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Democrats Start Convention By Going Crazy


If you assemble a lot of Democrats in one place, you can be sure craziness will result. And I’m not talking about the ones who get so drunk they need hospitalization. The most notable excess so far came from the head of the California Democratic Party, who, egged on by a radio reporter who asked him about the “fact checking” of Paul Ryan’s convention speech, launched into a diatribe about how Republicans are Nazis:

“They lie and they don’t care if people think they lie,” Chairman of the California Democratic Party John Burton told KCBS Monday in Charlotte. “As long as you lie, Joseph Goebbels, the big lie, you keep repeating it, you know.”

“First of all,” he continued, “you’ve got Republicans who truly believe the Earth is flat, so I don’t know exactly what, you know, what’s going to do, but they, I think that when people figure out that these people say they do not care about the truth and they will lie and they don’t care if they lie because it doesn’t matter if they lie.”



Clint Eastwood obviously got under the Democrats’ skin, and their response has not exactly been elevated. Thus, today AFSCME President Lee Saunders went nuts in a speech to the Democrats’ Wisconsin delegation. Well, he was probably trying to cheer them up; they have had a tough couple of years:



An empty chair had been brought on stage before Saunders started speaking, but he ignored it for most of his speech.

“I don’t know if you noticed, but you see this chair? I don’t know if you noticed that he actually walked in with me. He’s invisible, he’s sitting right here. He’s been listening to everything I had to say,” Saunders said. “So I want you to welcome Clint Eastwood.”

“I’ve got a couple of questions. I’ve got a couple of questions I want to ask Clint Eastwood,” Saunders continued as dozens of attendees cracked up. “But first, buddy, what do you have to say for yourself? I didn’t hear you.”

“Dirty Harry, Dirty Harry, make my day,” Saunders yelled, knocking the empty chair off of the stage. As the applause died down, Mike Tate, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin chair, took the stage. Pausing for a moment as he took the podium, he grinned and said, “And it’s just Monday, we’ll be here all week.”


I certainly hope so! The Dems’ craziness will not endear them to voters.


A thuggish, violent reaction to Clint Eastwood’s quietly funny appearance at the RNC. And this is the head of a ‘public employee’ union.

There’s a choice this election, alright. Which side are you on? If you’re on the side that fantasizes about knocking an 82 year old man off a stage for laughing at your leader, you might want to examine your soul.



Then there is the more significant question whether Americans are better off now than they were four years ago. The Democrats, as we noted yesterday, have squirmed to avoid answering that fundamental question. The Democratic Governor of Maryland admitted, in a rare burst of candor, that we are not better off, but then was forced to recant. But what the Democrats say in answer to the question: Are you better off today than you were four years ago? is mostly irrelevant. If they answer Yes, they will be exposed as hopelessly out of touch with the travails the American people have suffered during the Age of Obama. If they answer No, they will admit what everyone knows to be true, and will essentially stipulate that it is time to change administrations.



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I'm interested to see this, not because I care what any of the speakers have to say, but because I'm interested at how the "media watchdogs" who zealously played "devil's advocate" throughout the RNC cover this. Somehow I'm guessing there will be a lot of smiles and optimism rather than stone faces and skepticism.

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One more crazy phenomenon in Charlotte: Many of the Democrats in the media are trying to follow the Obama administration’s lead by referring to Bank of America stadium as Panthers’ Stadium, because–I guess–the Democrats don’t want to be associated with banks.


But Bank of America Stadium is NOT called Panthers’ Stadium, just as, to take only one example, the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome is not called Vikings Stadium.


The willingness of supposedly independent reporters to ignore reality in hopes of being of service to Obama is comical and, some would say, crazy.




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Re; the Keynote speaker:




Is ‘Villaraigosa’ Spanish for ‘Village Idiot’?


Claro que no,
but it might as well be, considering the remarks of the Los Angeles mayor, a sleazy party hack who — as most Angelenos know — spends more time chasing skirts than doing anything for this city, which is in by far the worst shape it has been in any time since I arrived here in 1968. And those who are suffering most are the Hispanics and blacks Villaraigosa relied upon for his election and pretends to help.


To set the record straight, yes, I know Antonio Villaraigosa’s name is actually a combination of Vilar and Raigosa, taken when Antonio Vilar married Corina Raigosa back in 1987 to affirm their “lifetime of fidelity.”

According to The New Yorker, Corina first filed for divorce in 1994 when she, in the midst of treatment for thryoid cancer, discovered Antonio was having an affair. They reconciled two years later. Multiple affairs thereafter Corina finally dissolved the marriage in 2007. Not surprisingly, Villaraigosa’s serial philandering continued with other partners after the divorce. (You can check the sorry history on Wikipedia, if you want to bother. The Villaraigosas have four children and eighteen grandchildren.)

So why are the Democrats trucking out this smarmy creep — who has the knowledge base of a high school junior with absolutely no genuine accomplishments of which I am aware — for the election?

Because he’s Hispanic, obviously. If Villaraigosa were an Anglo, they’d be hiding him under the bed.


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Democrats Start Convention By Going Crazy


The most notable excess so far came from the head of the California Democratic Party, who, egged on by a radio reporter who asked him about the “fact checking” of Paul Ryan’s convention speech, launched into a diatribe about how Republicans are Nazis:


“They lie and they don’t care if people think they lie,” Chairman of the California Democratic Party
John Burton
told KCBS Monday in Charlotte. “As long as you lie, Joseph Goebbels, the big lie, you keep repeating it, you know.”

“First of all,” he continued, “you’ve got Republicans who truly believe the Earth is flat, so I don’t know exactly what, you know, what’s going to do, but they, I think that when people figure out that these people say they do not care about the truth and they will lie and they don’t care if they lie because it doesn’t matter if they lie.”





Yeah, that's believable. The Chairman of the California Democratic Party scheduled a root canal during the DNC.




Root canal or the DNC, which is the lesser of two evils?



John Burton is the chairman of the California Democratic Party. Over the weekend, he compared Paul Ryan to Nazi propaganda director Joseph Goebbels.


Today, Burton reportedly left the Democratic National Convention for a “pre-scheduled root canal.”.


We’ll see whether any additional unpleasantness awaits Burton. If he were a Republican, there’s little doubt that the party would have purged him by now.





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Yeah, that's believable. The Chairman of the California Democratic Party scheduled a root canal during the DNC.




Root canal or the DNC, which is the lesser of two evils?



John Burton is the chairman of the California Democratic Party. Over the weekend, he compared Paul Ryan to Nazi propaganda director Joseph Goebbels.


Today, Burton reportedly left the Democratic National Convention for a “pre-scheduled root canal.”.


We’ll see whether any additional unpleasantness awaits Burton. If he were a Republican, there’s little doubt that the party would have purged him by now.





More like the DNC had a dickectomy.

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