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"Sanchez, Tebow both struggle"

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Sanchez, Tebow both struggle in loss to Giants


Posted by Michael David Smith on August 18, 2012, 10:39 PM EDT




Mark Sanchez didn’t do anything against the Giants on Saturday night to deserve to keep his job as the Jets’ starting quarterback. But Tim Tebow didn’t do anything to deserve to take the job from Sanchez.


Both Sanchez and Tebow struggled, and the Jets’ offense could get nothing going all night, as the Giants won easily, 26-3.


A quick glance at Sanchez’s numbers might suggest that he had a decent night: He did complete nine of his 11 passes. But he was throwing short, easy passes exclusively, which is why he had just 59 passing yards. And he threw an absolutely terrible interception that the Giants’ Jayron Hosley took back 77 yards for a touchdown.


Tebow completed just five of 14 passes for 69 yards. Tebow was in at quarterback for the Jets’ only scoring drive, and unlike Sanchez Tebow didn’t throw any interceptions, but Tebow threw plenty of ugly, inaccurate passes.


The quarterbacks weren’t getting a lot of help; with Santonio Holmes out, the Jets’ receiving corps was missing its only proven playmaker. And the Jets’ offensive line was lousy, with the Giants’ defensive ends repeatedly bringing pressure. Jets right tackle Wayne Hunter remains a huge liability.


Overall, the Jets’ offense looks like a mess. Rex Ryan better be right that the Jets have a Top 5 defense, because their offense is going to be a problem.

Edited by hondo in seattle
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The quarterbacks weren’t getting a lot of help; with Santonio Holmes out, the Jets’ receiving corps was missing its only proven playmaker. And the Jets’ offensive line was lousy, with the Giants’ defensive ends repeatedly bringing pressure. Jets right tackle Wayne Hunter remains a huge liability.

I just watched the game, and this paragraph is the key here. Neither QB is very good, and with horrible OL play and WR's dropping things all over the place, the Jets offense is looking really bad so far in this preseason. The Jets have the worst kind of QB controversy.

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I can see why Jets fans feel that way though. Their D is still good. And our O has been anything but sharp to this point in the scrimmages. At this point a 9-6 type of game is certainly looking like a possibility.



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I don't get their optimism for their d. I don't see it being as good as previous years. Leonard was a key part of that d, and he is gone. Not only are they hanging all their outside pass rush hopes on maybin, but they are going with a 4-3 base that he is worse in, their only improvement is they drafted a guy for their inside pass rush who tends to not give 100%. Their d is not a top 5, and if it wasn't for revis, it wouldn't even be a top 15

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I don't get their optimism for their d. I don't see it being as good as previous years. Leonard was a key part of that d, and he is gone. Not only are they hanging all their outside pass rush hopes on maybin, but they are going with a 4-3 base that he is worse in, their only improvement is they drafted a guy for their inside pass rush who tends to not give 100%. Their d is not a top 5, and if it wasn't for revis, it wouldn't even be a top 15


All valid points. But Rex Ryan is a master at schematics and that front seven is still formidable, especially their LBs. Maybin is an afterthought used only in obvious passing situations. I think they're weak at the safety positions from what little I can gather watching their first string this summer. My hope is that their offense won't be able to keep them off the field and they'll pay for that in the fourth quarter of games.



Edited by K-9
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I just watched the game, and this paragraph is the key here. Neither QB is very good, and with horrible OL play and WR's dropping things all over the place, the Jets offense is looking really bad so far in this preseason. The Jets have the worst kind of QB controversy.

There's only one kind of controversy, and it starts with 2 QBs who aren't very good. There's a reason you never see this sort of thing developing around good QBs.

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It's somewhat amazing that they're relying on the super amazing fantastic defense to bail them out when it was proven that their best CB cannot cover Stevie. I think the Stevie/Revis matchup is going to be much like the McGahee/Jets matchup.


We all have to hope that Hunter plays just well enough next week that they go into the opener with him. If they do there's no way that Sanchez survives the first half. If they keep Hunter that's great for us. If they replace him that's even better for us because no one they pick up is going to solo Mario. A double on Mario means one less blocker for Marcel, Kyle or Mark. Hopefully they'll use Keller to help Hunter thereby negating one of their better WR's.

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