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"Prosperity is shared"

Gary M

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jjamie's link shows there is in fact empirical evidence and I'm sure you've seen the opposite occur a bunch of times. I have too. But that's due to an over correction to a problem we like to pretend no longer exists.


Of course I'm speaking subjectively. As I said a couple times now, I'm not trying to make a political point with any of this. It's a subject that interests me from an entirely different level. I don't claim to have solutions but am always interested in hearing ideas.

Don't worry Greg, I'm not trying to beat up on you. I too have an interest in the subject. My concern is "overcorrection" as you put it. I just stumbled across a prime example just now.




In this case 6 black kids jumped a white guy because they were bored. By their own admission he'd done nothing to provoke the attack. However, this is what the cop had to say:

“It was a heinous crime but it was not a hate crime,” said North College Hill Police Chief Gary Foust of the teens, who are all black.

He said several residents have called police inquiring if Mahaney was specifically targeted because he is white. He was not, the chief stressed.


When was the last time the racial element was immediately dismissed in a similar situation when the shoe was on the other foot?


I don't like the idea of a black guy getting the shaft on account of race. By the same token, I don't like the idea of white individuals having to suffer at the hands of those who see us not as individuals but as separate racial groups (teams, if you will) and see some sort of cosmic justice in telling young white people today that it's their turn to suffer because other white people who aren't them did something wrong.

Edited by Rob's House
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Of course I know that but I felt it better to address the absurdity of Big Cat's post by responding to yours.


Makes sense. If you respond to Big Cat directly, he gets all confused, and before you know it he's arguing against something he's for, except in as much as he's completely dead-set against such an admittedly good idea...

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Actually my son would be better off because his mother was not a homeless crack addicted insane person who, I guess according to The Big Cat are only black women.


Not to mention, Big Cat apparently has never met a successful person who overcame any kind of adversity from birth. In his world, the crack baby can never compete fairly with the trust fund baby. . And he's right. I mean, who ever heard of someone overcoming unfortunate circumstances to become successful?


Inherent injustice is everywhere!!! FREE WILOLA!!!


Makes sense. If you respond to Big Cat directly, he gets all confused, and before you know it he's arguing against something he's for, except in as much as he's completely dead-set against such an admittedly good idea...


This could be your best post ever on this board.

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Not to mention, Big Cat apparently has never met a successful person who overcame any kind of adversity from birth. In his world, the crack baby can never compete fairly with the trust fund baby. . And he's right. I mean, who ever heard of someone overcoming unfortunate circumstances to become successful?


Inherent injustice is everywhere!!! FREE WILOLA!!!




This could be your best post ever on this board.

I'd like to invite Bugcot... I mean Bigcat http://rockysbar.net actually 3703 Gulf Beach Hwy, 32507. I'll even buy him / her a drink.


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Don't worry Greg, I'm not trying to beat up on you. I too have an interest in the subject. My concern is "overcorrection" as you put it. I just stumbled across a prime example just now.




In this case 6 black kids jumped a white guy because they were bored. By their own admission he'd done nothing to provoke the attack. However, this is what the cop had to say:



When was the last time the racial element was immediately dismissed in a similar situation when the shoe was on the other foot?


I don't like the idea of a black guy getting the shaft on account of race. By the same token, I don't like the idea of white individuals having to suffer at the hands of those who see us not as individuals but as separate racial groups (teams, if you will) and see some sort of cosmic justice in telling young white people today that it's their turn to suffer because other white people who aren't them did something wrong.

Totally agree. Overcorrection is a real concern and more often than not promotes more hate rather than solving the situation.


To me, it's why the notion of "hate crimes" is so dangerous. You can't legislate what's in a person's head -- even in the interest of protecting the minority. The example you cite here is the perfect reason why it's so dangerous.


The thing that fascinates me from a distance is that people one on one are reasonable. By and large I have found that most people are not only able to overcome their preconcieved biases but want to overcome them. Hell, maybe even Dave in Elmira if you asked him off this board. Yet, if you put that same person in a group and turn up the noise and name a scapegoat, suddenly the individuals in that group fall into lockstep against the percieved threat. I've done it myself. Our natural impulse as a species is to view differnt as threatening.

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