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Paul Ryan VP. Still want to debate the Walker Recall?

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Obama, a debater? Wow! He's just a package. Romney will comment on the need for fiscal responsibility and Obama will talk about the 57 states that are against Guam tipping over, the fact that natural gas is not a fossil fuel and that George Zimmermann stalked Trayvon like a psycho and shot him in cold blood. Gotcha.


And which message do you think resonates with the voters?

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Obama, a debater? Wow! He's just a package. Romney will comment on the need for fiscal responsibility and Obama will talk about the 57 states that are against Guam tipping over, the fact that natural gas is not a fossil fuel and that George Zimmermann stalked Trayvon like a psycho and shot him in cold blood. Gotcha.

He's an excellent orator and debater. OK so McCain was a drooling old fool, but everyone's so high on hillary's presentation skills and he smoothly undressed her (as unpleasant as that visual is). Youre mocking of him doesn't alter his strengths.

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You guys talking about debates like they matter are nuts. Debates are just speeches. Pols answer questions or don't...then give a speech. Palin couldn't even spell debate and she did fine under the new debate standard..

You really believe the debates don't matter?


They seemed to matter in 2000. Even SNL was among others going on about the 'lock box' and the sighing didn't work against Gore.


Ronnie saying 'there you go again' didn't have an effect in that election?


Heck, Ford saying that Eastern Europe wasn't under Soviet domination didn't have an effect?


Clinton doing the 'empathy thing' while HW looked at his watch seemed to seal the deal in '92.


Sorry. I disagree that the debates don't matter. They might not, but I expect they will.

Edited by Taro T
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You really believe the debates don't matter?


They seemed to matter in 2000. Even SNL was among others going on about the 'lock box' and the sighing didn't work against Gore.


Ronnie saying 'there you go again' didn't have an effect in that election?


Heck, Ford saying that Eastern Europe wasn't under Soviet domination didn't have an effect?


Clinton doing the 'empathy thing' while HW looked at his watch seemed to seal the deal in '92.


Sorry. I disagree that the debates don't matter. They might not, but I expect they will.

They don't matter to JA, hence they don't matter to anyone. Keep up.

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Obama, a debater? Wow! He's just a package. Romney will comment on the need for fiscal responsibility and Obama will talk about the 57 states that are against Guam tipping over, the fact that natural gas is not a fossil fuel and that George Zimmermann stalked Trayvon like a psycho and shot him in cold blood. Gotcha.


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David Frum sums up the biggest attack on Ryan ..


"You've worked hard all your life. You've paid Medicare taxes for almost 30 years. But under the Republican plan, Medicare won't be there for you. Instead of Medicare as it exists now, under the Republican plan you'll get a voucher that will pay as little as half your Medicare costs when you turn 65—and as little as a quarter in your 80s. And all so that millionaires and billionaires can have a huge tax cut."



I read Romney is already leaving some wiggle room vs Ryan's plan calling it something like a "good starting point". Even Romney may not be inept enough to think you can jack medicare, while lowering taxes for the wealthiest. Looks like they're showing some compromise on social issues too like gay marriage http://timeswampland...00&h=400&crop=1

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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They don't matter to JA, hence they don't matter to anyone. Keep up.


If you put stock in a debate where the questions are vetted beforehand and candidates don't answer questions but instead give whatever sound byte they pre-prepared, you're a dolt. The days of interesting debates are long gone.


They are still good theater. It was fun to see Palin parrot off her practiced speeches even when they had little to do with the question, and they can give a memorable moment here and there. But they are not "debates." Biden and Obama will not fumble away the election in them, that's for sure, and those talking about the floor mopping that Ryan will give Biden underestimate Biden. He will lose on brainpower but I doubt he'll stumble badly enough to matter in the election.

Edited by John Adams
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If you put stock in a debate where the questions are vetted beforehand and candidates don't answer questions but instead give whatever sound byte they pre-prepared, you're a dolt. The days of interesting debates are long gone.


They are still good theater. It was fun to see Palin parrot off her practiced speeches even when they had little to do with the question, and they can give a memorable moment here and there. But they are not "debates." Biden and Obama will not fumble away the election in them, that's for sure, and those talking about the floor mopping that Ryan will give Biden underestimate Biden. He will lose on brainpower but I doubt he'll stumble badly enough to matter in the election.

You are correct that they haven't been true debates since the '80's. But that doesn't mean that the election can't be lost in them. Even in 2000 when they were pretty much what they'll be today, Gore managed to blow it. I do expect them to determine the winner.

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You guys talking about debates like they matter are nuts. Debates are just speeches. Pols answer questions or don't...then give a speech. Palin couldn't even spell debate and she did fine under the new debate standard..


I was thinking the same. Debates are so scripted and boring and controlled that there never really is much of a winner or loser.

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I heard somebody saying that Ryan is too inexperienced, lacks foreign policy creds, spent his life in politics and has no private sector experience


Sound like anyone else we know?


The left is all over the place. They are essentially throwing spaghetti around to see what sticks. My favorite is DWS saying today she has no clue of the political affiliation of the SuperPac running the "Romney killed a woman ad." I can understand being a liberal and only wanting Obama, but no sane person can listen to this campaign and have ANY confidence that Obama is interested in ANYTHING but himself.


Obama 2012: Nothing to See Here, So Let's Make Stuff UP



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Mitt Romney has proved everyone wrong. The common wisdom was the presumptive Republican nominee for president was going to make a safe pick, going with an old Washington hand from an important swing state for vice president. By tapping 42-year-old Rep. Paul Ryan from Wisconsin, Mr. Romney shows that he is taking the fight into blue states deep in the heart of territory Barack Obama won four years ago. This is the strategy of a winner.



Choosing Mr. Ryan, the wonky chairman of the House Budget Committee, telegraphs one message about the autumn campaign loud and clear to President Obama: It is about the economy stupid, and you won’t be able to hide from the issues. Liberals are already attacking the Ryan budget – which actually would have gotten federal books back in order – as being bad for the poor. However, this demagoguery comes from a Democratic Party that hasn’t approved a budget in the Senate in 1,200 days and has added a heart-stopping $5 trillion to the national debt since the last budget resolution was passed in April 2009. Democrats are in a precarious political position with Mr. Romney’s No. 2 because when they demonize Mr. Ryan’s penny-wise plan, it gives Republicans an opening to refocus the debate on the president’s out-of-control spending and Majority Leader Harry Reid’s lack of fiscal leadership in the Senate.



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I heard somebody saying that Ryan is too inexperienced, lacks foreign policy creds, spent his life in politics and has no private sector experience


Sound like anyone else we know?

Yeah. And after 4 plus years (counting 2007-8) of constant campaigning, he still lacks all of the above.

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You probably heard Romney saying that about Obama. So how's he going to defend his vp pick?

So if Romney's selection of Ryan is indefensable based on lack of experience, how defensable is a vote for Barack Obama?


The left is all over the place. They are essentially throwing spaghetti around to see what sticks. My favorite is DWS saying today she has no clue of the political affiliation of the SuperPac running the "Romney killed a woman ad." I can understand being a liberal and only wanting Obama, but no sane person can listen to this campaign and have ANY confidence that Obama is interested in ANYTHING but himself.


Obama 2012: Nothing to See Here, So Let's Make Stuff UP




I'm watching the DWS segment on my DVR right now. She's tripping over herself.


And damn she has a big mouth (literally not figuratively). She looks like she could eat a whole Thanksgiving turkey in a single bite.

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So if Romney's selection of Ryan is indefensable based on lack of experience, how defensable is a vote for Barack Obama?

Please don't, you'll just give him a headache.


Paul Ryan and the Triumph of Math


By Clarice Feldman


Luftmensh is a delightful Yiddish word to describe an impractical person who concerns himself with airy intellectual matters and not how to make a living or get things to actually work. I had just decided to make this column on Paul Ryan's nomination about how facts, in this case mathematics, will beat the fantastical notions of the luftmensh in the White House. Remember, Obama began his term as the spinner of naïve hopes and dreams and as those proved unworkable, became the purveyor of fear, anxiety and outright lies. Once again, however, the great Iowahawk beat me to it with this twitter:

"Paul Ryan represent
Obama's most horrifying nightmare:........ math.

Let me remind you how nightmarish Ryan is to Obama. Here's a six-minute take down of Obamacare by Congressman Ryan.


Watch the vacant look in Obama's eyes as it becomes clear he has no idea how to respond to the facts Ryan raises, to the math which demonstrates the utter unsustainability of Obama's legislative scheme.


And then observe how that look in Obama's eyes turns to rage.


Ryan, a man who does know what's he's talking about on the most important issue before us -- rescuing the economy from Obama's mismanagement and getting America back on track -- has to be Obama's worst nightmare.

(As for Joe Biden, my guess is he should start packing up to leave his office because Obama cannot afford to have as his running mate this time a man obviously chosen only because he was sure never to intellectually show up his boss.)






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If a VP nominee gets announced on a Saturday morning during the Olympics, does it make a sound? The timing would have been more appropriate for coming clean with a tax return dump. This was a great pick...for Obama. When voters, especially the elderly, are educated on the details of the Ryan plan that Romney now owns; taxing employer-provided health care, vouchers for Medicare, and privitizing Social Security, while providing further unfunded tax cuts for the wealthy in hopes they will "trickle down" on us, it will further define the class divide that the Republicans want to implement.


In addition, the lack of foreign policy experience on the Republican ticket is suprising. When was the last time that a Republican ticket didn't have experience in either candidate? That was one of the assets that Biden brought to Obama, and now Obama has his own foreign policy / commander in chief successes to run on.


The further this campaign goes on, the more confident I am that Obama will be re-elected. Then on to 2016 and Hillary! :D

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