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Thought processes by people here I don't understand


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As I am reading all of these threads about everything going on, and man is there a lot, I am getting confused about what people are looking for with the President, GM, Coach, and QB position. It drives me nuts when people complain about things but don't offer any form of solution. I keep reading about retreads and non-nfl ready qb's, the Bills making changes without actually making any changes, etc....


Here are things that I would think would be logical assumptions:

  • When there are 7 Head Coaching positions available, then that means there are 7 jobs open where the goal is to find someone to win them a superbowl. Since this is the goal of all 32 teams, clearly this isn't a simple job. If there were Superbowl winning coaches around just waiting to magically turn a team around, everyone would be hiring them
  • All forms of promotion, GM, President, Coach, involve someone getting a new job to prove themselves. They are promoted because they have shown something that makes the hiring person believe they can excel in the job or they recently lost a job based upon missing expectations.
  • All former coaches are re-treads. If they were that amazing, they'd still be in their jobs. Anyone else are coordinators who only know one side of the game or college coaches who may not be able to make the jump. There is going to be risk with everyone.
  • If Gronk and Russel Wilson was such an easy pick, then why did all 31 other teams also miss on them? Everyone keeps blaming Nix for these misses, but he's also had some hits. Do I think he is the right guy, I don't know. But I do know that we've found some gems too. If you don't like Nix, I get it, but blaming him for every pick he missed could apply to any GM
  • GM's get players that coaches ask for. You want to blame Nix for Chan, go ahead. But Chan stood behind Fitz and has been all season while Nix hasn't. This is why we are here now.
  • No one really knows what level of input Ralph had on this team. Regardless, Brandon is a different guy with his own plan. People don't get promoted to be the person before them. Good or bad, change will happen with Brandon. People have been complaining about Ralph and him always being asleep. You now got your change.
  • Anyone who doesn't go 1-2 is considered to be a risk pick at QB. There are 10 other teams, most of them also looking for new coaches, who have made the same misses we have. I hate to use Brady or Wilson, but tons of teams passed on them. This could be a terrible QB draft or a great one, we have no idea what to expect.

To me, end result, we just went through a ton of change. Brandon is a guy who is respected around the league. I believe Nix did a great job of giving Chan what he asked for and found some great diamond in the roughs. He may not be top 5 GM, but he's not bottom half. Maybe I'm settling, but it's not why we lose.


As for the coaches and QB, I have no idea. I think I would like to see Lovie here. Lovie has a winning record, knows the D, and hopefully could bring in a offensive coordinator.


I will say this, and I know this is the fan boy in me, but I would love to see the SU coach come in here and draft Nassib. The guy ran a great offense in New Orleans and turned around a terrible SU team. Plus, for expanding the fan base, wow. I also think that we could trade back into the 1st or 2nd, and still get the WR or OLB in the first we want. Imagine getting that WR from Baylor, Nassib, then LB in FA.


I digress


Someone else said it, I will second it: "Post of the year" (but then again, its only Jan. 2.


Seriously, well said. Parallels my own perspective. The only thing I would disagree with, is Lovie and the SU Coach and QB. I know he is tremendous person, but for some reason I just don't get excited about Smith. He seems to have had much more talent in Chicago, that has consistently underachieved.


As for the Orange combo, I just don't know much about them. But, if they were that good, why couldn't they win in the pathetic thing they call "Big East Football"? Although, Nassib does look like he has a rocket for an arm--that would be welcomed addition (then again, so did the legendary JP Losman).


But, again, excellent summary of pure common sense and solid analysis. Thanks Derek in VA.

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I can't name a Nix hit, personally.


Even CJ was the wrong pick. We had two RBs already, and he hasn't turned out to be a real game changer (we still lose more often than not). Dareus, while solid, isn't a game changer. Gilmore, the same. The rest of our picks have been average to crap. We blew our load on a DE that didn't show up for half of the season. We re-sign some of our talent, sure, but I almost wonder if we overpay for the production they put out.


I like Nix, I like some of his philosophy and ideology, but c'mon. He hasn't had any "hits". If he were the GM of any other team, he would have been fired by now.

This is why I can't take anything on this board seriously. Spiller isn't a game changer? He's turned into one of the most explosive backs in the league, scoring from everywhere on the field all the time. He's the definition of a game changer. Dareus was without a doubt the best pick at the time, and was explosive before his brother died. Everyone can roll their eyes all they want and call that an excuse, but the difference between every game before and every game after that event is obvious. Gilmore kicked ass as a rookie against the opposing teams best WR's. He is already one of the better CB's in the league. If he continues to get better (as he did every single game, all season long) he is going to be in Revis territory. If he doesn't progress, he is still a great pick.


If you don't like Nix, fine, but coming up with an argument calling those three players as bad picks is nonsense. The only one even close to not living up to his slot is Dareus, and I do not believe that will continue. Even if it does, it doesn't make for a failed GM.

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First of all, :thumbsup: to Derek. Great synopsis and I hope everyone on the board reads your post.


I can't name a Nix hit, personally.


Even CJ was the wrong pick. We had two RBs already, and he hasn't turned out to be a real game changer (we still lose more often than not). Dareus, while solid, isn't a game changer. Gilmore, the same. The rest of our picks have been average to crap. We blew our load on a DE that didn't show up for half of the season. We re-sign some of our talent, sure, but I almost wonder if we overpay for the production they put out.


I like Nix, I like some of his philosophy and ideology, but c'mon. He hasn't had any "hits". If he were the GM of any other team, he would have been fired by now.


Seriously? I can understand you saying that in 2010, as we had Lynch & Freddie, but I think the jury has returned the verdict on CJ. Just because we ended up 6-10 this year doesn't mean the CJ pick was the wrong one...as is the case with Dareus & Gilmore. True, not many of the other picks from 2010-12 have turned out to be studs, but how can we expect that (don't give me the Tom Brady case, either). I hate it when people say that recent drafts were a bust when it takes 2-3 years to develop a good evaluation.

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To the OP - nice thoughts. I can't say I'm excited about Marrone, because the optics suggest a cynical "upstate NY native" buzz would drive the hire in part, and SU is kind of small-time, weak conference at this point in time. He may be good, but I have reservations and would rather see him turn SU into a national contender before taking that risk.

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This is a great post. Good to see some reason on this board. To some, it won't matter what the Bills do, it won't be good enough. I think yesterday was a step in the right direction in getting things back on track. Let's see how it plays out before throwing up our hands in despair. Change was needed and change is happening, so I for one choose to be optimistic. If the next hire doesn't work out, well then we are no worse off than we have been for the past 13 years, but I am hoping they hit on the right guy this time around.

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This is a great post. Good to see some reason on this board. To some, it won't matter what the Bills do, it won't be good enough. I think yesterday was a step in the right direction in getting things back on track. Let's see how it plays out before throwing up our hands in despair. Change was needed and change is happening, so I for one choose to be optimistic. If the next hire doesn't work out, well then we are no worse off than we have been for the past 13 years, but I am hoping they hit on the right guy this time around.


Can you describe the biggest change announced yesterday? Do you believe that Brandon has disagreed with all major Ralph decisions over the last 3 years that have brought us to where we are? What is it about Brandon that tells you things will get back on track?

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Can you describe the biggest change announced yesterday? Do you believe that Brandon has disagreed with all major Ralph decisions over the last 3 years that have brought us to where we are? What is it about Brandon that tells you things will get back on track?

I understand all skepticism and I feel some of it myself, but simply having a guy who doesn't have to ask Mr. Wilson for changes big and small like hiring new scouts, explaining and installing a football analytics division, improvements to strength / conditioning & facilities is big. And I am especially encouraged that the pay restrictions and personnel meddling that coaches have had to deal with could be coming to an end.


The fact that he is young and around the facility every day has to help, too. The staff now knows explicitly whom to answer to and won't have to wonder if Wilson is behind a decision or not.

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Perhaps the reason there are mixed responses from the fanbase here is that when they went to bed on New Year's eve, the owner was Ralph, the CEO was Bndon and the GM was Buddy. Went they went to bed last night, the owner was Ralph, the CEO was Brandon and the GM was Buddy.


Yes, Brandon now has supreme power, but does anyone really think, as CEO prior to yesterday's announcement, that Brandon had NO influence over the decisions made by Ralph? That Ralph ignored all of Brandon's counsel? It's kind of like last offseason when many of us were asking how Wanny would be an upgrade over Edwards when he was part of Edwards's staff and had have some input in Edwards's disastrous defense. What exactly are Brandon's strength's regarding running the team. Wasn't he GM for a brief period?


The "big news" that Ralph will no longer make decisions or any kind assumes that he was making decisions with no input from Brandon in the past or that Brandon had much better choices that Ralph ignored. I just don't believe either of those are true. I'm certain, as a trusted adviser, Ralph took everything Brandon told him seriously and acted according to that advice.


As for Buddy, we all are assuming all kinds of things that Whaley will be doing, so why not just announce that he is the new GM? Tell everyone Buddy will be kept around as "Special Something Or Other" and give the fans a clear picture of who's running the football side. Buddy represents everything that is wrong with this organization. Why reward him even withthe title of GM? Ot sends the wron message to the fans and, I think, propsective players.


As for taking Marrone for HC, this place would melt into lava. I can't believe there is a single person who believes that this guy was calling the offense in NO. And now, after a couple of seasons at .....Syracuse??, he's ready to take over a desperate Buffalo Bills team? This is completely nuts.

I agree regarding Brandon and Nix/Whaley. With Mr. Wilsons age and health it is likely in the extreme that he has been relying heavily on others for the past several years at least. And who better than someone he obviously trusts, Brandon. I see the Brandon news as a good thing as it streamlines the org chart and process of hirings/firings. But hardly "mind blowing" or "monumental" as some seem to believe. Though it had to have been a monumental and sad event for Mr. Wilson to admit that he can no longer do the job. Kudos to him for both recognizing and acting on it.


Whaley has been the "GM in waiting" ever since he was hired. I would have preferred him to have been named GM now with Nix as a consultant (basically flipping the apparent pecking order), but we don't know what the actual dynamic will be for the coaching hiring, draft and beyond. At the very least I would think Whaley, as the next GM, would have a huge say in any coach hirings as he will be the GM that has to work with them.

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At the very least I would think Whaley, as the next GM, would have a huge say in any coach hirings as he will be the GM that has to work with them.

It sounds like it. I like the fact that Whaley is in on this decision and is meeting directly with candidates. That is in fact a major change from Nix doing the recommendation for the ultimate hiring by Wilson.

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Can you describe the biggest change announced yesterday? Do you believe that Brandon has disagreed with all major Ralph decisions over the last 3 years that have brought us to where we are? What is it about Brandon that tells you things will get back on track?

I do know (from what they said that Chan and Nix spoke with Ralph quite regularly (weekly even), Brandon has done a good job of selling seats and the brand (of a miserable product) one way or another. I am not sure he is the right choice to run the organization but I know I won't have a choice about who the next owner is either (or coach for that matter lol). They might suck more (just as Brandon might). I hope not.

I think Whaley is defacto GM and in essence Nix is the "consultant" now since it is rumored he will be gone after the draft and Whaley is in on the coaching job search. It isn't really that complicated.

As for Brandon's roles with RW as his adviser and how much he agreed with decisions made, frankly we have no idea.... It looks good to me that after all this time there is a big change. I hope it works out. In a way it is almost as exciting as a new owner. We have no idea how any of that will go either. But things were not good and change was needed. Just be happy that RW did it and lets see what happens. In time we all may agree it was a bunch of stupidity or we might have a superbowl or at least some playoffs to watch in the future. I can't criticize what I don't know and this new future, I just don't.

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Perhaps the reason there are mixed responses from the fanbase here is that when they went to bed on New Year's eve, the owner was Ralph, the CEO was Bndon and the GM was Buddy. Went they went to bed last night, the owner was Ralph, the CEO was Brandon and the GM was Buddy.


Yes, Brandon now has supreme power, but does anyone really think, as CEO prior to yesterday's announcement, that Brandon had NO influence over the decisions made by Ralph? That Ralph ignored all of Brandon's counsel? It's kind of like last offseason when many of us were asking how Wanny would be an upgrade over Edwards when he was part of Edwards's staff and had have some input in Edwards's disastrous defense. What exactly are Brandon's strength's regarding running the team. Wasn't he GM for a brief period?


The "big news" that Ralph will no longer make decisions or any kind assumes that he was making decisions with no input from Brandon in the past or that Brandon had much better choices that Ralph ignored. I just don't believe either of those are true. I'm certain, as a trusted adviser, Ralph took everything Brandon told him seriously and acted according to that advice.


As for Buddy, we all are assuming all kinds of things that Whaley will be doing, so why not just announce that he is the new GM? Tell everyone Buddy will be kept around as "Special Something Or Other" and give the fans a clear picture of who's running the football side. Buddy represents everything that is wrong with this organization. Why reward him even withthe title of GM? Ot sends the wron message to the fans and, I think, propsective players.


As for taking Marrone for HC, this place would melt into lava. I can't believe there is a single person who believes that this guy was calling the offense in NO. And now, after a couple of seasons at .....Syracuse??, he's ready to take over a desperate Buffalo Bills team? This is completely nuts.

+1. This "change" means nothing. RB said it several times in his presser..."Buddy Nix is the GM of the Bills and will make all football decisions

as he has over the last 3 years".


I guess it will take ANOTHER bad draft to put the crosshairs on Buddy.

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As I am reading all of these threads about everything going on, and man is there a lot, I am getting confused about what people are looking for with the President, GM, Coach, and QB position. It drives me nuts when people complain about things but don't offer any form of solution. I keep reading about retreads and non-nfl ready qb's, the Bills making changes without actually making any changes, etc....


Here are things that I would think would be logical assumptions:

  • When there are 7 Head Coaching positions available, then that means there are 7 jobs open where the goal is to find someone to win them a superbowl. Since this is the goal of all 32 teams, clearly this isn't a simple job. If there were Superbowl winning coaches around just waiting to magically turn a team around, everyone would be hiring them
  • All forms of promotion, GM, President, Coach, involve someone getting a new job to prove themselves. They are promoted because they have shown something that makes the hiring person believe they can excel in the job or they recently lost a job based upon missing expectations.
  • All former coaches are re-treads. If they were that amazing, they'd still be in their jobs. Anyone else are coordinators who only know one side of the game or college coaches who may not be able to make the jump. There is going to be risk with everyone.
  • If Gronk and Russel Wilson was such an easy pick, then why did all 31 other teams also miss on them? Everyone keeps blaming Nix for these misses, but he's also had some hits. Do I think he is the right guy, I don't know. But I do know that we've found some gems too. If you don't like Nix, I get it, but blaming him for every pick he missed could apply to any GM
  • GM's get players that coaches ask for. You want to blame Nix for Chan, go ahead. But Chan stood behind Fitz and has been all season while Nix hasn't. This is why we are here now.
  • No one really knows what level of input Ralph had on this team. Regardless, Brandon is a different guy with his own plan. People don't get promoted to be the person before them. Good or bad, change will happen with Brandon. People have been complaining about Ralph and him always being asleep. You now got your change.
  • Anyone who doesn't go 1-2 is considered to be a risk pick at QB. There are 10 other teams, most of them also looking for new coaches, who have made the same misses we have. I hate to use Brady or Wilson, but tons of teams passed on them. This could be a terrible QB draft or a great one, we have no idea what to expect.

To me, end result, we just went through a ton of change. Brandon is a guy who is respected around the league. I believe Nix did a great job of giving Chan what he asked for and found some great diamond in the roughs. He may not be top 5 GM, but he's not bottom half. Maybe I'm settling, but it's not why we lose.


As for the coaches and QB, I have no idea. I think I would like to see Lovie here. Lovie has a winning record, knows the D, and hopefully could bring in a offensive coordinator.


I will say this, and I know this is the fan boy in me, but I would love to see the SU coach come in here and draft Nassib. The guy ran a great offense in New Orleans and turned around a terrible SU team. Plus, for expanding the fan base, wow. I also think that we could trade back into the 1st or 2nd, and still get the WR or OLB in the first we want. Imagine getting that WR from Baylor, Nassib, then LB in FA.


I digress

1000% agree :thumbsup:

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If Buddy could not see that Fitz sucks, then what does that say about his talent evaluation skills


but it seems that Buddy did realize this - and is why he traded for Travaris.


The problem is that people like to paint these decisions in black and white. It is much easier on a message board to say "get r done" then actually spending the amount of resources to do so.


Even CJ was the wrong pick.]


A generational talent is never a wrong pick.


Can you describe the biggest change announced yesterday? Do you believe that Brandon has disagreed with all major Ralph decisions over the last 3 years that have brought us to where we are? What is it about Brandon that tells you things will get back on track?


If you know your boss hates orange, are you going to go and suggest that you paint the walls orange?

Edited by jeremy2020
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People don't care about logical reasoning here... they just want to nitpick and b*tch about every decision made. I'll trust Russ and Whaley. They want to win, build the brand, and build their reputations more than any of us want to win combined. You think they want to be labeled "Losers" in NFL circles? Heck no. Coaches who are "retreads" or unproven coordinators/college coaches, etc... are the one's making the playoffs. John FOx was a complete loser his last few years in Carolina...oh but he suddenly gets a great QB. Shanahan and his son were complete bums last year and DC fans hated them. All of a sudden he gets two star rookies (RG3, Morris)...and they are "brilliant" again. Those are just 2 examples of many.

Whisenhunt, Lovie, Chip Kelly, etc... can all be great coaches if they get good playes here. Just be happy fans that the Gailey/Fitz era is over.

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And if they hire good assistants.



Yes, and those guys are respected, tenured head coaches. They should be able to. The unproven coordinator gives me the least hope for great coordinators in Buffalo but you never know.

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Whisenhunt, Lovie, Chip Kelly, etc... can all be great coaches if they get good playes here. Just be happy fans that the Gailey/Fitz era is over.

Some would argue Gailey could be added to your list as well.

And about eras being over, 3 years ago we were supposed to be happy because the Jauron/Trentative era was over. Déjà vu.

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Good post.


I agree with you on Nassib. There's a damn good reason why PFW selected him is first team all american. All of the selections are based on how their size and skill set translate to the pros. The kid is smart. He's not only PFW's 1st team All American, he's an academic all american. He also benches over 400 lbs. He can throw a pass 70 yards without a wind up and improved his accuracy every year. He's played in a pro style and spread offense... and the Syracuse offense is about as close as you can get to what is being used in the NFL today. They power run, they option, they spread, and they go conventional.... and a lot of Nassib's passes go to the TE....hmmm. After the Senior Bowl and Combine, I believe he will end up being selected somewhere between 15 - 38. We'll see. I also think the interview the Bills have with Marrone may include a discussion of Nassib... Buddy ain't gonna miss that opportunity to get a free scouting report from his HC.

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The Buffalo Bills clearly communicated to the rest of the league that their owner who had a reputation for meddling in football affairs and being spiteful and stingy with former coaches, has ceded all control over the franchise to Russ Brandon. I am encouraged to know that Ralph is not involved with day to day operation of this team. Prospective coaches are likely at ease that Ralph is not tinkering in day to day operations.


For years we fans have wondered who ultimately makes decisions at OBD. We have had little idea who to hold accountable for blunders and busts. Now, more than at any point since Donahoe, theres some transparency and accountability at OBD. I'd say that development makes Buffalo a much more appealing place to work, and we're certainly looking to do some significant hiring in the near future.

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The Buffalo Bills clearly communicated to the rest of the league that their owner who had a reputation for meddling in football affairs and being spiteful and stingy with former coaches, has ceded all control over the franchise to Russ Brandon. I am encouraged to know that Ralph is not involved with day to day operation of this team. Prospective coaches are likely at ease that Ralph is not tinkering in day to day operations.


For years we fans have wondered who ultimately makes decisions at OBD. We have had little idea who to hold accountable for blunders and busts. Now, more than at any point since Donahoe, theres some transparency and accountability at OBD. I'd say that development makes Buffalo a much more appealing place to work, and we're certainly looking to do some significant hiring in the near future.

You certainly read a lot more into yesterdays PC than I do. But I sure hope you are right.

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