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At the right price, why not Gaither?


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I know there are knocks on his penalties, but at the right price why not Gaither?


bleacher report

I would rather keep Bell if possible. If he leaves and Gaither comes at a reasonable price, that would be OK with me.

Like Bell, he is a solid LT when healthy, but he's been unable to stay healthy. But if I remember correctly, his health issues have been much more severe than Bell's.

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I would rather keep Bell if possible. If he leaves and Gaither comes at a reasonable price, that would be OK with me.

Like Bell, he is a solid LT when healthy, but he's been unable to stay healthy. But if I remember correctly, his health issues have been much more severe than Bell's.

At the right price, anyone is a potential signing.

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No warning bells go off by the fact that the guy has been released by three teams since the Bills just HAD to trade a 3rd rounder for him?* (*so many posts long ago demanded this trade)


He has NFL talent, but it comes with baggage. Not Haynesworth baggage, but baggage none-the-less. I think of him like Richie Icognito, capable of being a solid NFL player, but you have to be willing to live with the other distractions he brings... So far, teams have been moving on.


I'd say he's arguably more talented than Bell, but just as injury prone, and with more locker-room issues.


Is he really an improvement for our team? I don't think so.

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I think Hairston will end up as a very good LT, but maybe my glasses are too rose tinted.



I think your right about Hairston ending up as a good LT. Showed some promise when Bell went down. I'd go Bell, Hairston, draft another LT with one of our 4th rounders.

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The operative word here being the "right price". The dude is a known slacker. Sign the bum to a big contract and I'l guarantee you he'll under perform. He is what is is. A Big guy, athletic, but he does not have a passion to play this game. He plays for the $$$. Thus, if you want him to play, you must constantly display a carrot in his crosshairs. Which, interpreted for the masses, means pay the bum veteran minumum wage plus performance incentives. Otherwise any team picking him up is gonna get screwed

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