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Lee Evans released


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If Lee Evans wouldn't block, and wouldn't go over the middle and didn't fit Chan Gailey's offense do you really think Fred Jackson, who would know the answers to those questions far better than anyone on this board, would say he wants him back, and "he could help us" regardless of Jackson's friendship with him? ...


I'm sure there are many players who would share Jackson's feelings. But I don't care what he thinks. What matters is what Gailey thinks. Gailey has made his feelings known on Evans' ability to go underneath.


And for what it's worth, players are probably the LEAST objective people on the planet when it comes to judging their friends' playing ability. So no, I don't necessarily think that Freddy knows more than some people on this board when it comes to judging Evans' ability at the present time.



Edited by K-9
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What is he supposed to say? "Yeah, that guy is done. Huh? Would I want him back? Uhh...yeah...no"

He wasn't asked "Would you want him back?" He said we would welcome him back, would call him right away, and I think he could help us before he was asked any questions. If he didn't think he could block or run the patterns or help the team he would have said I know Lee will hook up with another team. Jackson is the undisputed leader of the team. He's not dumb and he's not known to say crazy stuff. I'm pretty sure he genuinely thinks the Bills would be better with Evans from how he has seen Evans play. What Fred may not know, is whether or not Evans has lost a step in the last year.




I'm sure there are many players who would share Jackson's feelings. But I don't care what he thinks. What matters is what Gailey thinks. Gailey has made his feelings known on Evans' ability to go underneath.


And for what it's worth, players are probably the LEAST objective people on the planet when it comes to judging their friends' playing ability. So no, I don't necessarily think that Freddy knows more than some people on this board when it comes to judging Evans' ability at the present time.



I know every single one of my friend's ability to block. I know which ones are dicks and which aren't. I know which ones are smart and which ones aren't. And it's extremely easy to be objective about it. ;)


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Can't hate on Lee at all dude gave it his all while he was here, and we got a 4th rounder for his departure. I am just really glad that Lee got to play on a winning team and in the AFC title game last year.

...where we learned that even a Conference Championship winning catch isn't important enough to Lee to secure the ball instead of acting as non chalant as possible.


Good grief, I'd rather they sign Chad Johnson.

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nice double talk, of course you can argue that both ways, i didnt make the point that he did or didnt, i asked for proof that he didnt. In life, if you commit a crime, you need proof to convict. You dont need proof to say someones not a criminal, ever. So the point is still valid. wheres the proof that he didnt block or go over the middle or was afraid, like people say? And as usual you are posting just to post, without contributing a stat, fact or even some general history to back up your opinion. I really dont know what your opinion even is SJBF.


I'll make it simpler for you. In my opinion the preponderance of evidence/opinion/and coaches comments suggest that Evans couldn't execute the things which would add value to the offense.


In light of this, why would others need to provide visual evidence of this? The person challenging the consensus (that's you) bears the burden of proof and should show visual evidence which refutes the consensus.


If you disagree, that's fine.


As for your comments about my "double talk" and "posting just to post as usual," I'll disagree with you.

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I will say this if Fred thinks he can help this team well I trust Fred's word.


Ask yourself is Jones or Clowney or Easley or Hagen better than Lee.


Ok maybe Hagen or Jones because he blocks well. But I would least bring him in for a look and pay him minimum for the season.


Lets find out if lost a step.


And yes im not giving up. lol

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He wasn't asked "Would you want him back?" He said we would welcome him back, would call him right away, and I think he could help us before he was asked any questions. If he didn't think he could block or run the patterns or help the team he would have said I know Lee will hook up with another team. Jackson is the undisputed leader of the team. He's not dumb and he's not known to say crazy stuff. I'm pretty sure he genuinely thinks the Bills would be better with Evans from how he has seen Evans play. What Fred may not know, is whether or not Evans has lost a step in the last year.



I know every single one of my friend's ability to block. I know which ones are dicks and which aren't. I know which ones are smart and which ones aren't. And it's extremely easy to be objective about it. ;)


And im sure you would call them out on it in a forum that thier potential bosses could hear when they are looking for work as well Or would you say nice things, even if only partially ment it in order to try and help them get work.

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no offense but other than pure opinion it doesnt really matterr what anybody remembers or not, doesnt matter what evidence is provided, buddy came right out and said that. he said it so smoothly and complimentary that it slipped right by a lot of people, but it was pretty blunt regardless. buddy has firmly established the straight talker cred so either you think hes just wrong (possible but very unlikely), hes lying (least likely) or hes right on the money (most likely)

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even if evans suddenly agreed to block, theres really no reason for letting him do that here. theyve got their field stretcher in graham now, plus its not even assured that lee can be the field stretcher. granted hes not the veteran that lee is, but he can at least force the dbs to back off when they need them to, which was evans main contribution the last several years here


even if he tried to adopt his game, hes thirty one and would have to subject his body to the pounding it takes to set picks/blocks in this basketball/football in the paint offense. could he possible match the eagerness and desperation of the young guys willing to put their bodies on the line every week to get pummelled and free up other players in the offense? extremely doubtful


i liked lee but really he would be virtually useless on this team. if maybin was a free agent id expect him to be picked back up before evans

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GREAT!!! This is a no win situation for all the people on this board that KNEW Lee was nothing more than a average #2 at best. Knew he was done Years ago when he lost some speed. Years ago when it was understood that he doesn't go over the middle, into traffic, block well, run more than 3 routes and obviously can't grow 4 inches to the height of a real NFL reciever. This situation is a no win because now we all have to listen to the pro Lee posters telling is how there's mo proof that he's nor lost a stop, still catches everything, he's somebody we've heard of and we need a WR. Here's the answers to your comments. He is old, has lost a step, apparently doesn't catch easy thrown passes anymore, or maybe he just can't deal with the pressure. We've only heard of him because he's been here. The rest of the NFL thinks he's nobody. When you get cut by Jax you are in some serious trouble in your career. And to the thought that we need a true #2 WR to open up Stevie. Lee couldn't open things up for TO, what makes you think he can open up for Stevie? We have a hard time thisboffseason cutting the WRs down to 6 as it is. There will be guys that are cut that really could be on the team. And last but not least, we already have Lee on the roster but his name is TJ Graham, only he's faster and younger.


Please let's stop all the Lee love. The guy has been traded for a 4th, injured for most of a full season and since cut from 2 teams in less than 6 months. I think we can all agree that he's done. However if we do pick him up I will break my Evans throwback out of the box in the basement.

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Get over it dude.....have a good cry and move on. So we should sit young guys so Lee can play? How about we play our young guys so they can get better?


ya i would agree if not for being young is not the most important thing unless you know a guy is good and your making him sit. Is graham good? for sure? if we get to the playoffs but graham has issues, you wouldnt want a proven deep threat with hands? Lofton im sure made beebe sit more than he liked. is easley good? jones? whos the star that is going to get faster just from playing? speed isnt something that improves in practice. If lee is still fast , id take him over the guys we "hope" are good.


I'll make it simpler for you. In my opinion the preponderance of evidence/opinion/and coaches comments suggest that Evans couldn't execute the things which would add value to the offense.


In light of this, why would others need to provide visual evidence of this? The person challenging the consensus (that's you) bears the burden of proof and should show visual evidence which refutes the consensus.


If you disagree, that's fine.


As for your comments about my "double talk" and "posting just to post as usual," I'll disagree with you.

according to your logic, if a big crowd calls someone a criminal-then they are one, and its up to them or the quiet minority to prove otherwise? thats not how it works since the dark ages. Also, just because he was "traded" not released by the bills, and then released by two teams, still could have nothing to do with blocking and route running. You have no idea why he was released, and to say its for those reasons is a guess that satisfies the "theory" that he doesnt block or run routes. It would be so much easier if someone would provide a youtube clip of the thousands of individual plays he had as a bill, then to try to win with a long winded diatribe SJBF.

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ya i would agree if not for being young is not the most important thing unless you know a guy is good and your making him sit. Is graham good? for sure? if we get to the playoffs but graham has issues, you wouldnt want a proven deep threat with hands? Lofton im sure made beebe sit more than he liked. is easley good? jones? whos the star that is going to get faster just from playing? speed isnt something that improves in practice. If lee is still fast , id take him over the guys we "hope" are good.



according to your logic, if a big crowd calls someone a criminal-then they are one, and its up to them or the quiet minority to prove otherwise? thats not how it works since the dark ages. Also, just because he was "traded" not released by the bills, and then released by two teams, still could have nothing to do with blocking and route running. You have no idea why he was released, and to say its for those reasons is a guess that satisfies the "theory" that he doesnt block or run routes. It would be so much easier if someone would provide a youtube clip of the thousands of individual plays he had as a bill, then to try to win with a long winded diatribe SJBF.



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well you didnt refute my last so i guess you realized i am right? if that was your only response ill assume you agree, Id also like to add that just because a guy was released doesnt mean he cant play. Why is hagan still on the team? wasnt he released by 3 teams?

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Let's be the first team (?) in the NFL to trade someone, sign him again, revive his career and trade him for another 4th round pick.

awesme. This would make the Hoodie seem like an amature. Let's do it.




well you didnt refute my last so i guess you realized i am right? if that was your only response ill assume you agree, Id also like to add that just because a guy was released doesnt mean he cant play. Why is hagan still on the team? wasnt he released by 3 teams?

what kind of argument is that? If someone doesn't reply they must agree with you? Of that's the case then your saying that I agree with every post on this board that I don't reply to? Cmon dude. Enough with the Lee love. We get it. You had a one night fling with him on a steamy night or something. 2 other teams have made it known that Lee is no good at this point. One of them was a playoff team and one of them was at the bottom of the barrel of talent in the league. Your argument can only be shot down anymore if no one picks him up again which is likely at this point.

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well you didnt refute my last so i guess you realized i am right? if that was your only response ill assume you agree, Id also like to add that just because a guy was released doesnt mean he cant play. Why is hagan still on the team? wasnt he released by 3 teams?


You assume? LOL.


I didn't refute your last point because I realized that you're so entrenched in your position that it was pointless to have a discussion with you.


You're in full-blown defensive mode.


And I don't engage in name calling or discussions with those that do.

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