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The Official Mitt Romney thread

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Every loser I know says that. It absolves you guys from having to face the fact that you personally have little of value to offer. Most successful people I know didn't come from rich parents. They do, however. know other successful people, many who they sought out or who they met as their paths converged. They tend to gravitate toward each other. But don't feel bad Dave, your mommy still thinks you're special.



Dave is typical of many of the losers I've met in life who have accomplished little and have a deep envy for the lives and possessions of others. But they can't wrap their little minds around the concept that opportunity and success generally come to those who work hard. The most successful people I know are the guys who are on the 6:21 train to Manhattan every morning.


Of course, Dave is so out of touch with any reality, he doesn't even understand the concept of work. I guess it must be easier for him to just be lazy and stupid and then cry about how everyone else has more than they do. This is classic:


The guy doesn't even work, the son of a CEO and then a CEO himself.

CEO's don't work? I'll be sure to let mine know that tomorrow. It'll be good for a laugh!

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He didn't really win Iowa and now creepy Newt Gingrich is giving him a run in SC. Wow!



Newt Gingrich has been surging among South Carolina voters. His strong debate performance Monday night, coupled with Romney's clumsy responses on his taxes, allowed Gingrich to move up swiftly. This week's CNN/Time/ORC International poll showed Gingrich cutting the Romney lead, and three polls Thursday morning have Gingrich modestly ahead in the state.


What's a guy with more money than God to do?


Don't worry Republicans, he still has enough money to win the nomination

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Dave is typical of many of the losers I've met in life who have accomplished little and have a deep envy for the lives and possessions of others. But they can't wrap their little minds around the concept that opportunity and success generally come to those who work hard. The most successful people I know are the guys who are on the 6:21 train to Manhattan every morning.


Of course, Dave is so out of touch with any reality, he doesn't even understand the concept of work. I guess it must be easier for him to just be lazy and stupid and then cry about how everyone else has more than they do. This is classic:



CEO's don't work? I'll be sure to let mine know that tomorrow. It'll be good for a laugh!

Is he a CEO now? No


Is he still "earning" millions a year?




Does he pay a lower rate than a person who does work? Yes

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He didn't really win Iowa and now creepy Newt Gingrich is giving him a run in SC. Wow!





What's a guy with more money than God to do?


Don't worry Republicans, he still has enough money to win the nomination


Dude. There's like 20 major league baseball players who have made in the last 10 years what took Romney a lifetime.


Do you demand to know what tax rate Ralph Wilson (who is worth many times more) pays?


Seek professional help.


Nevermind the question, why did this need a separate topic? Oh right. Because you're a !@#$ing idiot.

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What we want is to make sure that they can't stack the deck to take more of what we have left

I read this four times and still don't understand what you're saying. In what way do rich people stack the deck to take more of what you or I have left? Can you better explain what you're concerned about here?

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He didn't really win Iowa and now creepy Newt Gingrich is giving him a run in SC. Wow!





What's a guy with more money than God to do?


Don't worry Republicans, he still has enough money to win the nomination




Another please....please........please thread from Davey...........always good for a laugh (and a sympathetic shake of the head)


He's been reading those leftists sites again, those who have made "whistling passed the graveyard" an artform.


They have a disaster who's in over his head as an incumbent candidate, and no Bush to run against, so they hang on the battling GOP candidates


as a sign that theystill have a chance.



If there's a single lesson that life teaches us, it's that wishing doesn't make it so. ” ― Lev Grossman





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Dude. There's like 20 major league baseball players who have made in the last 10 years what took Romney a lifetime.


Do you demand to know what tax rate Ralph Wilson (who is worth many times more) pays?


Seek professional help.


Nevermind the question, why did this need a separate topic? Oh right. Because you're a !@#$ing idiot.

Don't mind Dave. He's watching his ideology get cut at the knee caps and he's acting out a little bit.


Do you have any idea how hard you have to work to be a one-term president? As it turns out, you don't have to work at all! :lol:

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Another please....please........please thread from Davey...........always good for a laugh (and a sympathetic shake of the head)


He's been reading those leftists sites again, those who have made "whistling passed the graveyard" an artform.


They have a disaster who's in over his head as an incumbent candidate, and no Bush to run against, so they hang on the battling GOP candidates


as a sign that theystill have a chance.



If there's a single lesson that life teaches us, it's that wishing doesn't make it so. ” ― Lev Grossman





Yes, Willard has us shaking in our boots! Has he even broke 40% yet of his own party's voters in a primary? You Republicans are so funny

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As explained, he pays taxes on that. It's not a haven of any kind.... You !@#$ing idiot.


"Oooo.... Romney has money in more than one bank account!!!" and your pea brain thinks this is somehow the height of all evil.


Go jump off a bridge, Dave. Do it. You know you want to.

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As explained, he pays taxes on that. It's not a haven of any kind.... You !@#$ing idiot.


"Oooo.... Romney has money in more than one bank account!!!" and your pea brain thinks this is somehow the height of all evil.


Go jump off a bridge, Dave. Do it. You know you want to.


You're right it's not a tax haven. He just puts his money there to avoid paying US taxes for the hell of it! The height of all evil? please. The fact that a person who is running for president of the United States is socking money away in off shore accounts to avoid US taxes doesn't look good does it.

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You're right it's not a tax haven. He just puts his money there to avoid paying US taxes for the hell of it! The height of all evil? please. The fact that a person who is running for president of the United States is socking money away in off shore accounts to avoid US taxes doesn't look good does it.



This post is getting you closer to Dave status. Explain how he is avoiding taxes by having multiple accounts.

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You're right it's not a tax haven. He just puts his money there to avoid paying US taxes for the hell of it! The height of all evil? please. The fact that a person who is running for president of the United States is socking money away in off shore accounts to avoid US taxes doesn't look good does it.



Honestly, the slightest bit of reading proves you wrong, think before you post. (note that there is no point in telling Davey this)


Andrew Moriss



Romney and Cayman Islands

January 18, 2012


ABC is shocked, shocked to discover the Mitt Romney has invested in hedge funds domiciled in the gasp Cayman Islands. Even worse, Cayman financial professionals refused on camera to give details of Romneys investments.


As someone who has actually been to the Caymans, and spoken repeatedly with Cayman hedge fund professionals, here are a couple of things ABC News missed that they would have found if say they had bothered to use a sophisticated research tool like Google to learn about the hedge fund industry. With even minimal digging, they might have found an expert like Houman Shadab at New York Law School, the best academic writer on HFs around, who could have explained how HFs work. Instead they went to the Tax Justice Network, a highly partisan group dedicated to impoverishing the people of the small jurisdictions that specialize in international business.


1) As the Romney campaign noted in its response to the story, Romney remained liable for US taxes on his earnings from Cayman funds. There is no evidence he did not pay those taxes.


2) Many investors in Cayman funds are tax exempt organizations (charities, for example). Since these entities owe no taxes, they arent in Cayman to evade taxes but for some other reason. What could that reason be?


3) Here are a few candidates: Cayman has a sophisticated and cheaper-to-comply-with regulatory structure than the US for hedge funds. Cayman regulators have higher educational qualifications than US regulators. Cayman laws are better suited to hedge fund oversight than US-retail-oriented regulation. Is there anyone who thinks Mitt Romney needs the help of the SEC (which couldnt catch Bernie Madoff despite being given a roadmap of his fraud multiple times by Harry Markopoulis) to avoid being swindled? There are real differences between US and Caymanian securities laws but they mostly make Cayman look better than the US for high net worth investors. And Madoff makes the US look bad for all investors.


4) Had they looked a little more, they would have found that Delaware is the top US domicile for hedge funds. Perhaps they could have asked VP Biden for a comment on why HFs cluster there.


5) Even the slightest investigation would have revealed that it is a violation of Cayman criminal law to reveal client information surely ABC knew that, yet did its gotcha shot anyway. Pathetic journalism.


This story is really exceptionally poorly done.



Dan Mitchell


ABC News Produces Empty and Biased Story on Mitt Romney and Tax Havens

January 19, 2012 by Dan Mitchell


Exactly 10 days ago, I predicted that the press would attack Mitt Romney for using tax havens. In that post, I wrote that, …based on the questions, it appears that the establishment media wants to hit Romney for utilizing tax havens… As far as I can tell, none of these reporters have come out with a story. …But I think its just a matter of time.


Sure enough, like the swallows returning to Capistrano, its happened. Two hacks at ABC News, Brian Ross and Megan Chuchmach, revealed (brace yourself for a real scoop) that Mitt Romney is a rich guy and some of his investments are based in funds domiciled in the Cayman Islands (gasp!).


Wow, what a revelation! This must be Pulitzer Prize material. Pray tell, what wrongdoing did the story uncover? Well, here's the article.




Youre probably thinking you missed something, because theres nothing to the story. But thats because the reporters dont have anything. The only thing youll discover is that Ross and Chuchmach are biased hacks. Because not only did they write a story about nothing, they also quoted two left-wingers, Jack Blum and Rebecca Wilson, and failed to give the other side even an inch of column space.


Blum is a former John Kerry staffer who is most famous for making unsubstantiated claims (which he later admitted were fabricated) that tax havens resulted in $100 billion of lost revenue to the Treasury each year.


And Rebecca Wilson works for Citizens for Tax Justice, a union-funded group so radical that even congressional Democrats usually are reluctant to work with them.



Edited by B-Man
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I read this four times and still don't understand what you're saying. In what way do rich people stack the deck to take more of what you or I have left? Can you better explain what you're concerned about here?

It's like this. The government makes all the money and spreads it around. It would be evenly distributed among us. The problem is that the corporations are all corporationy, & take all the money. If millionaires like Romney weren't hogging it all everyone in the bottom quartile would have it made. Get with the program, chief.

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It's like this. The government makes all the money and spreads it around. It would be evenly distributed among us. The problem is that the corporations are all corporationy, & take all the money. If millionaires like Romney weren't hogging it all everyone in the bottom quartile would have it made. Get with the program, chief.


And the Pet Rocks. Don't forget the Pet Rocks!


I mean, the lower classes had no choice but to make that "inventor" a millionaire.

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