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My completely uninformed opinion on the Bills' philosophy this pre


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There should be no arguing over a pre season game. No one has to play well, there's no pressure for most of the first string.


It was 10-0 by the end of the first when Minnesota took their starters out. Not a good score but it would not have been the end of the game by far. Its obvious that none of the players are worried about what happened. If what happened yesterday happened the regular season, there would be someone talking to the players. Maybe it would be Fitz. Fred. Wilson. Stevie. There would also be the coordinators and Gailey talking to everyone. I don't even think those picture things that the QBs look at were being used.


As I'm watching the game right now, its obvious that the 2nd stringers are playing more energetically than the 1st. I'm not saying that the 1st aren't trying because I don't know what to say about that but its seems that the 2nd are out there trying to prove something, which should be the case.


And about the Bills needing to prove something, they don't need to prove anything right now. There's no point in proving themselves and even if they did, what would be the benefit? All would be happy in Bills Mafia?


People will be excited about a good preseason? What happens if they start off poorly? Everyone will be disappointed over a good, strong preseason. If you don't worry about what happens, everything will be fine. It helps if you watch the preseason games and then don't read anything about the preseason on the board. People on here are very convincing and your brain will have you believing in the worst, whether its true or not.


Most of you people that are complaining just want something to hang there hats and coats on, something that will help them sleep at night. Just take some Lunesta and go to sleep in your Bills gear and don't wake up till Sept 9th. It'll help your cholesterol.




There's my completely uninformed opinion on all the posts one here.

Edited by Teen Insight
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Running a base 4-3 no less. Everyone wants to talk about how awful the Bills were last night but they're either not looking at the entirety of the play or they're just flat out making **** up. Sure there were things that could have gone better but it was FAR from the disaster that some are making it out to be. One of the nicest things about the NFL Preseason package is that you can replay specific plays and actually WATCH what happened or where the breakdown occurred. You armchair analysts are either really uninformed or really lazy....back up your freaking positions if you're going to cry.


Let's point out some things that are OBVIOUS if you actually look at the plays:

1. Harvin's first HUGE gain was the result of a missed tackle by Barnett on what was essentially a 1 yard pass. Followed by an absolutely awful call of unnecessary roughness

2. Simpson's huge gain (33yds) was the result of Anderson being 1/2 second slow getting his arms up. Gillmore giving him the inside and an absolutely hideous, if not embarassing, tackle attempt by Wilson. Shades of Eddie Robinson!

3. Gerhart's 16yd run up the middle was because Sheppard seems more interested in taking on a block than tackling the runner. It was this play that led to him still being in the game in the 3rd quarter.

4. On that very same offensive series we had two sacks. These sacks weren't the result of some amazing blitz package. The first sack happened because Kyle Williams basically shoved the Viking's starting center into Ponder. Straight up bull rush and Williams brought his lunchpail! The second sack I'll also credit Williams with because he straight up ran around his man.

5. On our opening series, two of our run plays were run into an oncoming (and obvious) run blitz. No audible

6. Fitz was spot on with his passes. If someone picks up Harrison Smith on his blitz that drive likely continues.

7. ALL OF PONDERS PASSES WERE EITHER SHORT DUMPS, ROLL-OUTS OR QUICK SLANTS. That's right, ALL OF HIS PASSES, with the exception of the broken flea flicker that Kelsay sniffed out. Every pass attempt that wasn't a roll out or quick pass was a sack. Those sacks came almost exclusively out of our BASE defense.

8. Despite the contention of some that the BIlls were getting waxed, the score It was 10-7 when the starters began rotating out of the game.


So if you're going to B word about how the Bills looked, I challenge you to put up the specific play and just it break down so you'll actually have some !@#$ing credibility.


These are consistent mistakes that the Bills have made for several years. Missed tackles, a step slow, poor decision-making and football instincts. Inability to deal with short passing schemes and poor single coverage. Your analysis backs up the contention that the Bills physical talent is not good enough and that the problem has little to do with any type of scheme or gameplanning (except possibly the lack of audibles/recognition of the run blitzes).


Then you hang your hat on the score? That's the one thing that actually doesn't matter in the preseason. Who gives a **** about the score? What matters is what we all saw-other than the defensive front four, the Bills were getting waxed in every aspect of the game. It's troubling, or at least it should be.

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If this season fails, don't blame Gailey or even Nix, despite the fact that they'll need to go, blame those that hired them and thought that it was a good idea. That's where the incompetence begins.


You do a pretty good job of bring some valid points to the table & counter arguents to the table, but then you ruin with a statement like this. I could even let it slide for Gailey a bit, but Nix? The guys has given us 2 solid drafts. And no the first one doesn't count as he became GM in Jan and had to use Modrak's team for that draft.

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Last years first (PS) game was similar, if I remember right, I am not panicked yet.


I don't think our offense scored a TD in preseason last year. I may be off on that number, but I know they didn't do anything impressive in PS last year. I couldn't care less how we are performing in PS, I'll start caring on September 9th.

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Yeah, they're usually good for one good emotional game up front after putting all their energy into that single game. Sometime soon after that is typically when the sizzling noise stops and the steak gets served cold.

I'll concede you're right: after the first six games last season the Bills went cold, because they didn't approach preseason right and put ll their energy into the first... six games. Is that what you'r ereally arguing?


Maybe down the road sometime, instead of paying a single player a hundred million dollars, the braintrust at OBD will decide to put a fraction of that money into a decent and proven head coach instead of yet another failed retread or inexperienced cheap one.
Like who? Do you think the Bills missed out on a better coach because they didn't offer enough money (because they spent too much on Mario this year?)?


Whatever dude. Please get "sooo done with this team" as soon as possible.

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Running a base 4-3 no less. Everyone wants to talk about how awful the Bills were last night but they're either not looking at the entirety of the play or they're just flat out making **** up. Sure there were things that could have gone better but it was FAR from the disaster that some are making it out to be. One of the nicest things about the NFL Preseason package is that you can replay specific plays and actually WATCH what happened or where the breakdown occurred. You armchair analysts are either really uninformed or really lazy....back up your freaking positions if you're going to cry.


Let's point out some things that are OBVIOUS if you actually look at the plays:

1. Harvin's first HUGE gain was the result of a missed tackle by Barnett on what was essentially a 1 yard pass. Followed by an absolutely awful call of unnecessary roughness

2. Simpson's huge gain (33yds) was the result of Anderson being 1/2 second slow getting his arms up. Gillmore giving him the inside and an absolutely hideous, if not embarassing, tackle attempt by Wilson. Shades of Eddie Robinson!

3. Gerhart's 16yd run up the middle was because Sheppard seems more interested in taking on a block than tackling the runner. It was this play that led to him still being in the game in the 3rd quarter.

4. On that very same offensive series we had two sacks. These sacks weren't the result of some amazing blitz package. The first sack happened because Kyle Williams basically shoved the Viking's starting center into Ponder. Straight up bull rush and Williams brought his lunchpail! The second sack I'll also credit Williams with because he straight up ran around his man.

5. On our opening series, two of our run plays were run into an oncoming (and obvious) run blitz. No audible

6. Fitz was spot on with his passes. If someone picks up Harrison Smith on his blitz that drive likely continues.

7. ALL OF PONDERS PASSES WERE EITHER SHORT DUMPS, ROLL-OUTS OR QUICK SLANTS. That's right, ALL OF HIS PASSES, with the exception of the broken flea flicker that Kelsay sniffed out. Every pass attempt that wasn't a roll out or quick pass was a sack. Those sacks came almost exclusively out of our BASE defense.

8. Despite the contention of some that the BIlls were getting waxed, the score It was 10-7 when the starters began rotating out of the game.


So if you're going to B word about how the Bills looked, I challenge you to put up the specific play and just it break down so you'll actually have some !@#$ing credibility.

Just imagine if Adrian Peterson was playing. :cry:

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Running a base 4-3 no less. Everyone wants to talk about how awful the Bills were last night but they're either not looking at the entirety of the play or they're just flat out making **** up. Sure there were things that could have gone better but it was FAR from the disaster that some are making it out to be. One of the nicest things about the NFL Preseason package is that you can replay specific plays and actually WATCH what happened or where the breakdown occurred. You armchair analysts are either really uninformed or really lazy....back up your freaking positions if you're going to cry.


Let's point out some things that are OBVIOUS if you actually look at the plays:

1. Harvin's first HUGE gain was the result of a missed tackle by Barnett on what was essentially a 1 yard pass. Followed by an absolutely awful call of unnecessary roughness

2. Simpson's huge gain (33yds) was the result of Anderson being 1/2 second slow getting his arms up. Gillmore giving him the inside and an absolutely hideous, if not embarassing, tackle attempt by Wilson. Shades of Eddie Robinson!

3. Gerhart's 16yd run up the middle was because Sheppard seems more interested in taking on a block than tackling the runner. It was this play that led to him still being in the game in the 3rd quarter.

4. On that very same offensive series we had two sacks. These sacks weren't the result of some amazing blitz package. The first sack happened because Kyle Williams basically shoved the Viking's starting center into Ponder. Straight up bull rush and Williams brought his lunchpail! The second sack I'll also credit Williams with because he straight up ran around his man.

5. On our opening series, two of our run plays were run into an oncoming (and obvious) run blitz. No audible

6. Fitz was spot on with his passes. If someone picks up Harrison Smith on his blitz that drive likely continues.

7. ALL OF PONDERS PASSES WERE EITHER SHORT DUMPS, ROLL-OUTS OR QUICK SLANTS. That's right, ALL OF HIS PASSES, with the exception of the broken flea flicker that Kelsay sniffed out. Every pass attempt that wasn't a roll out or quick pass was a sack. Those sacks came almost exclusively out of our BASE defense.

8. Despite the contention of some that the BIlls were getting waxed, the score It was 10-7 when the starters began rotating out of the game.


So if you're going to B word about how the Bills looked, I challenge you to put up the specific play and just it break down so you'll actually have some !@#$ing credibility.


You just saved the bitchers some typing. You listed the issues rather succinctly. I think you may have supported their argument.


You may view this list as a half full scenario while others, half empty.


Also, posting the score at the time of first teamers players isn't very encouraging to those skeptics. This is, afterall, a Vikings team that is not thought of very highly.

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...is that Gailey & Co. have one, and only one, goal in mind -- open the season healthy. They aren't worried about gameplans and schemes and the 53-man roster is essentially set. There are a couple of position battles but all are for backup spots (QB, WR, LB), so they're letting those guys play to sort it out. As I'm watching the game, I see the rookies and "desperate" players going balls to the wall, while the vets are running at 75% speed.


This is the third year in the offense for Fitz so they don't have a learning curve. Wannstedt's defensive schemes aren't going to be complicated, and they have a lot of veterans out there.


I think Gailey has looked at what injuries have done to the roster, particularly last season, and he's bound and determined to start the year with a full tank of gas.


These games really are glorified scrimmages for the Bills; an opportunity to let the guys hit somebody in a different uniform and get into "football shape" for the only thing that matters -- September 9.


And note -- I'm not just writing this because the Bills are 0-2 and have looked spotty. I see a lot of good things. Fitz was on target last night and we were seeing Wood and Pears finally take some snaps. FredEx is FredEx. Donald Jones showed some real giddyup on that TD, and what can you say about Graham -- the bomb from Vince is exactly what they want from this kid, and he is definitely not intimidated out there. The DT tandem of Williams/Dareus got two sacks on the first drive with nothing more than a bull rush up the gut.




For confirmation of your opinion, anyone can listen to the post-game interview with Fitz that is up on Buffalobills.com. Don't listen to what he says so much as look at his posture and facial expressions - how totally relaxed he is. The preseason may not be going as well as they'd like it to go, but I think it's not going as far off of their plan as one might think from the score.

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I applaud your self-awareness.


If this was the first year, not the 12th consecutive, that opponents' receivers were consistently wide open, Bills' receivers couldn't create space for themselves, and the offensive line looked entirely overmatched physically, you might have been on the right track. The only bright spot is that for the first time in many years the defensive line doesn't look physically overmatched. None of this is about scheme, it's about ability and physical talent, and the team continues to struggle there.


They may be able to make up for these deficiencies when the games start, but experience has taught us otherwise.


The final score of these games doesn't matter, but the clear inability of this roster to physically impose themselves against very inferior opponents (which, make no mistake, the Vikings are, especially without AP) 1st team vs. 1st team, or even 1st team vs. second team, continues to be troubling. Good teams do not look like this-they can string some basic plays together whether they're scheming or not. They have at least a couple of go-to plays that they run perfectly every time by this point in the preseason. They can cover recievers. They can find an open reciever once in a while. They can at least move the ball a little bit, even if they can't string together a long drive. They definitely don't make inexperienced QB's look like Tom Brady week in and week out. This is a joke.

:thumbsup: Dont ya like the way Bills fans can make excuses :lol:


The Bills wanted to run the ball more effectively this week against the Vikes in verious formatations, they didn't! In fact they looked downright pathitic in trying to run the ball. Many times being tackled for a loss. The passing offense was just as bad in that Fitz didn't have much time to throw and nobody was open very often.


Now the defense has got me wondering if Wannstache is gonna try and tank the defense to get the HCing job. How many first round picks on that defense?



Not very much to be excited about so far this preseason, VY to TJ was a bright spot. FJ as usual. Nelson might actually step up to be a decent #2


Here is hoping they get some of this fixed before the opening game at the Jets. Let's not forget that first game against the Jets last year, that game really took a toll on the Bills in so many ways. Injuries, morale... the team was just not the same after that game.

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Who cares if its vanilla? Who cares if Gailey doesn't want to show his hand?

Neither do the other 31 teams.

Players need to execute the "vanilla" plays. The Bills haven't. 10-22 under this regime, The same receivers

from last year mostly suck. Or is it Gailey's "gameplan" to suck? I doubt it.

These are not the super bowl teams of past. This is a team that is10-22 under this regime. Worse than the DJ teams

Someone in the FO better be feeling some heat.

Vikings were 3-13 last year. Their first offense manhandled the bills on their first drive.

:lol: and without AD


The Bills D made Toby Gerhart look great 5.0 Ypc, and made Ponder look like an all pro, 135.4 passer rating. Isn't that the same stuff Nix was saying about last years defense :doh:

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You do a pretty good job of bring some valid points to the table & counter arguents to the table, but then you ruin with a statement like this. I could even let it slide for Gailey a bit, but Nix? The guys has given us 2 solid drafts. And no the first one doesn't count as he became GM in Jan and had to use Modrak's team for that draft.




What was solid about Nix's 2010 Draft? Who's left from it besides Spiller, who's highly questionable as to having been worth his draft slot?


I mean have you looked at that Draft recently?


Talk about ruining an argument. If Spiller can't prove to be a 1,200 yard RB this season then that Draft has no better than a D grade associated with it. If Spiller can't prove that, then it's flat out an F w/ Carrington on the cusp of being released and with Moats being a huge part of the talent deficit and only a role player.


Last season's Draft also still has yet to bear out. Sheppard clearly hasn't performed all that well. This season will determine what Williams is like. Hairston is OK, but not great. Dareus was the biggest no-brainer pick for the Bills in the last ten years. I'm not going to give Nix credit for not f'ing it up royally.


That's like giving the Colts credit for drafting Luck. Complete no-brainer pick.


A good Draft is one where you get three or four solid starters and a couple of good depth players.


In the meantime, Nix is responsible for the talent deficit at WR due to inaction, at CB for stupidly releasing Florence, and anywhere else where there's a lack of talent in his third season, plenty of time for any good GM to have corrected all of it.

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...is that Gailey & Co. have one, and only one, goal in mind -- open the season healthy. They aren't worried about gameplans and schemes and the 53-man roster is essentially set. There are a couple of position battles but all are for backup spots (QB, WR, LB ), so they're letting those guys play to sort it out. As I'm watching the game, I see the rookies and "desperate" players going balls to the wall, while the vets are running at 75% speed.


This is the third year in the offense for Fitz so they don't have a learning curve. Wannstedt's defensive schemes aren't going to be complicated, and they have a lot of veterans out there.


I think Gailey has looked at what injuries have done to the roster, particularly last season, and he's bound and determined to start the year with a full tank of gas.


These games really are glorified scrimmages for the Bills; an opportunity to let the guys hit somebody in a different uniform and get into "football shape" for the only thing that matters -- September 9.


And note -- I'm not just writing this because the Bills are 0-2 and have looked spotty. I see a lot of good things. Fitz was on target last night and we were seeing Wood and Pears finally take some snaps. FredEx is FredEx. Donald Jones showed some real giddyup on that TD, and what can you say about Graham -- the bomb from Vince is exactly what they want from this kid, and he is definitely not intimidated out there. The DT tandem of Williams/Dareus got two sacks on the first drive with nothing more than a bull rush up the gut.




I am Thirdborn, and I approve this message.

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Running a base 4-3 no less. Everyone wants to talk about how awful the Bills were last night but they're either not looking at the entirety of the play or they're just flat out making **** up. Sure there were things that could have gone better but it was FAR from the disaster that some are making it out to be. One of the nicest things about the NFL Preseason package is that you can replay specific plays and actually WATCH what happened or where the breakdown occurred. You armchair analysts are either really uninformed or really lazy....back up your freaking positions if you're going to cry.


Let's point out some things that are OBVIOUS if you actually look at the plays:

1. Harvin's first HUGE gain was the result of a missed tackle by Barnett on what was essentially a 1 yard pass. Followed by an absolutely awful call of unnecessary roughness

2. Simpson's huge gain (33yds) was the result of Anderson being 1/2 second slow getting his arms up. Gillmore giving him the inside and an absolutely hideous, if not embarassing, tackle attempt by Wilson. Shades of Eddie Robinson!

3. Gerhart's 16yd run up the middle was because Sheppard seems more interested in taking on a block than tackling the runner. It was this play that led to him still being in the game in the 3rd quarter.

4. On that very same offensive series we had two sacks. These sacks weren't the result of some amazing blitz package. The first sack happened because Kyle Williams basically shoved the Viking's starting center into Ponder. Straight up bull rush and Williams brought his lunchpail! The second sack I'll also credit Williams with because he straight up ran around his man.

5. On our opening series, two of our run plays were run into an oncoming (and obvious) run blitz. No audible

6. Fitz was spot on with his passes. If someone picks up Harrison Smith on his blitz that drive likely continues.

7. ALL OF PONDERS PASSES WERE EITHER SHORT DUMPS, ROLL-OUTS OR QUICK SLANTS. That's right, ALL OF HIS PASSES, with the exception of the broken flea flicker that Kelsay sniffed out. Every pass attempt that wasn't a roll out or quick pass was a sack. Those sacks came almost exclusively out of our BASE defense.

8. Despite the contention of some that the BIlls were getting waxed, the score It was 10-7 when the starters began rotating out of the game.


So if you're going to B word about how the Bills looked, I challenge you to put up the specific play and just it break down so you'll actually have some !@#$ing credibility.


ever heard of the expression "Game of inches"...good teams/defenses make those plays

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Do those who think the "prime" players are laying down just to stay healthy, why play them at all?


Apparently, these are the same people who think we'll hit the proverbial "switch" and everythng will come together as planned right out of the gate week 1. What, cohesion has been established already?


We've established nothing as a unit but add individual talent.


I hope we're as good as many of you are making us out to be.


Personnally, I'd like some real time proof of this.....maybe in a preseason game would be nice.


Yeah, I don't buy the OP's theory either. I've never heard a coach tell players to lie down out on the field to avoid an injury. Not playing hard is actually a good way to get yourself injured.


By the way, it doesn't speak well for the talent acquisition, if most of the final roster can coast on its laurels and go at 50% because they "know" the depth on the team has no hope of taking their jobs.

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I'm with you eball. I put very little stock into these games. I mean, yeah, you hope they don't look like total crap, but as you said, lots of good elements displayed and I completely agree that the goal is to start the season w/o guys already on IR over a meaningless scrimmage. I'm not at all worried about this squad come opening day against the Jets. I just hope they make the right cuts when the time comes and field the best guys they've got -- gonna be some tough decisions coming up.

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I'm with you eball. I put very little stock into these games. I mean, yeah, you hope they don't look like total crap, but as you said, lots of good elements displayed and I completely agree that the goal is to start the season w/o guys already on IR over a meaningless scrimmage. I'm not at all worried about this squad come opening day against the Jets. I just hope they make the right cuts when the time comes and field the best guys they've got -- gonna be some tough decisions coming up.


A lot of cavalier attitudes about a team with new key components that hasn't quite gelled yet.


If the 3rd PS game is the dress rehearsal, should we not be looking for more cohesion and all out play from all involved?

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A lot of cavalier attitudes about a team with new key components that hasn't quite gelled yet.


If the 3rd PS game is the dress rehearsal, should we not be looking for more cohesion and all out play from all involved?


I'm not quite sure in what context to put last night's game. There's a natural tendency to overreact and I'm gonna resist that tendency.


I agree with lots of the points made by posters on both sides of the argument. There were a lot of things about the game that I didn't like and some things that I did.


As you say, I think we can start making some pretty valid points based on the results of the Steelers game coming up.

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