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I gotta say, I think Michelle's speech was the most effective of the night. It's hard for me to gauge what will sway those who don't know (or don't want to know) what I do, but in my estimation of the sensibilities of moderates, I assume her speech had the most impact. It wasn't great, but for a 1st lady speech it was pretty good.

I thought she started out strong, starting losing me with the hints at govt regulating company personnel matters, then totally lost me with the "my hubby always does what's right no matter the consequences" BS. Yeah right other than his healthcare agenda he's cut n run and played politics on every other major issue.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Really? it's how a great many people start small businesses and the vast majority buy homes. you've heard of business loans and lines of credit right? ya think romney was ever in a leveraged position? didn't he proudly point out the risks he took in starting bain at the republican convention? why is his risk taking more honorarable than the first lady's father's.


Was Romney ever in a leverages position? Are you serious? I think it's safe to say every !@#$ing day. Wealthy investors make money with other people's money all the time.

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Was very surprised at how they actually called the ACA "Obamacare"...but that fight is over. It's the new N-word it's not going away I guess time to own it hehe. Nice touch telling some stories about ACA but they need to continue to do so.

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Really? it's how a great many people start small businesses and the vast majority buy homes. you've heard of business loans and lines of credit right? ya think romney was ever in a leveraged position? didn't he proudly point out the risks he took in starting bain at the republican convention? why is his risk taking more honorarable than the first lady's father's.

And what did Michelle do with her leveraged education? Please tell me

Edit: I forgot she worked on the Daley campaign. that's real public service.

Edited by Jim in Anchorage
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Clinton speaks tomorrow. Do you guys think Clinton really wants Obama to win? He has an ad running in VA where he says deregulation & tax cuts "got us into this mess in the first place." He doesn't sound like he believes it, & I thought it was interesting b/c Glass-Steagal was repealed during his Presidency. If Obama loses Hillary arguably has a better shot in '16, Clinton remains the Dem hero as the only Dem since Truman to be elected twice, & Clinton was pissed that Obama pulled the race card on him. So do y'all think he's really pulling for Obama or just staying in the good graces of the party?

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Hurrah! Home run by Michelle and Casto really were great, I was worried that the evil one might actually win and have a chance to crush average Americans. Romney wants to kill poor Americans and force more middle class people into poverty to make sure the gated communities are even more lush with cash.

Fraud is Castros middle name




Sent from my iPad

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Hurrah! Home run by Michelle and Casto really were great, I was worried that the evil one might actually win and have a chance to crush average Americans. Romney wants to kill poor Americans and force more middle class people into poverty to make sure the gated communities are even more lush with cash.

I am so glad you started posting here. Such clear, precise, indisputable, fact filled posts. Damn you make good arguments.

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Clinton speaks tomorrow. Do you guys think Clinton really wants Obama to win? He has an ad running in VA where he says deregulation & tax cuts "got us into this mess in the first place." He doesn't sound like he believes it, & I thought it was interesting b/c Glass-Steagal was repealed during his Presidency. If Obama loses Hillary arguably has a better shot in '16, Clinton remains the Dem hero as the only Dem since Truman to be elected twice, & Clinton was pissed that Obama pulled the race card on him. So do y'all think he's really pulling for Obama or just staying in the good graces of the party?

Truman was not elected twice. Won once in 48.

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Truman was not elected twice. Won once in 48.

To be fair, I guess, Truman was elected to a second term even though he inherited his first term. Unlike Ford who lost his election to a second term after inheriting his first.
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I didn't see the "hotties". But if anyone has a link, I'd certainly appreciate it :)

wife http://blog.mysanantonio.com/latinlife/files/legacy/erica.jpg

Uniquely talented too, has the ability to appear Asian when hosting Asian dignitaries



As for the other on the other end who looked hottier, don't know who she was. Would appreciate if someone can find

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Key word is elected twice as a dem. ELECTED. 2X. In a row.Why not trot out LBJ? 2 term, right?



Look! Squirrel!



I won’t run through the usual litany of misdeeds. If you don’t already know them by heart, you’ll commit them to memory eventually when you finally tire of liberals screeching at you for “hating women” while holding this guy up as a secular saint. (Chappaquiddick material is abundant online, but this post will get you up to speed on another legendary incident.) I’ve got to say, in all sincerity: I appreciate their brazenness in building a convention around the theme of a “war on women” while not only inviting Bill Clinton to be a headline speaker but having a video tribute to Teddy to start things off. They’re all but admitting that their pretense of moral superiority really is just a pose taken for political effect. If John Edwards had walked out onstage to a standing ovation after this clip ended, it would have been one of the most honest moments in recent convention history. Alas, a missed opportunity.

The clip was introduced, by the way, by Joseph Kennedy III, who’s looking to replace Barney Frank. At the moment America has no Kennedys in Congress and, well, that simply won’t do in a dynastic country that values hereditary aristocracy like ours does, so good luck with your political career, Joe.

Edited by Oxrock
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If its not about how much money you make, how come the democrats care so much about now much money Romney has made?


Great speech by Michelle IMO. Pretty much refuted Romney's speech without saying his name.


"Success isn't about how much money you make, it's about the difference you make in people's lives." - Mrs. Obama

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