Just two tracks in ("Earth Blues" and "Somewhere") and I'm floored. I was always an Experience fan, but still loved the band of gypsies. I gotta admit, these first 2 tunes are with Cox and Miles. I think they are phenomenal. Mitch Mitchell is on a few later tracks, but no Noel Redding. I'll edit my post after listening to everything, but so far, this is shaping up to easily rival "Are You Experienced" and "Electric Ladyland."




Just finished the whole album. Awesome. I would not rank it above "Are You Experienced" and "Electric Ladyland," but I would definitely classify it as an incredible album.


My favorite tunes - "Earth Blues," "Somewhere," and "Izabella," and "Inside Out," although I can easily say that there is not one bad tune on the album.


Highly, highly recommend. It is a great look into what was to come had this musical genius not left this world so soon after his arrival.

Edited by Fig Newtons
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