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First Time in 43 Months Unemployment Drops to 7.8%


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From the front lines of Obama fan club, Mark Zandi says:



Suggestions that the jobs numbers were doctored for political purposes are silly and counterproductive. The data are constructed by professional economists and statisticians, not by politicians. For prominent people to suggest otherwise undermines the trust in our institutions, which is a key to the nation’s long-term economic growth.

Nevertheless, the measured decline in September unemployment from 8.1% to 7.8% overstates the actual improvement in the job market. The decline was driven by an outsize gain in the household employment survey, which reported more than 800,000 people found jobs during the month. Yet more than 500,000 of these were part-timers who wanted but couldn’t find full-time work.

Similar increases in part-time employment were reported in September 2011 and September 2010, but those didn’t make headlines because they were partially washed out by employment declines elsewhere. In those earlier years, moreover, the count of part-timers fell significantly in October. If the same thing occurs next month, the unemployment rate will rise.

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Suggestionsthat the jobs numbers were doctored for political purposes are silly and counterproductive. The data are constructed by professional economists and statisticians, not by politicians. For prominent people to suggest otherwise undermines the trust in our institutions, which is a key to the nation’s long-term economic growth.


Agreed, and for the same reasons I think the "Bush lied!" people are morons: such data is put together by career civil servants who take a measure of professional pride in their work, enough that they rarely grind political axes over it. Particularly in BLS, where playing the political game isn't as necessary as in, say, DOD or HHS.

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Romney has a good debate performance and his poll numbers tick up and look what happens to the stock market, goes right in the toilet. Investors know Romney and his GOP nuts are a disaster waiting to happen


Spot on analysis once again. :lol:

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Romney has a good debate performance and his poll numbers tick up and look what happens to the stock market, goes right in the toilet. Investors know Romney and his GOP nuts are a disaster waiting to happen


Y'know, it's posts like this that make me wonder why everyone here mocks you all the time. This is the kind of hard-hitting, in-your-face truth that is simply undeniable.

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Romney has a good debate performance and his poll numbers tick up and look what happens to the stock market, goes right in the toilet. Investors know Romney and his GOP nuts are a disaster waiting to happen


Did you know that for a dollar you could buy over 20,000 Vietnamese dongs?

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Yay, the stock market is up, which favors the rich, and prices are sky high, which hurts the non-rich. Thanks Barry!




The stock market is up mostly due to QE 1-3; remember, we have about 3 trillion in circulation instead of about 800 billion we usually have...

All that extra money has to go somewhere, and since companies aren't borrowing, and individuals simply can't, banks that literally, HAVE to take that money, are investing it.... In the stock market...


Wait till ya see the crash coming when the Federal Reserve tries to pull it all back...

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Yay, the stock market is up, which favors the rich, and prices are sky high, which hurts the non-rich. Thanks Barry!

It does? WOW I didn't know a law existed where only the wealthy can invest in the markets!!

It favors ANYONE who invests in it Doc.


oh and can you answer this ...



If the favored rich ARE making money WHY aren't they creating jobs?


You know what's funny?


1) You completely ignoring the story about the possibility that the jobs data is incomplete, to crow "But it's still a good report!"

2) Me, five years ago, predicting that foreclosures would drop by late 2012, based on the structure of the housing market, and you somehow pretending Obama has something to do with it.

3) You crowing about something as completely irrelevant as the stock market as a measure of the president's success.


You really are an idiot.

Look you tool, I SAID that they used the same ("incomplete") jobs data that was used for a long time. That wasn't clear enough for you? Or do I need to invoke the name of He Who Must Not Be Named?


He Who Must Not Be Named was touting buying a home as foreclosures were at a record high and did nothing to stop the undocumented loans that lead to the Housing Crash!!


completely irrelevant as the stock market - Are you saying Obama was NEVER blamed for a bad economy and a lousy Stock Market?

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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It does? WOW I didn't know a law existed where only the wealthy can invest in the markets!!

It favors ANYONE who invests in it Doc.


oh and can you answer this ...



If the favored rich ARE making money WHY aren't they creating jobs?



Look you tool, I SAID that they used the same ("incomplete") jobs data that was used for a long time. That wasn't clear enough for you? Or do I need to invoke the name of He Who Must Not Be Named?


He Who Must Not Be Named was touting buying a home as foreclosures were at a record high and did nothing to stop the undocumented loans that lead to the Housing Crash!!


completely irrelevant as the stock market - Are you saying Obama was NEVER blamed for a bad economy and a lousy Stock Market?


You truly are making a fool of yourself. They used the same jobs data that was used for a long time? Bush didn't try to stop the undocumented loans? How sure are you on these issues?

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What in the world could possibly make you say something like this?

My Dad passed along many pieces of knowledge throughout the years of my life. These nuggets transcended age, race, gender, or generation. One of the most useful nuggets of information passed along to me is...

Never underestimate the stupidity of other people


No matter how far you may think Humanity has evolved, go read a DD/DiN post and you will soon realize how far we have devolved

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My Dad passed along many pieces of knowledge throughout the years of my life. These nuggets transcended age, race, gender, or generation. One of the most useful nuggets of information passed along to me is...

Never underestimate the stupidity of other people


No matter how far you may think Humanity has evolved, go read a DD/DiN post and you will soon realize how far we have devolved


On the contrary, humans have evolved. It's those Geico guys and Jason Werth that still carry the genes. As my grandpappy used to say, "Neanderthals won't always be with us. Once they lose the hair on their "greeting" side they'll try to procreate on their "retreating" side and those fudge packers will die out." As much as this will make BF4E happy, it's a sad place to be you know, losing your cousins and all.

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