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A nickname for the disaster in Seattle?


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I call it. The game where Seattle kicked green bay's ass, and maybe if green bay didn't let seattle kick their ass all game it wouldn't have come down to a last second snap judgement call, and maybe we should give some credit to the Sehawks for manhandling the Packers vaunted offense and making Aaron Rodgers their B word. Just saying :beer:

Edited by Stealth
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While tonight's calls were bad, the regular refs make their fair share of bad calls. Just a few I can recall:


- Music city forward lateral

- The push out in the back of the EZ against the Jags in 2004- Plax mugging Leodis (I think it was) in the EZ and then pushing off to catch the game winner

- Ed Houchuli's famous Denver fumble fiasco

- Beebe landing on his head but not being down by contact and fumbling

- Bert Emanuel catches the ball for what should be a first down late in the 2000 NFC Championship game between Tampa Bay and St. Louis but it’s ruled that he doesn’t have full control when the ground causes the fumble.



But remember--those are YEARS worth of gaffes. These jokers beat that in 3 week's time....

Let's just not kid ourselves into thinking that getting the real refs back will mean the end of bad calls.

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While tonight's calls were bad, the regular refs make their fair share of bad calls. Just a few I can recall:


- Music city forward lateral

- The push out in the back of the EZ against the Jags in 2004- Plax mugging Leodis (I think it was) in the EZ and then pushing off to catch the game winner

- Ed Houchuli's famous Denver fumble fiasco

- Beebe landing on his head but not being down by contact and fumbling

- Bert Emanuel catches the ball for what should be a first down late in the 2000 NFC Championship game between Tampa Bay and St. Louis but it’s ruled that he doesn’t have full control when the ground causes the fumble.


Let's just not kid ourselves into thinking that getting the real refs back will mean the end of bad calls.

You are correct, except you won't have the same number you listed all in one week (or game for that matter).

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I suffer hearing about the "Music City Miracle" all the damn time. Anyone want to come up with a catchy nickname to make this game more relevant and hopefully blot out the Miracle?


Seattle Zebra Attack


Tate's, Golden Shover


Simultaneous Disaster


The Gouging of Green Bay


Tate's golden shower is awesome. lmao. Pure juvenile genius.

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ummm, ok. it's in direct reference to the music city miracle that many thought was a botched call.... and starbucks was founded in seattle which is known for its coffee houses. guess it wasn't too good a title then, huh?

I got it.

I heard it being called the Immaculate Deception. The grave error here was the missed Offensive pass interference that would have ended the game.



It's a tough call. Did the Rcvr have his hand on the ball at the same time as the defender?

At best the receiver had his left arm in the DB's bread basket and then when they fell to the ground, wrapped his right arm around the DB. So he didn't have possession in any sense of the word. Unless the NFL suddenly became the NBA.

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