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Guilty Pleasure Songs/Videos

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You're gonna have to do a poll to prove that one. I'll admit, mine doesn't scream MAN'S MAN!! But Dante ... we're talkin' BSB here, man!!

Thread topic is "guilty pleasures". LOL. At least I'm comfortable enough in my sexuality to admit I like a BBS song! :thumbsup:

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Thread topic is "guilty pleasures". LOL. At least I'm comfortable enough in my sexuality to admit I like a BBS song! :thumbsup:

i like that song, too. I like a lot of silly sappy songs. They're fun.

Edited by jboyst62
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I have no idea why but this thread immediately reminded me of this-



Probably because its Japan and tech/science related, and they were released at the same time in 82/83'. Funny how times change. Don't think today Japan is the icon of technology, even in Asia you'd put it behind China (foxconn) and south Korea (Samsung). Heck even Taiwan has htc and Asus

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Next time we're having a disagreement about smash-mouth football on TSW, I'm gonna turn all you guys in.

I'll offer up this hanging curve. My most embarrassing guilty pleasure song moment was back in the day when I was singing along with this while driving my then convertible. Stopped at a light in the middle lane on a three lane road and BOTH cars on either side of me were having a good laugh at my expense.


Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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hanson i always thought got a bad rap because of mmm bop...they all seemed like genuinely talented musicians but because of the 'teeny bopper' feel of mmm bop they were never able to showcase their music...i think the harmonies on that song are awesome....funny you mention a band like spandau ballet...friday a local philly concert venue announced a show with OMD, and i got excited and am gonna buy a ticket...


mmmmmbop and take my breath away.................woooooo these are tough to beat.................but I raise you one Spandau Ballet and "true"


a haa haa haaaaaa haaaa, i know this much is truuuuuuuu!

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I'm not sure if it's really meets the definition of a GP but this song from "Moneyball" was stuck in my head for months after seeing the film. This is the concept video and the singer is quite attractive, IMHO. She's originally Czech but grew up in Australia which means she probably likes beer. So there's that.


Caution: This might be on the level of "Dancing Queen" for sticking in your head.



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