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We should have signed Jerome Simpson

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Yeah, but who needs athleticism :doh:


Especially when they will deliver the weed right to your house. Oh... Wait.... That's not what we are talking about with Jerome Simpson? Embarrassing he's in the league, glad he's not on our team.

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We need to develop a time machine so we can travel into the future and see who will have a good game against us so we can sign them first.


Problem solved.


You mean 71 catches in 4 years while facing a drug suspension didn't make his signing obvious?

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You mean 71 catches in 4 years while facing a drug suspension didn't make his signing obvious?


Yeah but you're missing the point. He caught a few balls during a pre-season game and jumped over another human being trying to tackle his legs.


It's obvious we should have given him a blank check this offseason and told him to name his price.

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It's a legitimate question. There's NEVER been a question of Simpson's talent. I loved him coming out of college. He also has freakishly large hands… like 11.5 inches or something like that.


His athletic gifts had to be weighed against this:


"In September 2011, police searched Simpson's home after intercepting a package to be delivered to his home containing 2.5 pounds of marijuana. When police arrived at Simpson's home, he allowed them to search his home. Upon searching the home, the police found 6 more pounds of marijuana, scales, empty packages similar to the one intercepted by the police. Simpson's teammate Anthony Collins and his wife were at the residence and were also questioned by the police. No arrests were made. On January 19, 2012, Simpson was indicted in Covington, Kentucky for "Trafficking in more than eight ounces and less than five pounds of marijuana", a Class D felony, which carries a 1 to 5 year prison sentence if convicted. The NFL has stated it will wait until the police investigation is completed to decide if it will discipline Simpson. On April 5, 2012, Simpson was sentenced to 15 days in jail, 200 hours of community service, and 3 years probation. He will also have to undergo drug testing and pay a $7,500 fine plus court costs."


The Bills seem to want to have a pretty squeaky-clean operation. When you operate that way, you'll miss out on some serious talent. One thing to weigh is the possibility of him screwing up again.

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