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Trayvon Martin Case


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Some interesting things from the trial today as I saw it:


1. With O'Mara's request for a summary judgement I was wondering when Manti (not sure of the spelling) got up there if he was wishing he hadn't done that. It gave Manti a chance to practice his closing statement. That 2 minutes between when the 911 call ended and when Trayvon hung up his phone is going be huge in the closing remarks I'd think. Pokes a huge hole in George's story. IMHO Manti pretty much took O'Mara to the woodshed on his arguments.


2. O'Mara asked Trayvon's Mom if she just hoped it was Trayvon screaming. I wonder why he didn't ask George's Mom the same? I wonder how this question played with the all woman jury? Especially with Trayvon's Mom answer that her hope was that it didn't happen.


3. George's Uncle said the TV was on and he wasn't really paying attention and then he heard the scream and knew it was George instantly. Just curious as to if anyone else thinks he may have over played his hand on that one?


I was jury foreman on a 2 day DWI trial a few years back. The defendants team's stories just didn't add up. The DA's case was pretty solid, but there could have been some reasonable doubt. But after all the BS and obvious plays for reasonable doubt just told us he was trying to get off by using this tactic, but since he was, he probably did it. So we sent him up the river. This kindof stuff can backfire on the jury if they think it's lies. Lawyer's can overplay the reasonable doubt stuff and it appears to me at least that George's team is doing this.

Those two minutes are going to be key. Two minutes of an average person walking is nearly 300m - nearly 1 whole lap of a track. I do not have the map, but I would like to measure it out, because in two minutes you could walk 1,000 feet. I would imagine he hung up, looked around 10 seconds, began walking back, after about a minute of walking back the confrontation began. For 1 minute there was struggling and screaming. 1 minute of a fight is a long time.


There is just evidence has shown so much reasonable doubt in it that it is almost too much. It is going to be interesting to see what happened.


If I could ask a question it would be how TM could be in a position to have the leverage to rain down blows, slam GZ,s head and try to suffocate GZ and still be in a position to see GZ.s shirt ride up and see the gun- if you've ever been in a fight, usually to get the leverage you need to go to work you have to position yourself forward, knees at least around the nipple line and in that position you're not going anything except the head, neck, shoulders and maybe upper chest of the guy under you- if I was the prosecution I would have done a reenactment of the fight with guys of similar size of GZ and TM, I'd be interesting to see if the guy on top could see the gun and it would be interesting to see how hard it would be for the guy on the bottom to get to a gun on his hip.


Another question I'd like to ask GZ would be how does someone who regularly carries a gun, ready to go (one in the chamber safety off) and is following someone he considers suspicious forget he has a gun per his testimony

I think the gun issue is something where he could just have been in shock and too dumb to realize the gun was there. I do not think anyone believes GZ to be a rocket surgeon.


As far as the ground and pound - my only comment was that GZ was about 6" shorter then TM. To your credit, you are right with the positioning, but as you know, you are not just sitting there. I am sure you believe GZ was squirming like a fish trying to get free. If you have ever fought someone who doesn't know how to fight, a coward, or just some people - they do not know what to do and just curl up in a ball or try to block themselves until someone saves them.

He called the police ? Wow I feel like an idiot. Call the police GET OUT OF THE WAY.


TM is just gonna attack some random person? Or he's gonna attack someone who's chasing/tackled him ? Which scenario makes sense to you ?


Meazza go back to your hole and STFU. You know my take by now. Overzealous pill popping woman beater tackled TM, got his candy a$$ beat, then used his gun while screaming like a little girl...


Eff him eff u. Pokey time for GZ.

The thing is, even according to Jeantelle, TM arrived at his residency and turned around to confront GZ. That alone is enough for reasonable doubt to say WTF happened. Did she say that because she is too stupid to realize how incriminating that is? Or did she say that in error?


The pill pop'n thing - no reason to say it. The woman beater title holds no merit, as it was a mutual restraining order and charges were dropped after she said that nothing happened. Either way, if you are in a fight with George St Pierre you are going to get your butt kicked. Whether you provoked it or asked it upon yourself - without throwing the first punch - you'd still have the right to shoot him dead.


Just remember, if GZ is found guilty, then its switched to a celebratory, "got out of hand", "who can blame them" riot.........................okay?

I wonder how educated the jury is - specifically if they remember the Rodney King events? Do they have any awareness with how racially divisive this trial is? How is that playing on them?


The sociology study of this event is amazing.

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If I could ask a question it would be how TM could be in a position to have the leverage to rain down blows, slam GZ,s head and try to suffocate GZ and still be in a position to see GZ.s shirt ride up and see the gun- if you've ever been in a fight, usually to get the leverage you need to go to work you have to position yourself forward, knees at least around the nipple line and in that position you're not going anything except the head, neck, shoulders and maybe upper chest of the guy under you- if I was the prosecution I would have done a reenactment of the fight with guys of similar size of GZ and TM, I'd be interesting to see if the guy on top could see the gun and it would be interesting to see how hard it would be for the guy on the bottom to get to a gun on his hip.


Another question I'd like to ask GZ would be how does someone who regularly carries a gun, ready to go (one in the chamber safety off) and is following someone he considers suspicious forget he has a gun per his testimony

I'd think that TM was closer to GZ's midsection, to prevent GZ from using his knees to kick TM in the back. In that way, GZ would have enough leverage to use his head (which is bleeding) to head-butt TM's chest and explain the blood there.

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I'd think that TM was closer to GZ's midsection, to prevent GZ from using his knees to kick TM in the back. In that way, GZ would have enough leverage to use his head (which is bleeding) to head-butt TM's chest and explain the blood there.

I think the blood on the chest is due to a baggy sweatshirt and the act of slamming his head against the concrete - picking it up and slamming it against the ground hitting his hoodie and then the ground.
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Call the police GET OUT OF THE WAY.


The motto of pussies.


I've tolerated you to this point b/c I seem to recall having a positive impression of you, but I can't abide this dumbass **** any longer. You keep repeating this candy ass line as if it somehow grows less retarded with each subsequent recitation. You don't even understand the role of police. They have no duty to protect you. Their job is to investigate crime and make arrests. You probably shouldn't have a gun either. If someone attacks you just call the police & pelt him with tampons. That should work.

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He called the police ? Wow I feel like an idiot. Call the police GET OUT OF THE WAY.


TM is just gonna attack some random person? Or he's gonna attack someone who's chasing/tackled him ? Which scenario makes sense to you ?


Meazza go back to your hole and STFU. You know my take by now. Overzealous pill popping woman beater tackled TM, got his candy a$$ beat, then used his gun while screaming like a little girl...


Eff him eff u. Pokey time for GZ.


It sounds almost like you're describing yourself. Projection. Tisk tisk.







you know Rob, you try way to hard trying to make yourself look smarter then someone else...




As far as i know rob knows how to read and write which is already light years ahead of you.

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you know Rob, you try way to hard trying to make yourself look smarter then someone else...


I just find it irritating when people who don't know what they're talking about try to pass themselves off as a voice of authority. You're like a guy who walked into a group of engineers designing a stock car engine & attempts to set them straight by gracing them with the vast knowledge you obtained from a Chilton's when you changed the spark plugs on your '95 Escort.

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lol :lol:



prove your point then



real easy for someone to come along and tell another guy he doesn't know what hes talking about, its another to prove it

I pretty thoroughly decimated your arguments before. You holding firm like the Flat Earth Society doesn't change that.


But just for ***** & giggles why don't you explain for us what duty GZ violated, explain how it rises to the level of criminal negligence, and also how it LEGALLY precluded him from defending himself. And saying in your opinion getting out of the car = criminal negligence doesn't cut it.

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lol :lol:



prove your point then



real easy for someone to come along and tell another guy he doesn't know what hes talking about, its another to prove it


Your entire premise is based on unsupported speculation and hypotheticals like


Martin was shot dead, how do we know he wasn't fighting Zimmerman over the gun Zimmerman pullled and yelling for help?


And you're telling OTHER people to prove THEIR point?

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By the same token, his duty, if it can be classified or established as such as a neghborhood watch person, was to be eyes and ears only, and help protect the neighborhood and its occupants,



not kill them...


Another meaningless answer. Since you can't provide any logical analysis that leads to your conclusion, again, you serve up some empty rhetoric as a substitute.


You just said that if you're part of a neighborhood watch group you relinquish the right to defend yourself. That's your argument. :lol:

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Just remember, if GZ is found guilty, then its switched to a celebratory, "got out of hand", "who can blame them" riot.........................okay?


Certainly. It also doesn't affect the righteous wealth redistribution part of the peaceful expression of their feelings march.

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To ask someone to prove their intellect after displaying none themselves is probably the funniest thing I've seen in a while on here. What's next, calling someone out to the swings after school?


If so, I hope no one wears a hoodie.

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No, my argument is he was trained not to do what he did, knew there could be consequences for his actions. It was dark, rainy, Zimmerman had no business exposing himself to what he thought was a criminal element.



So if I walk in a dark alley and get attacked, it's my fault?


Do you also blame the girl who wears the skirt too short?

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To ask someone to prove their intellect after displaying none themselves is probably the funniest thing I've seen in a while on here. What's next, calling someone out to the swings after school?


If so, I hope no one wears a hoodie.


That's it! You, me, in the cornfield after school!

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Where is the justice? The first link is incredibly relevant - an article by the Columbus Dispatch




What about...



A 12 year old girl killed by 5 black males?



These men went to a level I do not even want to comment on because it is so hard to even think about it or read what happened again.


...and Zimmerman had a depraved mind? What about this guy...




She was 7. That's 10 years more angelic then the cherubic 17 year old Trayvon.



Not all Neighborhood watch captains carry a gun, evidently.



Or maybe these idiots on the neighborhood watch should be made national examples of... I mean they did follow teenage girls in a car...but the girls were white.


Or, maybe, just maybe, BAD BAD things happen across this country every single day.


Whether white, pink, purple or black ask yourself if it matters. This specific incident, George Zimmermans trial, has my interest because of the social aspect of it and the common misconceptions perpetuated by the media. If this was a black guy killing a white-hispanic we would have never heard about it. And furthermore, anyone who came out against the black guy, calling for his death or injury or half the comments made here against Zimmerman would be called racists by many of the very same ones coloring the world of Zimmerman as so evil.

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