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The 2012 Buffalo Bills

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Yeah baby!


Sorry, I just felt the need to say that after watching the Dave Wannestadt interview. I CAN'T WAIT to see what this defense is going to do!


Go Bills!


It is hard to believe we are in July already and that training camp is now weeks rather than days away!!

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I am really curious how Wannstedt is going to do this year. It's been awhile since he coached an NFL squad. The defensive players keep referencing how they are in year two or three of this system, and it makes me wonder how much of an influence Dave W. had last year, how much he is keeping the same/changing. I don't think Miami is going to be a terrible threat right away, but their new coach is a sharp offensive mind. Bellicheck and Brady have given us nightmares for so long - it is on Wannstedt to put a defense on the field this year that is ready for the modern NFL. I, too, am excited to see just how different this team looks - in a good way.


I've talked with other long time Bills fans recently, and I said I hoped this defense, with these players, ends up being one of the best defenses the Bills have ever had. The response I get is usually "No way", that the defenses with Washington, Sam Adams, and Pat Williams were too good. I'm hoping Dareus ends up being the best DT we've ever had!

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