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Radio Host Loses It With Female GOP Candidate

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Thaddeus Matthews: ‘Get Your Stupid A**’ Out & I‘m Scared Your ’Whiteness’ Might Rub Off on Me


Matthews quickly became upset with Bergmann when she wouldn't answer directly about any affiliation with the Tea Party. Then he launched into a 16-minute argument filled with curse words and accusations that added up to her being too close to whites and not really having the interest of the black community in mind. Eventually, Bergmann bowed out of the conversation, and that's when Matthews really let her have it -- not only did he accuse her of being a "token negro" for whites, but he also slipped in references about Martin Luther King and even refused to shake her hand because he was afraid her "whiteness" would rub off on him.
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You know what was interesting about that clip?


When you cut away the 15 minutes of "if you're black and disagree with me, you ain't really black" position, Matthews was actually espousing conservative viewpoints. He was upset with her because her answer to helping her district with crime was to pass legislation to allow for more police protection in her district. Matthews' argument was that (1) not only is throwing money at the problem a waste of money, but (2) it fails to address the core of the problem, which is people making poor decisions. The truth is if she sounded less like a politician and he sounded less like a man who needed to berate a black female Republican simply because she was a black Republican with ovaries, they probably could have had a pretty quick meeting of the minds.


Unfortunately, he apparently needs the attention, so he let this video out. And it just shows him to be a jackass.

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If that were me and he told me to "shut up!" I politely take off the headphones and tell him "thank you but this interview is over."


If that were me and he told me to "shut up!" I politely take off the headphones and wrap the cord around his neck.

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When you cut away the 15 minutes of "if you're black and disagree with me, you ain't really black" position

I love when people use similar positions when I'm talking to them. It allows me to start using my horrible fake Scottish accent.


Except for when it makes you millions of dollars. MAybe he's gunning for his own TV show "The Matthews Factor."

There's the Bill-O comparison I was looking for.

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